
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs


Dominique stared at the man who was ineffectively hiding a young female behind him. They would do. They looked like they knew what they were doing when they were looking around, so they were the ones chosen by Sircela.

…Or maybe it was because they were the first humans his familiar saw.

They were both staring at him with wide, disbelieving eyes, their mouths hanging open.

He inwardly shrugged, grabbing them and hauling them out the window.

He would have shut them up, but the female quickly blocked her mouth to contain her shout as they free-fell from the sky.

They landed on Sircela's smooth body, where his boss was still standing as he coolly looked into the distance.

Dominique hauled both the female and male towards his boss, where he plunked them down before taking his rightful place by boss' side.

Alec helplessly stared at the father and daughter pair that were scared out of their wits.

It looked like they still hadn't recovered from Dominique's sudden appearance into the building via the window. All Alec had said was that it would be good if they managed to find an inhabitant of the city to question them whether or not they knew where the lab was.

He hadn't expected Dominique to immediately leap down from his new familiar's back like some sort of swooping bat and launch himself into a window to grab two random people.

The father and daughter pair were still shaking, acting like they were in a kidnapping situation.

Alec resisted the urge to put his hand on his face. That's right. They technically were since there was no way that Dominique had managed to explain anything in those short few seconds before he grabbed them to bring them back up here.

By now, Alec had already given up. He might as well go with the flow.

Joseph was still shaking as he realized he was stepping on the monstrous existence's back.

Just being here on top of it made chills and shakes go through his entire body. Its presence alone had been enough to deter him when they were at a distance, but now that he was directly *on* it, the pressure was so much worse up close and personal.

A sense of horror continued to swell up in him. Just who were these people, and what did they want with him and his daughter?

Why had they brought them onto the creature's back without saying anything?

Hold up. Were they being kidnapped right now? Joseph wanted to dial 911, but this was the apocalypse!

Someone who would control this creature had to be earthshakingly powerful, yet they wanted Joseph and Jane?


Unless… it was some sort of kink that they couldn't get normally?

Joseph thought about it until he felt like his eyes were swirling.

"We're looking for a research lab. Do you know of any?"

Joseph forced himself to calm down, analysing the situation. They didn't seem like they wanted to kill them, so they were safe for now. In body, at least.

He seriously thought hard about their question. It didn't even matter that it came from a young boy that was younger than his daughter.

From the way the man who grabbed them stood at the back acting like a subordinate, it was likely that this boy was the one who had ordered for them to be grabbed.

Someone who would do something like that without blinking nor explaining what they wanted would definitely have no qualms about killing them if they didn't like his answer.

He was even smiling so gently the entire time! Terrifying.

That little boy was a terrifying existence. Of that, he had no doubt.

Alec's eyes moved to Jane, who was still partially hidden behind him, and Joseph all but panicked.

"Wait, wait. I know, so take me, alright?!"

Alec's eyes moved back to Joseph, causing the man to heave a sigh of relief in his mind.

Like this, a misunderstanding that was born starting from Dominique's actions, then continued because of Joseph's own misunderstanding, solidified into something weird in Joseph's mind.

"I know a few places," Joseph deferentially said, causing Alec to eye him.

Yet being eyed by Alec only made him more deferential even as he sweated inwardly.

Jane shot her father a baffled look. By now, her shaking had calmed somewhat. She touched the skin of the creature they were standing on, feeling the warmth from it.

The terror that she felt emitting from the winged whale only abated the longer she stood there. What she didn't realize was that it wasn't that the pressure the whale gave off abated at all, but rather that her body was rapidly adapting.

Jane marvelled. Such a large, terrifying creature, yet it was listening to that man and that boy's orders.

How strange!

"Point them out for us."

Joseph squashed his fear of heights. Even when his legs were shaking as he looked down, he looked and didn't dare refute even when he felt like he was going to vomit.

"There, on Sunset Boulevard, there's a lab there."

Alec's eyes tracked the man's finger and spotted the building, nodding.

He jumped down, as did Dominique, leaving the daughter and father on the winged-whale's back.

Joseph's legs finally gave out from under him when the two calamities left, only to leave them here on the creature that was just as terrifying.

The man tried to make his presence smaller, furiously whispering at his daughter who was running around on the whale without a care.

"Jane don't run around! What if the whale gets angry at us!?"

Jane obediently stopped her curiosity, hugging her father even as she rolled her eyes behind his back. He was acting too suspiciously. What if the flying whale got angry because he was acting all afraid instead?

It didn't take long before Alec and Dominique jumped back onto Sircela's back, and the father and daughter pair's conversation stuttered to a halt.

"What other labs are there around here?" Alec inquired.

Joseph, who had been furiously wracking his mind to recall all of the labs that were in the area, was ready to answer this question. He felt as if the test he'd been furiously studying for paid off as he was able to answer the question.

By now, the presence of Dominique's new familiar Sircela, had alarmed many people.

The giant whale in the skies casually flapping its wings caused no small amount of wind. The people had to be careful to anchor themselves otherwise they'd go flying.

The most notable thing, however, was that the zombies that had been hounding them didn't dare to move after the appearance of the whale, allowing the people to kill the zombies with relative ease.

This sudden chain of events caused the people to crazily kill whatever zombies there were in the area. The whale's presence was both a calamity and a blessing.

The pressure that it gave them was no joke, and for a while almost none of the people could get used to it, but when they realized that the flying whale in the sky wasn't going to do anything to them, they plucked up their courage.

The zombies had to go. The more they killed in this time, the more they'd be able to wander relatively safely to scour for resources later.

This sudden chain of events caused almost all the zombies that existed in City NL to be wiped out, allowing N1 base to expand and become a powerhouse in the future.

With the flying whale's threatening presence, there were a great number of people who felt as if they were facing a life endangering situation, causing them to unleash their potential and awaken their powers.

It could be said that the presence of Alec and Dominique had caused this change within Country AA, changing their history beyond compare.

Meanwhile, up on Sircela's back, Joseph and Jane were facing the bulk of the whale's threatening presence.

Even when they were relatively safe, because of the various stops that Alec and Dominique made throughout the city as they visited the labs, they left the father and daughter duo on the back of the whale for majority of the time.

There was something budding within Joseph, as with Jane. Their latent powers were blooming under the pressure that Sircela was putting on their body, but they didn't know it yet.

Alec: ... Wait a minute. You called your whale Sircela??




Alec: ... Don't do it again.

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Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

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