
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs


Tatiana snapped out her surprise the moment Dietrich pulled her along.

Their feet thundered along the rocky floor of the cave as they dashed back the way they came from, adrenaline flooding their veins.

Whatever was there behind the wall was likely not something that they could face right now.

They knew it instinctively.

The giant eye followed them along as they ran, looming threateningly.

Even while it was partially obscured by the wall between them, the thing that appeared beyond still managed to threaten them.

It was a level of existence that oppressed them, as if saying they weren't on the same level at all.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The spike of adrenaline made their heart pound loudly, and Tatiana let out curt, disbelieving laugh.

To think that she'd thought this would be a calm little date. It looks like it wasn't meant to be. Her extraneous thoughts all came to the surface, and her eyes locked onto the hands that were still joined together.

There wasn't a sound from the 'wall', which was strange in its own right, but she didn't have the luxury to think about that right now.

A gritted grin appeared on Dietrich's handsome face as well. He too did not expect that they would face something of this magnitude when they'd come down to relax.

In fact, he wasn't quite sure why they weren't already dead, having disturbed that thing beyond the wall. Surely, something of that level would have easily managed to kill them.


The entire place shook and trembled, causing little pieces of debris to fall from the top. Whatever monster or creature that dwelled behind the wall smashed heavily into it.

One time, two times, three times.

The smashing continued even as they ran, and they realized that the being was trying to break out because of their presence.

There was an exceedingly faint muffled sound that originated from behind the wall as it followed them without a problem.

Tatiana got the impression that the *thing* was hungry – had been hungry for ages.

There was a bit of shock when she realized that even the previously unilluminated parts of the wall were all originating from that same thing from beyond the wall.

The only light that was present in this place that didn't come from their torch came from whatever was there behind the 'wall', giving them a good indicator about where it was.

Now that it was awake, its presence was muffled, but somehow even stronger, and the light that illuminated from it was enough for them to see every nook and cranny, which, ironically, allowed them to run quicker and faster without fear of tripping.

By now, they should have already felt a crushing pressure by whatever was behind there, but so far, they hadn't.

Thinking up to this point, both Dietrich and Tatiana calmed down as they realized something. Their previously frantic footsteps slowed down, before coming to a complete stop.

Both Main Characters stared hard at the 'wall' that separated them and the mysterious creature.

Sure enough, the wall shuddered as it absorbed the blow from the mysterious being, but it did nothing but tremble a bit.

There was nothing that indicated the 'wall' would shatter from the blows it was under.

The eyes of the beast were glaring at them, blinking, blinking. They gave off the impression that the mysterious beast was eager to devour them whole.

Tatiana's racing heart calmed down a little as she looked at it objectively.

It had been here this long, but it still hadn't broken out, so it likely wasn't to do so any time soon.

Dietrich breathed out as he stared at the 'eye' that glowed brighter than the rest of it.

"It should be safe for now," he said.

Tatiana moved her head lightly, and the being followed her movements, and was stiller than when they ran.

She narrowed her eyes.

Just what the hell was this thing?

"We should go back up regardless. There's no reason to take a risk before we're able to assess the potential damage a misstep here could cause," Dietrich said with a frown.

"I disagree. Look, whatever that is, it isn't able to get out. But that might not be the case in the future. If so, we should try moving to the end to see whether or not there's a difference."

Both of them voiced their opinion out loud, trying to quickly think about the pros and cons.

The eye continued staring at them without blinking.

It was both shadow and light, night and day.

Instinctively, the both knew that they wouldn't be able to handle the magnitude of that strange being if it got loose.

But there was no reason to go back now. Not when they were safe for the time being.

What if they missed a chance because they gave in? What if it *wasn't* safe in the future?

In the end, it was Dietrich who gave in.

"Alright, quickly. Let's move to the end."

If it wasn't because he was worried about Tatiana's safety, he would have made the same decision as her and pressed on. But as a big brother, he couldn't quite forgive himself for putting her in danger.

He frowned.

Strange. He didn't think he would react this way with Alec or Kieran. Why was that?

He shook the thought out for the time being.

Now wasn't the time for that.

They turned around abruptly, causing the being behind the wall to slam into the wall again, before it raced after them.

Little bits of debris showered down from the top again.

Both Main Characters sped down the pathway, and the being behind the wall turned and followed them.

Just what was it that was following them?

Neither of them had ever heard about something as terrible as this existing in the first place.

There was no doubt that something like this could be a calamity if it was back in their realm.

The only reason why it wasn't already wreaking havoc was because it was being constrained by the wall. But what if the wall wasn't there?

How could they possible defeat it?

Tatiana got the feeling that it was *swimming* of all things, which would make sense with how the light spread out from the 'wall', but then… how?

This place was entirely underground, and the world up top had not shown any indications of leading to water…

"Does that thing feel like it's swimming to you?"

Dietrich studied it as they ran down the path. He tried to look at its entirety instead of just focusing on one part and realized that what Tatiana was saying made sense.

"Right. Instead of 'running' I get the feeling like it's swimming. There's a certain fluidity in its motions that look more like a tail swishing rather than using legs to run. In that case, whatever thing that is, there's a large deposit of water that we haven't found any access to."

Tatiana breathed out roughly but felt a strange anticipation well up within her. "I don't know what that is, but we should speed up."


The two ran at max speed, yet the thing was able to follow them with ease, almost appearing like it was mocking them instead.

Its eyes traversed their silhouettes behind the strangely resilient wall, roaming and causing faint prickles to run down their spines.

The walls around them continued widening, until they eventually chanced upon what should be the end.

Indeed, the place that they eventually reached was large and vast.

If you pictured a lake with all its water gone, leaving only the indentation of where all the water should have been in the ground, that was what they were left with.

As they reached this place, the strangely lit thing moved away from the sides, and instead hovered above their heads, circling them.

Tatiana's blood was rushing quickly through her veins as a sense of danger and excitement welled up within her.

"Haha, just what is this…!"

First bonus chapter

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