
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Heading Back

By the time he was finished, Alec finally felt satisfied with his progress with the teleportation seal that was in his hands.

Testing it on various objects that had been placed around the room, Alec nodded in satisfaction when he noted that there was nothing wrong with the seal.

Then, he tried it himself since he was sure that it wouldn't malfunction. There was always a risk in using it himself, but that was something that he was willing to take. More than calling it recklessness, it showed how Alec was that confident in the seal that he'd made.

Sticking the seal on the other corner of the room, he activated the seal that was in his hands, appearing at the other seal without a problem. Other than a pulling feeling when the seal activated, there was no problems. His limbs were intact, and nothing else was out of place as far as he was aware.

Now satisfied that he wouldn't be able to tweak it any further with his current knowledge, Alec put them down and started working on a few other modifications. This time, he made a barrier version, as well as another array version.

The three modified versions did different things, satisfying Alec's curiosity and innovative spirit.

Before he had time to start a fourth, the time on the clock signalled that the twenty-four hours of time that he was allocated was now up.

Having finished presented his seal to the same panel of judges, to say that they were impressed was an understatement.

Quinn and the three array masters filed into the room once it hit the twenty-four-hour mark on the dot, each of them showing him smiles in their own ways.

Checking and testing the various seals that Alec had produced, there were no problems. Quinn's fingers itched to possess some seals for his own usage. They were sure to be useful in both combat and non-combat situations.

Their eyes practically scorched Alec with the desire to have a conversation about arrays and other similar subjects with him.

Truly, never before had there been such a young array master that had graced the continent. They didn't think that they would ever find another one even if they searched high and low.

Quinn grandly presented him with a gold pin in the shape of his Magnitude Seal that was the hallmark of an array master. Now that he had the pin, there was no one who would be able to say that he didn't deserve to be called one. As the pin couldn't be replicated due to various measures, Alec would be recognised widely throughout the continent.

Alec pinned it onto the inside of his shirt's collar rather that outside, smiling in thanks to the panel of judges.

Alecris Neil, the youngest ever array master that had ever been sighted. He blew the competition out of the water, and no longer was Edward Little the youngest ever array master.

Still, Edward wasn't jealous. Instead, he admired the young child greatly, wondering just how he had been taught, and by whom. He wondered just what series of circumstances had come together to produce this array master before him.

Alec was led out of the room only to be showered with thunderous applause and cheers from those who had stayed behind to watch the process of him modifying the teleportation array, startling him briefly.

But then, he regained him calm. After all, he supposed that it wasn't too farfetched for the institute to broadcast what they were doing inside the rooms so as to expand their base of knowledge.

When he smiled at them, they felt like they were struck over the head by the smile that bloomed on the small child's face, stunning them.

Quinn took this chance to whisk away the new array master into his office to discuss the matter about his Magnitude Seal.


No one knew what they discussed within the room, but what they did know was that Alec and Quinn came out smiling.

For the usually dignified Quinn O'Brien to beam so widely that his eyes had practically disappeared, they knew that he must have come to an amicable conclusion to their partnership.

Alec handed over the cipher to his Magnitude Seal after the institution registered the copyright under his name, so if anyone wanted to procure his seals, they would have to pay him.

Leaving the advertisement and sales to the institution, he was fine just raking in the money that would come from the sales.

They met the rest of the Heavenly Ascension Sect's disciples as well as elder Faye, who were waiting for him to emerge from Quinn's office.

"Congratulations, Alec."


"Thank you," Alec said, smiling at them. He made sure to thank each one of them since he hadn't realized how antisocial he'd been behaving before this.

Not only did they congratulate him, they shielded him from the zealous other array crafters who wanted to talk to Alec.

Alec felt helpless. Many of them didn't look like they were going to give up trying to contact him, which made him feel annoyed at the extra attention he would be getting in the next few days.

Instead of their original plan to stay within Psyberion City for the next few days, they planned to head back to the sect straight away.

Alec's brows furrowed lightly hearing about this plan. "I can head back to the sect myself –"

Jade cut him off. "Nonsense! We're either heading back together or not at all!"

Her sentiment was echoed by the other disciples of the array division, which made him slightly embarrassed. How could he say that he still wanted to visit the various bookstores that he hadn't got a chance to yet…

Still, they were treating him this warmly despite his earlier indifference to them. Perhaps it was also tied into the fact that he was the youngest ever array master, but he didn't begrudge them for it.

He just felt a bit tired about how society functioned, that's all. Regardless of whether they were in a sect, a clan, or outside in the world, society remained the same. They weren't bad, and Alec was sure that he could warm up to them eventually.

Besides, Alec could feel no malintent from them, and even Clause had congratulated him, even if he did sound like he would rather not. His pink-tipped ears gave him away.

Alec reflected on his past actions – especially the time when he had been a System. He wondered just how much he distanced himself from society, so much that he was holding himself apart from any friendly or non-hostile interactions in the system space.

When he thought back about it, there had indeed been a few systems that had tried to make friends with him, only for him to brush them off. Alec's face pinked slightly, embarrassed. He knew that he had probably been taking his bad mood out on both transmigrators and other systems alike.

Then, when he thought of the way those transmigrators had acted even after a long time of him trying to get them to change their mind, he felt the stirrings of his temper act up again. Yeah, some of them still acted like complete morons.

Still, Alec generally strived to improve himself, so this was yet another area that he would have to push and better himself.

By the time they returned to the sect, night had fallen, yet he caught sight of his master standing there, waiting for him.

The rest of the disciples dispersed quickly, leaving Alec to walk up to his master.

The man's eyes were warm even as his face remained stoic. The curve on Alec's smile increased the slightest amount.

When Nathan hesitated, but still placed his hand on top of his direct disciple's head, patting him lightly, his fingers were slightly chilled from waiting outside for them to return, and Alec felt his heart warm.

"Congratulations, Alec."

Alec smiled. Pfft. Wasn't this the first time that his master was calling him by his nickname? It must have been because he heard the other disciples call him that. The times his master acted all nonchalant was so funny.

"Thank you, master."

Top 150; 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters~

Considering doing 4 bonus chapters if we reach top 50. What do you think?

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