
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs

Haunted House

Finding both of his friends was both easier and harder than he thought.

Hong Jun was helpful in confirming that Cyrus and Zacharias were here, but the boy had no idea where they came from.

To the pickpocket, the two just appeared randomly like ghosts slinking out from the wall. After a beating, no one else was in any shape to go chasing after them to see where they disappeared to.

However, as far as Hong Jun knew, only the street rats were the ones who were receiving their 'tender loving care' as he described it. No one else in proper standing seemed to know about them.

The strange thing was that they only ever appeared to beat up the kids. They left the adults alone most of the time.

Hong Jun paused as he thought about every incident so far. The promise of money was enough for him since the information was trading wasn't anything important. The rich kid would be able to find out about this information from anyone else on the streets, so why would he give up this chance to make extra money?

"There were a few times where they attacked adults, but that was because they'd been trying to force some of the kids to hand over their food or threatening bodily harm. The two reapers then beat down those who were being threatened anyway, so it doesn't matter."

Alec thought over all of the information that he'd received. He eyed Hong Jun with interest. The more he talked, the more this boy felt… off.

Basically, his grammar and way of speech too good for him to have grown up on the streets.

Alec wondered if this one was a transmigrator. He was certainly showing some of the signs.

Hong Jun felt a shiver go down his spine at the way the younger boy was staring at him. It felt like he was a bug under a microscope. Not that they had microscopes here. At least, he didn't think so. Did they?

That didn't discount the feeling he was getting from the stare he was getting. Even though the boy's smile was light and gentle as a breeze, his eyes were strangely intense for a kid younger than he was.

Since he was feeling unsettled, Hong Jun spilled more than he originally planned to unknowingly.

Alec was satisfied with the amount of information the pickpocket had given him, so he gave him the extra money. He was running low on cash soon. He'd have to make some money quick.

"Are you interested in a business proposition?"

Hong Jun felt like he'd backed himself into a corner, with the way he already accepted the extra money.

Alec's smile curved a bit more seeing the boy's wary expression. The pickpocket reminded him a bit of a street cat.

"W-hat," the boy tripped over his words. His face darkened. Of all the times for him to stutter!

"I'll give you a tip. That thing you're doing when you're pickpocketing someone? Do you really think it's your 'stellar' skills?"



So, Zacharias and Cyrus were in the city for sure. Hong Jun had never mentioned a girl that came with them, so Tatiana was definitely not here.

Alec was sure that he would be able to locate Zacharias and Cyrus at least. He didn't know if it was just easier for him to fathom what they were thinking because they were males, or if it was just because Tatiana's thought process differed from the average person's.

Alec still couldn't pin down her thoughts most of the time, which didn't really frustrate him most of the time, but in this situation, it was driving him insane!

Well. It was fine.

Tatiana, despite being a bit prone to tears, was just as strong as the rest of them were. She wouldn't roll over and die just like that. He had faith.

Alec rounded the corner, walking in the dark corners. It was surprisingly clean, for what passed as the slums.

Hong Jun directed him here with vague instructions, but it was enough.

This place fit all the requirements.

It was remote. There was hardly any traffic during the day, and completely silent at night. Of course, most importantly, it looked haunted. Which dissuaded even more people from coming around or bothering with it.

The only people who would come here was those who were doing stupid challenges like a test of courage and whatnot. Even the street kids thought it was haunted since they always heard things like creaking and doors opening.

Alec thought it just sounded like home. Or Zacharias and Cyrus playing pranks on people to make sure they stayed away.

The building indeed looked like it was something straight out of a horror movie.

It was rundown, but not so rundown that a person would have trouble remaining inside.

The white of the building had seen better days, fading to a yellow that spoke of old age. Paint curled at the strangest spots, and the front door looked like it was rotten from the inside. A couple of tiles had fallen off from the roof, leaving a few bare spots. As the sun dimmed in the sky, it cast a spooky glow to the building, the sun dipping low.

Alec was about to enter when he heard the sad sound of a birdcall in the distance as two men hurried past.

Alec frowned. He didn't think that many people were even willing to walk past this house, with all the rumours going around. Luckily, he had ducked into the shadow of the house, so he didn't stick out that much.

He inwardly shrugged before entering the said 'haunted house'.

The door inched open, but not a sound was heard. Alec smirked as he disabled the traps that had been left around the door, replacing them to how it had been before he entered. He loved being right. There was no way a house that was already in this shape wouldn't have a front door that creaked loudly unless there was someone doing maintenance on the hinges.

He could not sense any living creatures in the house, nor was there any breathing that he could hear, however faint.

Alec ran eyes over the clean place, a far cry from the outside appearance. At first glance, nothing was out of place, but the absence of dust spoke of cleaning.

Walking along, he noted several hidden caches stored with weapons in strategic places, calming him.

This was really where Zacharias and Cyrus were staying.

He found an armchair next to a beat-up mattress on the ground, hidden in the shadows next to a lamp.

Sitting down, Alec closed his eyes to get some meditation done.

Who knew when they would come back?

Half an hour passed before he felt the approach of two people at the peak foundational stage.

By now, the house was already cast in eerie darkness, but for Alec, who was already used to things that appeared 'haunted', it was no trouble.

Alec hid his magical signature deep within himself, just barely blending into the surroundings.

What a lot of people didn't know was that everything had a tiny bit of magic. That's why it was so important to leave a faint trace on yourself when you tried to go into 'stealth' mode.

If you hid everything, then it would only be a hole in their perception where nothing existed, which meant that they would be able to find you that much quicker.

Alec felt both teens get closer to him.

Zacharias groaned. "Finally back. I just want to collapse and go to sleep," he said, groping around for the lamp.

He pulled the beaded string, casting light into the room.

"Hello, Zacharias. Cyrus. Long-time no see."

Last bonus chapter :)

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Top 350: 1 bonus chapter

Disclaimer: the cliffhangers were not intentionally produced

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