
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs


Lily was a big girl now.

That's what her mama said. She was a big girl, so she had to smile, she had to be polite, she had to be kind.

She couldn't ever let the world get her down, because the world was a beautiful place. She just had to find it.

It didn't matter what anyone else said.

It didn't matter that she didn't have a friend before she met Alec, because Alec was her friend now!

Mama was right. There was a lot of joy in the world. She just had to find it herself. These days, the world seemed so sparkly. They were full of magic and excitement!

Even as mama faded before her, Lily threw herself deeper into her books, into looking for a cure, into looking for something – anything – anything at all.

The harder it was, the brighter her smile. Smile. She had to smile for the world, for herself, for her mama.

Because if she stopped smiling, Lily felt like she would break into little pieces, never to be put back together as a whole again.

Mama brushed her locks out of her face, smiling at her as she listened to her spilling everything about the day's events.

Something desperate crawled its way up her throat, at the feeling of her mama's bony hands.

What could she do? There was nothing she could do besides smile.

Both an armour and weapon, Lily wielded her smile as comfort.

That wasn't to say that she was faking it, of course. Lily was doing her best to find even the littlest things to be happy about. Mama said that it was optimism, and something that she had been cultivating all this time. It was both a part of her as well as something separate altogether, but Lily wouldn't trade it for the world.

So, when she heard that Alec was leaving the town already, she didn't feel sad. Or rather, she did feel sad for a brief moment, but then it was replaced whole by the thankfulness she felt towards him. They would meet again one day; she was sure of it.

For being her friend, for giving her courage, for allowing her to dream. She thanked him.

Looking at the pot that she received as a gift from him, Lily prodded the herbs lightly, feeling them almost sing in a way under her magic. She didn't think it was a 'bond' like Alec, said… more like… a faint feeling?

The Elemental magic technique that had been so foreign to her slowly took up a large part of her free time. Even as she read about the various plants that she so loved; she was also practicing.

There wasn't a spare second to waste, as Alec said. If you loved something, then you should work hard for it. Even if you didn't, since you already committed to it, then all the more you should do your best.

Lily felt like these words described what she did every day perfectly.

It made the discord she felt when she overheard someone else talking about slacking off or doing the job just to get it over with blow away.

Lily didn't need to heed their advice. If Lily was doing it, then Lily was going to do it right.

As Lily finished delivering the few sacks of potatoes that she did every day, she habitually went into Mr. Wood's flower shop to buy a single flower for her mama.

Mr. Woods was sitting behind the counter, and Lily had a pang of loss as she overlapped the image of Alec sitting there. Though she had only known him for a few days, he had already taught her so much.

Now, he was gone.

"Hello, Mr. Woods!"

"Hello, Lily," Mr. Woods greeted her, smiling as usual. Lily smiled back at him.

This day, however, Mr. Woods didn't start getting her a flower as he usually did.

"Lily, I know that you previously refused my offer to work here with me, but I'm offering again. Alec told me that you have a lot of knowledge about different plants, right? What do you say? This way, you'll be able to do something that you love whilst getting a bit more money than I'm sure you're already getting."

Lily hesitated when she heard his words. She had thought about it, sure, but she always felt so indebted to the man that she could never bring herself to take the offer that he'd given her.

Not to mention, she felt a little guilty when she thought that she would have fun in the flower shop whilst her mama waited for her back at home.

"I know what you're thinking," Mr. Woods said, looking kindly at her. "But if you want it, then you should work for it, right? In my shop, you'll be able to gather a lot more knowledge than if you're constantly running around and wearing yourself out."

The man paused. "Also, Alec said that you have a green thumb that'll be able to help the shop, right?"

Lily struggled with her desires, biting her lip.

She was only eight years old, but she already knew what she wanted in life. This way, she could even help out Mr. Woods with his plants as well!

"Okay," Lily said with firm determination. "I'll be the best employee you can ask for!"

Mr. Woods chuckled, patting her head. "I'm sure you will."


Alec shouldered his backpack, looking back at Mystik town. He'd left Lily in the hands of Stanley. It was his little way of giving back to the Woods' family slightly, since he couldn't do anything right now.

He was almost a hundred percent certain that Stanley's son had been snatched up by slave traders. Alec didn't know if he would be able to do anything about that, but he would keep his ear out.

He'd managed to get from them that his son's name was Mason. Mason Woods.

Hopping onto the wagon (what the fuck, they still used wagons) with Philip and Elias, Henry hopped in front, steering the horses.

As Alec looked back at the town that was steadily growing smaller, he heard the sweet – well, not really – sound of the Mainframe's voice.

[Mission: Stay two weeks or longer within Mystik Town completed.]

[+100 Points]

[Current Points: 280]

There was a long, pregnant pause before he heard the Mainframe again.

[Mission: Earn money to travel completed.]

[+100 Points]

[Current Points: 380]

Alec clenched his fist, feeling a strong elation as the words registered in his mind. He was now a step closer towards the immediate goal of a thousand points, where he would hopefully get rid of the OOC function.

Though Alec was now used to it, that didn't mean that he was willing to live with it for the rest of his life.

There was always the chance that the Mainframe would not allow him to disable to OOC function, but Alec dreaded to even think about that happening.

Heh. Who was he kidding?

This was the Mainframe that he was talking about. There had to be some sort of clause that was set in place so that he would suffer. However, if there was even the slightest chance that he would be able to get rid of it, then Alec would work for it.

Even if it turned out to be hopeless in the end, at least he tried his best and knew it.

Bunbun sidled up to him, looking for attention. Alec patted the sleepy-looking bunny, his tiny hands sinking into the soft fur.

If the him from ten years ago could see him now…

Alec wondered if he would do everything the same way again.

Then, just as he was about to relax and drift off under the purring bunny, the wagon jolted.

"Creature attack!" Henry shouted back at them.

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Top 350: 1 bonus chapter

The discovery of an insult generator is the best thing ever xD

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