
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

George Bailey

Two people descended from the skies like messengers from heaven.

From the back of the flying whale, a figure that looked like a man as well as a smaller figure jumped off, freefalling from the sky. Rather than having their hands spread out as per normal, they appeared more like they just took a step off and descended in that position.

This shocked the inhabitants of the N1 base, causing them to point and gasp. There was a faint worry at the back of their minds that this was some sort of advanced zombie that was coming to conquer their base.

More than that, they were worried that they would be seeing a gruesome scene of blood today. Surely, no one could be safe descending from those heights?

The two figures plunged towards the base, freefalling, only for their fall to be stopped right before they were about to hit the ground.

The people around had long since evacuated the area around the place where they were estimated to splatter onto the ground. Not even neo-humans could survive a fall of that height.

The base flared with silent alarms, casting red over everyone's vision.

They had no precedence for a matter like this, so caution had to be observed.

When the two landed, observers that had been brave enough to stick around to see what was up studied the two intensely.

There was a child that looked like he was barely out of elementary school, as well as a young man that should have just barely graduated college.

Both of them sported different types of looks, but it was enough to make the young maidens swoon.

While the young boy gave off a feeling of a refreshing gaze, the young man was scarily intense, as if he was about to fight whoever dared to approach them.

George Bailey was alerted to the occurrence as soon as the flying whale in the sky was spotted.

While he originally sealed himself in the bunker, his secretary informed him the moment it was deemed that the two weren't zombies, but instead powerhouses in their own right.

It was only then that the man was willing to leave the safety of the bunker.

Being able to control such a giant creature like that had never been seen nor witnessed before in human history.

It had only been three months, yet there were already neo-humans that had evolved to such a form. How could George not be excited? This was a chance for humanity. For him.

George had to secure their loyalty before anything else. If they were able to command that flying whale in the sky that gave the entire N1 base so much pressure…

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that they would be able to rule the world sooner or later.

The rest of the world would have to bow before him if they didn't want to be obliterated off the map of the earth, never mind that most technology had already stopped working.

George's heart was pounding as various fantasies sprung to the forefront of his mind. His long-awaited dream finally had some hope.

If he could just secure the loyalty of either of the people who had descended from the flying creature…

On the ground, most of the people were already all but prostrating themselves.

Some of them thought that the messiah had come, while others thought that it was a calamity that the end times had brought.

Others just weren't able to withstand the pressure that was pressing down on them from the creature up above, forcing them to lie flat on the ground as their bones creaked.

Luckily, when the winged whale flew higher up and stationed itself beyond the clouds, the pressure down below got better, allowing the inhabitants of N1 base to breathe properly as their hearts stopped pounding incessantly.

After that, the whale in the sky did not make any further moves, making them all wonder whether it was truly a creature or not. Just what sorts of monsters were able to control such a terrifying creature?

No one dared to go near the two figures, just observing from a distance in case they proved hostile. They had already demonstrated their prowess by stopping themselves from being a meat patty on the ground despite having descended from that height, but they didn't know anything about what they wanted.

It was only when George Bailey, their leader, hurriedly approached them with a team of bodyguards that the inhabitants of the N1 base dared to let down their guard a little.

Some of them backed off, while others continued to linger in the distance.

"Hello, hello," George greeted the two. He appeared very cordial and friendly, going as far as to welcome them into the base even though they didn't heed the security measures and come in the normal way.

The young boy only smiled at him but didn't say anything else, while the man just looked at him with a cool look, but George wasn't deterred.

"Would you like to speak in my office?" he maintained his smile. He didn't dare anger the two in case they got the flying whale to wreak destruction on the N1 base. If that happened, it would be too late for tears and regrets.

The boy and young man looked at each other before turning back to him, accepting his invitation.

George's heart was light and delighted, but he didn't allow it to show on his face, making sure to maintain neutrality and just the right amount of friendliness so that they wouldn't be put off.

A young man and an even younger boy.

They wouldn't be too hard to win over.


George Bailey was not expecting to be ambushed when he was about to go to sleep, but he was despite all the posted security outside of his rooms.

He should have known that things were going too smoothly lately.

With the president dead, he'd been able to take control of N1 base, and things had been running so smoothly that he even smiled to himself in his sleep.

There were even two neo-humans that had practically gifted themselves to his doorstep today. It was only a matter of time before George was able to win them over.

He could promise them whatever they wanted as long as they decided to stay in N1 base under his control. There was no price too high if he was able to gain these two as his subordinates.

While it appeared that the flying whale was under the young man's control, George wouldn't make the mistake to discount the younger boy. He had a presence about him that drew eyes, and George could see as clear as day that young man was caught up in the boy's orbit.

If he could interact with them more…

It was only a matter of time before he would be able to awaken to become a neo-human himself, and as someone who had survived the initial red haze of the zombie virus, that meant that he was destined to rule in the future.

He'd just slid into bed when he was forced to stop moving when he felt the cold chill of a blade upon his neck.

George froze, his breath hitching. He didn't even dare to even swallow too hard lest he nick himself and bleed out.

His brain spun rapidly as various theories ran through his mind.

Who were these people, and what did they want from him?

The only thing that George heard in the darkness of his room was his frantic breathing. His palms were sweaty as he they gripped his blanket.

How had they made it past all his guards, all five layers of them?

Even if they weren't the best, they were the best that he could currently find, and they weren't so easy to take down.

The finest of the neo-humans from the military had been guarding him, which only meant that these people who had come for him were even stronger than them to be able to avoid detection.

Having thought of all of the above, George did not rashly make a move.

It was unlikely that they wanted to kill him.

More than that, it was likely that if he did make a cry for help, he'd be dead before security could get here.

"What do you want?" George said in a deceptively steady voice. Any politician had to perfect their mask if they wanted to succeed.

Alec coolly watched from the darkened corner of the vice-president's room. Dominique had insisted on doing the 'dirty' work for him, even though Alec didn't think that there was anything wrong with extracting information.

If ya'll are looking for something fresh, you can check out 'Absolute Shopping Addict' by WayWoo. It's only got 32 chapters so far, but it's going fantastically so far.

Top 50: 4 bonus chapters

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

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