
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs

Finding Work?

Lunch was an affair that seemed just as foreign to Elias even after he looked around the town. The food tasted a lot different than what he was used to, but he didn't complain. He found that it was an experience of different flavours exploding in his mouth.

Stanley was already treating them so well. Elias could feel the sincerity that practically oozed off the man. Though, it felt strange at times. Almost as if the man wasn't all there with them. Sometimes, he looked off into the distance like he was looking for someone or something that wasn't there.

Stanley led the both of them out of the little diner that he frequented with his wife when the walls of the house seemed to close in on them.

"So, what are you boys planning on doing? You're free to stay with us for as long as you like. We don't mind."

Alec smiled at the man. "Just until we manage to earn enough money for the journey. We're looking for someone."

Stanley visibly hesitated, but still asked. "Are you looking for your family members, by any chance?"

Alec paused. "…Yes."

Stanley seemed to take that as reaffirmation that his thoughts were right. Did they not know that their parents likely perished in the Mysterious Forest? Or were they looking for their other family members? Did they even recall going into the forest?

Stanley felt sorrow at the thought.

He would have loved to put them up in his house indefinitely, but it looked like they were very determined. It had only been a short couple of hours, but Stanley already felt like he was seeing a reflection of his son in them.

"Then, if you're alright with it, do you want help finding work until you leave? I can introduce you to a place if you'd like."

Alec was surprised, but quickly accepted his offer.

Right now, they needed all the help they could get, and it wasn't likely that someone would hire him considering he was only eight.

Elias would fare better trying to find some work, but for him, it was almost a lost cause.

Elias sent a side glance to Alec before he spoke. "Thank you, but I'll try to find work outside first. I don't want to strain you. However, please let my younger brother work with you if possible."

Stanley was about to say that it wasn't any trouble at all, but hearing the second part of Elias' words, he stopped himself. He supposed that as an older brother, he would worry about his younger brother. Plus, he probably didn't want his younger brother to see him working so hard.

Stanley nodded, but still looked worried as Elias left.

Alec looked at the way the man looked like he was seeing his son off to war and smiled wryly inwardly. He tugged on the man's shirt, like he'd seen other children do, saying, "Big brother will be fine. Big brother is strong!"

Alec's face burned inwardly. Ah, what was a man like him saying like he was really a kid! Ah, his dignity! His dignity as a stern System was burning.

As Stanley and Alec walked, he wondered just what the job the man was about to introduce to him was. Wasn't the man a guard for the town?

The two of them walked side by side, with Stanley obviously slowing down his steps so that Alec could 'catch up'. What he didn't know was that Alec would have been able to keep up with him no problem. Even if the man ran, Alec would still be able to keep pace with him.

Before long, Stanley brought them to stand in front of a little shop that wasn't too far from his house.

There were various vines and that crawled around the storefront, causing it to stand out from the rest of the stores along the street. It was mainly green, and just by looking at it, Alec could tell that it likely had something to do with plants. Either it was an apothecary or a flower shop.

Alec hoped it was an apothecary since that seemed a lot more interesting.

Stanley stood in front of it proudly. "What do you think? This is my shop! I'm not really a guard. I was just covering for my buddy today."

"Yes, it's very green," Alec said without missing a beat.

"Haha, isn't it! Isn't she beautiful?" Stanley laughed. It was clear that this was his pride and joy. He flipped over the 'closed' sign to 'open'.

Entering the shop, Alec was hit with the different fragrance from various flowers and plants.

Just stepping in made him feel like he'd entered back into the forest. A little muddy, the scent of grass. The earthly scent made him feel like relaxing.

"So, you can help me out here if you want to, and I'll pay you daily."

Alec nodded. Though it wasn't an apothecary, he didn't really mind working here either. "Thank you," he said both politely and sincerely.

The man had been nothing but nice to them, which was more than a lot of people could say.

As the first person that Alec had interacted with outside of the clan, Alec couldn't help but hope that there were many others that were like this man here.

Sensible, but kind-hearted and warm. If only the transmigrators that he dealt with were like this man here, he would gladly help them out to the best of his abilities. That wasn't to say that he didn't try and help the transmigrators out, but they had to work with what was in their range, after all.

Of course it was a flower shop, though. After all, he couldn't count on his luck like he was the Main Character who would randomly come across a master in their field that would impart their teachings upon them.

Alec felt one part bitter, one part relieved. He didn't have to meet a 'master' to excel in something. If he worked hard enough, he would eventually get a couple of opportunities.

"Come on. I'll show you the ins and outs of my business."


Elias was wandering a little aimlessly, taking in the various sights. He just couldn't get enough. Though he acted so confidently in front of Stanley and Alec earlier, he didn't know the first thing about finding a job in a town like this.

Sure, he had read up on it through the use of books, but the information that was written down didn't mean that it would pan out for him.

Elias realized that he was suffering from a case of social anxiety when he approached someone, only to stop in his tracks and stutter.

He slapped his cheeks lightly.

If Alec could do this with no problem, then he could too. He couldn't just continue relying on Alec to carry their conversations with strangers when he was supposed to be the big brother.

Still, Elias wandered around. How did he know whether or not someone was looking to hire a part-timer?

As he paused, the sounds of clanging echoed in his ears.

Elias looked towards that direction curiously, looking at the sign. Huh. A smithy.

Elias entered, met with a blast of hot air. Inside, there were various weapons hanging on the walls. Shiny silver, sharp edges.

With wide eyes, Elias gawked at the weapons that were displayed out in the open.

"What can I getcha?" came a gruff voice.

Bonus chapter #1

Rxelcreators' thoughts