
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
470 Chs


Alec studied the man, who revealed himself in front of him.

There was something strange about him. He was dressed the same way as the rest of the Rothschild branch family members, but there was just something… off.

He realized this was the case when the man didn't pay him any more attention. Instead, his eyes were locked onto the Ash Phoenix's shadowy form, even as the song continued to be crooned out of the avian's throat.

He didn't even seem to care that Alec was there, or that he'd failed at killing him at all. Evidently, the presence of the Ash Phoenix was more than enough for his attention to be diverted.

"What a lovely song," he said. His voice was low and raspy, as if he hadn't talked in a long while. "Glorious." That was a tone of pure reverence and fanaticism.

Though his face and every piece of flesh was covered in black, there was one thing showing.

His eyes.

They almost seemed to glow in the dark, and there was a strange sigil inside his left eye.

The man's eyes continuously tracked down the movements of the Ash Phoenix, who was gracefully gliding in circles above their head.

Alec wasn't usually one to avoid taking an opening if he saw one, but – he could feel it. If he tried anything, it was likely that he would be struck down before he could even blink.

The intruder's magic was vast and overwhelming, giving him a feeling like a sleeping tiger, placated only for the moment. If he attacked, however, that would change.

Alec could see a few body parts strewn on the ground, and faint, concealed breathing not too far from them.

There were people who were still alive, as well as those who were very obviously dead.

Who was this man?

He had come in together with the Rothschild branch family members, but Alec had a feeling that he had just been using them as a distraction instead. He was not a Rothschild.

So, who was he? And why had he come here?

Judging by the way the man couldn't tear his eyes away from the Ash Phoenix, Alec had a feeling that he knew the answer.

He was here for the Ash Phoenix.

No wonder the mission that the Mainframe gave him hadn't been completed. It seems that this was the man that he had to 'free' the Ash Phoenix from.

Alec very consciously didn't make a move.

The man never seemed to grow tired of watching and listening to the Ash Phoenix.

With a flap of its wings, the Ash Phoenix descended, perching itself on Alec's shoulder, nuzzling his hair.

Alec didn't tense up, but a shiver of anticipation ran its way up his arms when the man's fanatical gaze landed on him.

He could see him, even in this darkness.

That should have already been evident from the way he'd been tracking the Ash Phoenix, but Alec had futilely hoped that he was following the sound instead.

The man's luminescent purple eyes all but scorched into him, glowing lightly. Alec didn't think that he would ever be able to forget those eyes.

The glee and fanaticism from those eyes slowly transferred from the Ash Phoenix to himself, his eyes glinting.

The masked intruder, Dominique, felt his interest ignite. He had been perfectly happy to ignore the small human that had intruded on his plans, but what was this?

Since his plan had worked, everything else ceased to matter. He had been utterly captivated by the lingering, poetic imagery of the Ash Phoenix circling them in the air. The grace and beauty of such a magnificent creature was unable to be accurately captured using words.

There was a loveliness in the aura that was exuded from the creature's immaculate form, reminding him so much of the things that he enjoyed.

Dominique even felt like he had been reborn anew, listening to the graceful song that left the creature's mouth.

He felt the ever-present threat of chaos and violence that singed and set his blood and flesh ablaze abate somewhat in the presence of the glorious Ash Phoenix.

It was why, when he witnessed the glorious bird of death land on the tiny human's shoulder, all but affectionately nuzzling him, he didn't immediately take a step forward to cut down the insolent human where he stood. Had he been in full control of himself, he would have brutally and unthinkingly taken action to cull the being in front of himself.

Dominique's body was held carefully still.

The small human – no, the child – that stood in front of him was a work of art. With pale, alabaster skin, the child carried to blood of others that painted his skin so delicately.

Drenched in the blood of his enemies, the child wore the colour well on otherwise unpainted skin. With blue eyes that cut into his soul, they should have not belonged to a mortal child – impossible.

With the glorious personification of death sitting on his shoulders, Dominique almost believed that he was looking at a god of death in human skin.

Dominique let out a raspy laugh, genuinely intrigued and amused. "Interesting," he murmured. The man itched to poke and prod the personage in front of him, completely intrigued.

His fingers twitched for a weapon to test whether or not the child was truly death personified. His blood was singing in a way that it never did outside of a battle. As a Sin, he never thought he would feel this way.

The feeling of euphoria and anticipation was almost burning to him, like he flew too close to the sun. He wanted badly to exchange blades with the child but held himself back for a strange reason.

He licked the inside of his teeth, swallowing. He should –

"Tch," Dominique clicked his tongue.

They were interrupting his fun!

But still… now that he'd witnessed the affections of the Ash Phoenix with this small death god, he didn't feel like separating them, no matter what his intentions had been earlier.

Alec heard the sounds almost silent sounds of the familiar steps of Blanche approaching his present location, and evidently, the masked man had heard them as well.

Just as Alec was about to do something foolish to possibly attract his attention, he heard the man click his tongue in annoyance.

Then, Alec blinked once, and he disappeared.

The man's empowering presence disappeared together with him, and all of Alec's muscles abruptly relaxed at the lack of tension in the air. Alec carefully controlled his breathing, feeling the cold sweat that had developed without his notice as the man's gaze had all but scorched him from the inside out.

Alec plucked the Ash Phoenix off his shoulder, glaring at it.

What a good Ash Phoenix, leading him into danger.

He huffed.

[Mission: Rescue the Ash Phoenix complete.]

[+100 Points]

[Current Points: 580]

The Ash Phoenix lightly nipped his fingers before it took off again, flitting up and above, soaring away, as if saying that the threat of death was no longer here for it to stay.

Then, Blanche burst into the room.

"Alec, you're covered in blood!"

Ah, right. He forgot about that little fact!

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Top 350: 1 bonus chapter

Mm, yeah. They were originally scheduled to fight, then Dominique wrestled the chapter out of my hands (sweats)

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