
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Do It, Dominique!

They reached J City in good time, only to find both Natalie and Dominique digging around in the rubble in what appeared to be at one end of the city.

The various members of the party watched over them as they worked, frowning.

There were cuts and gashes along both Dominique and Natalie's faces and hands. Clearly, the alien did not care about the two's bodies at all, but that was to be expected.

Why would an alien care about those that were not of its own race in the first place?

Alec thought to himself darkly that he was about to eviscerate an alien.

Even if it did have information that they needed. The alien was most likely the mastermind behind this planet's zombie virus, so it should know how to wipe out the mutation source as well.

No one, and he meant *no one*, hurt his subordinate and got away with it.

The alien seemed to sense their presence, causing both Natalie and Dominique to drop whatever piece of rubble they had their hands on, turning back to face them.

"Guys," Natalie said, stepping forward with a bright, beaming smile. It looked distinctly unnatural on Natalie's face. The scientist didn't smile that much these days, though she did smile faintly from time to time.

Karen stopped her with a snarl painted on her normally cheerful face. "Give her back," Karen demanded, directing her words to the alien that was controlling her consciousness.

Though she didn't like Natalie all that much, everyone could see just how hard she'd been trying to make amends. By making her act this way, the alien was sullying Natalie's motives and her work.

Dominique stepped forward as well. "What are you all doing here?" he said with a gentle smile. It was something that caused the Alec's party to feel a chill run up and down their spines at the unnatural sight.

There was something inherently wrong watching the usually grumpy or expressionless man smile so nicely at them, almost in a way that reflected Alec's usual manner.

Especially so when that smile wasn't directed at Alec in particular.

Alec moved his eyes towards the rubble that they had previously been digging through.

It appeared that the alien did not have any understanding of either Natalie or Dominique's individual abilities.

If it did, it should have known Dominique would have been able to blow away all the rubble without any problem at all.

Instead, the two were digging through rubble with nothing but their bare hands. If this wasn't ignorance to how strong Dominique truly was, what was?

There was a brief outline of silver under all that rubble, and what looked like a stereotypical UFO under it. It looked just like a saucer that people always claimed were hoaxes.

Alec felt a little incredulous, but it wasn't enough to outweigh his anger. Though the wounds on Dominique were superficial, he had still been hurt.

Just what was this world? Who the hell wrote this plot?

Alec would have loved to give them a piece of his mind. Using his fist as the medium.

"What are you talking about? We're right here," Natalie said demurely.

The two mind-controlled people moved and 'subtly' blocked the container with the alien's body from sight.

Rosabel rolled her eyes theatrically at them, pointing directly at the box and calling out the alien's bullshit responses. "Why'd you bring the alien with you, if you aren't being controlled by it?" she accused. Her voice was laced with certainty.

Behind her, Vivian was smiling menacingly, her lips had just the right amount of steel and fire. "Son, what do you think you're doing with this fine lady here?"

Alec could see on their faces the moment that it knew that the jig was up. Their faces turned hostile as they tensed up – amateur move – ready for whatever was coming their way.

Lukas, who had snuck up on them while the group was confronting Natalie and Dominique, grabbed the metal container that had been that had been 'hidden' behind them, causing both of them to whirl behind as they tried to defend its main body.

The knife in Natalie's hands stabbed forward towards Lukas' unprotected neck, yet she was stopped in her tracks as she was hauled and thrown from him as he absconded with the metal container in his hands.

He didn't have a problem at all fending himself off from a weak chicken like Natalie, who had cooped herself up in the labs the entire time.

While she had a bit of muscle from being on the roads with them, it wasn't enough for her to go against Lukas and win.

Te.ake was shocked when its host – weak though it may be – was so forcefully obstructed from protecting its main body.

Te.ake frowned fiercely.

These people were stronger than he thought for a backward hick planet like this one. It didn't like this. Not one bit.

Te.ake ordered both bodies to protect each other as they moved to re-acquire its main body.

Should its main body die, it would die as well, which was not the optimal situation here.

It would go down in galactic history as the unfortunate soul that lost its life in a backward planet such as this one, making it the laughingstock of the century.

Though it didn't think that they would be able to hurt its body when it was in a hibernation state, it would rather be safer than sorry.

Instead, Te.ake ordered the male host to take the hosts' friend and child – that 'Alec' hostage.

He seemed important to the group, judging from the various interactions it had seen over the course of those short days.

They all cared about him very much, which was something that Te.ake found use in.

Dominique jumped forward and grabbed Alec in a chokehold, dragging him backwards until they were backed off against the spaceship that was still party buried under the rubble.

"Stop! Or this child will die in my hands today," Dominique threatened, a smirk on his face.

Rosabel instantly felt her annoyance increase a hundred-fold.

She always thought that Dominique was annoying with his relative stoic expression, but this smug one was a hundred times worse! She wanted to punch his face so badly!

Te.ake knew that he made the right choice when the expression of everyone there changed minutely.

He delighted in his intellect. The weakest and most precious ones in turn were always those that were the smallest of the group, as it suggested beings that had not yet gone reached their full growth stage – or adulthood, as you will.

"Give me back my body," Dominique demanded, gripping Alec's neck harder. Under his grip, bruises had started to form. "Quickly, or the great Te.ake will kill him."

From a direction that Te.ake could not see, Alec's smile was blooming, and his party members knew that he was pissed. The surrounding area was colder with Alec's anger, yet the alien didn't seem to notice at all.

This wasn't even the first time in this world that he'd been threatened with death, and it really pissed him off.

He hadn't even managed to work out all his anger, yet this alien thought he could use his subordinate to threaten him?


And, of all people, using *Dominique* to threaten him?

What a ludicrous situation.

A little laugh couldn't help but bubble out of him, causing Dominique's hand on Alec's neck to loosen as Te.ake was distracted.

Lukas glared at Dominique as he threateningly opened the metal container instead of giving into the Te.ake's demands.

"Tread lightly," came Natalie's voice, her eyes boring a glare into Lukas' form.

Lukas' expression didn't change, but he tipped the metal container lightly instead, causing Natalie to tense up, her eyes locked on the box.

Lukas threateningly stabbed a knife towards Te.ake's body, causing the alien to launch Natalie's body forward as she shrieked in a high voice, causing some of the zombies that had been in hiding to amble towards them.

Karen clicked her tongue just as annoyed and angry as everyone else, but dutifully moved with the rest of the party members to deal with the incoming zombies.

Dominique backed away with Alec in hand, and Alec obligingly moved along with him.

Lukas was carefully dealing with Natalie's flailing attempts at harming him but was careful not to damage her too badly. There was a ring of blue in her eyes that weren't there before, and a quick glance at Dominique told him the same thing.

Lukas disabled Natalie without a problem, trussing her up like the day they first met. With duct tape. It felt strangely nostalgic.

Natalie hissed.

"Dominique, do it!" Te.ake shrieked using Natalie's voice.

The ring of blue in Dominique's purple eyes brightened as Te.ake exerted his influence.

Alec: I'm so angry that I can only laugh at this absurdity

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