
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Blacksmith Guild

Alec, Zacharias and Cyrus headed out that day to meet with Hong Jun, having slept in that shady-looking inn the night before. Elias split up with them. Something about wanting to find a blacksmith in the city.

After the boy accepted working with him yesterday, Alec had set a meeting place with him today.

They got there before Hong Jun, so the three of them went back into the haunted looking building that Cyrus and Zacharias had been staying in for the better part of the past year.

Now that Alec took another look around in the light, it actually wasn't so bad. A little dreary for sure, but none of the windows were broken. There was even a couple of bathrooms that had been touched up, likely by the two.

Zacharias gave the mattress on the floor a kick with disgust. Ugh. He didn't even know how he'd survived so long on that crappy thing. After having spent a night on a proper mattress, he didn't think he could go back anymore.

Cyrus went around gathering the various little things that they'd collected over the course of a year, packing them.

Alec would have to give them the spatial dimension storage runes later.

Before long, Alec felt Hong Jun's magical signature hovering around outside. From the way he was moving back and forth, he was probably pacing around.

"He's here."

"Who are you meeting anyway?" Cyrus questioned a little absentmindedly.

"He's called Hong Jun. Apparently Cyrus gave him a scar earlier on his arm."

Cyrus paused, looking guilty. "Ah… him."

Zacharias snorted. This idiot was always finding fault with himself like he was responsible for everything bad that happened to someone else. "Just forget about it already. That scrappy brat wouldn't die even if you killed him."

The older teen put a hand on his forehead. "That's not the point-"

Alec already headed towards the door to the building, so the two teens followed after him without even thinking about it, putting aside their bickering for the time being.

Zacharias furrowed his brows when he realized what he'd done. They were falling back into step so easily without even needing to think about it.

It annoyed him so much that his face fell into his habitual scowl. The brat had been their unofficial leader even a year ago, but he hadn't thought that in this past year he'd grown enough to become a leader himself.

The front door was pulled open without a sound, showing them the visage of a young boy, probably a pre-teen, standing with his back against them.

He ruffled his dirty blonde hair, muttering to himself. "Where the heck is he! Why are we meeting outside this creepy haunted house?"

"Maybe it's because he knew how scared you would be," Zacharias snarked. This other idiot here was always mouthing off whenever they fought. It just made Zacharias want to whack him harder. Why did he never try to dodge! He always challenged them recklessly even when his face was entirely pale.

Hong Jun just about jumped a foot in the air when the voice appeared behind him. He spun around and tripped over his own foot as all the hair on the back of his neck stood up straight.

"Y-you!" Hong Jun said, pointing a shaky finger in their direction. His eyes shot over the three of them, face paling rapidly. "I knew I should've rejected…" the pickpocket said, clicking his tongue.

He jumped up and looked guarded against all three of them, eyes flitting warily at the slightest twitch they made.

"Let's talk inside," Alec said with a smile, heading back into the building.

"Wh-what- inside there?!"

Zacharias picked up the kid with a smirk on his face, dragging him in.

"Wait wait wait! We can talk about this, can't we?!"

The door shut behind them.



Elias looked around and caught sight of the sign that had been hung up. The Blacksmith Guild.

He'd heard someone talk about it yesterday when they were queueing up to get updated identification.

He'd been thinking about this but spending time with Jin during the two weeks they were at Mystik town gave him a fresh insight about what it was really like to wield weapons. He never realized just how much he had neglected about the shapes and aerodynamics of the blade and – ugh.

He'd talked to Alec about it, and it wasn't like the boy hadn't been willing to listen either, but Elias could practically see the question marks floating around his head. He was usually so hard to read, too!

So, here Elias was, in front of the Blacksmith Guild. He was going to do it.

He was going to talk to a bunch of strangers, get his identification, then go out.

He could do it no problem.

No problem.

No. Problem.

No matter how Elias tried to psyche himself up, it just wasn't working. His feet wouldn't move!

Eventually, he physically slapped his cheeks and stepped in before he could second guess himself.

He wanted to do this alone because he wanted to overcome his apparently crippling fear of social interaction, but it wasn't that easy. He never thought about just how much seeing a sense of uniformity and familiarity had placed him inside his comfort zone.

Now that they were outside of clan compounds, everything was so new and different that he was a bit overwhelmed. It hit at strange times, when he actually had to interact with someone.

Yesterday when the lady asked him what his name was and what creatures he'd brought into the city, he stuttered and tripped all over himself. He could see Henry next to him really trying to hold it in, but he caught sight of the grin that the man was trying to hide.

Now inside the building, Elias looked around. The interior of the building matched the exterior. Quite surprising for a Blacksmith guild, but the interior gave off the feeling of warmth and exuded a homely feel.

There were many wooden structures and products. Elias looked around with much novelty, pretty much subconsciously moving into a corner as he took in his surroundings.

The people that were coming in looked different from the ones that loitered around outside, wandering the streets.

Some of them carried swords, others carried daggers, axes, etc.

Elias itched to ask whether or not they were the ones who made their own weapons, but that would be rude.

His fingers dropped to the two daggers that he'd made himself in Mystik Town under Jin's guidance. They were nothing fancy, just two straight daggers. They were still not what he'd call usable out in field, but they were his. They were something that he'd crafted with his own hands, and that gave him strange feelings that he couldn't quite place.

Jin said he did well for a first timer, which filled him with a sort of fulfilment that he hadn't experienced even when he finished doing all his training. The physical weight of the daggers hanging by his side was like a reminder, and an itch that made him want to go near the furnace again.

Although he lost himself in the novelty of seeing everything with fresh eyes, he didn't miss it when someone approached his back.

His dagger rested on the person's neck.

Top 150: 3 bonus chapters

Top 250: 2 bonus chapters

Top 350: 1 bonus chapter

My Elias is such a pure boi

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