
Curse the Mainframe!

F*ck the Mainframe! Approximately one minute and twenty-nine seconds ago, System No.00290596 receives a series of bad reviews, racking up a total of one thousand and fourteen bad reviews. Unfortunately for him, this leads to the Mainframe's punishment. Sent down to a random planet, Incantix, System No.00290596 has to assist the Main Character to complete his punishment. To learn how to become the perfect gentle character, that is (unfortunately) the goal. The System is not grumpy. Not at all. - Now in a human body rather than his System one, Alec goes through trials and tribulations of life. Societype? Magitype? What's that? Eh, a Main Character. Erm, another Main Character?! Why were there so many?! P.S. System prone to swearing. Why were there so many idiots surrounding him? Base rate: 7 chapters/week ; 1 chapter a day uploaded at 23:00 server time. Come chat with me: https://discord.gg/7bCWsuG Photo does not belong to me. Edited by the lovely ShinSungmi. :)

Rxel · Fantasy
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470 Chs

Awake, But Still Annoyed

Alec realized that there was a pattern regarding him and other Systems. Ever since he got to Incantix, he realized that he seemed to pass out whenever either the Mainframe or the new system was involved.

He did not like it this change. Not one bit.

Alec lay on the floor in an undignified position, but he couldn't bring himself to care about it right now. Not when he was still feeling out of sorts with himself.

"Ooh, you're awake," System No.00110399 stated the obvious, staring down curiously at Alec.

Alec felt a spike of annoyance and managed to channel all the energy into pushing himself off from the ground.

He smiled.

System No.00110399 backed up warily, eyeing him.

Alec gently sat down on the sofa and continued to maintain his expression, not even saying anything.

System No.00110399 scuttled to the side warily, avoiding him with a wide berth, as if Alec was about to explode at any time. How rude.

Knowing his friend, Alec should already have exploded in indignity as per usual for him and start cussing him out, yet this new, strange reaction left him feeling unbalanced.

Not only was he feeling unbalanced with this non-reaction, System No.00110399 felt as if this was a bad sign. A very bad sign. Like a build-up that was going to explode in his face if it continued longer.

System No.00110399 warily left the other alone, hoping that the other would come out of his funk by himself. Hopefully, if the System didn't bother him, then his anger would lessen a little.

For half a day, Alec didn't say a single thing, nor did he react to anything System No.00110399 did negatively at all, yet the System only felt the unease crawling up his spine amp up with each passing moment.

Boohoo this was too scary!

System No.00110399 teared up a little when he saw Alec just maintain his smile the entire time towards him. The other System didn't falter in his smile at all, nor did the angle of his smile change at all.

Distantly, System No.00110399 thought that he much preferred the angry, explosive version of his friend's anger compared to this silent, seething one.

The whole time, no matter how he moved, Alec just continued looking at System No.00110399 with that smile.

System No.00110399 finally broke down when he couldn't take it anymore.

"Please, just stop," System No.00110399 begged. "Your smile is too scary! I was wrong for doing it without warning you, okay? Just let me off this once."

The System didn't even dare to call his friend the nickname he'd taken to use to annoy him anymore. This strange, unnatural occurrence of his friend holding in his anger silently was too terrifying for him to stand.

When the other reacted explosively, it wasn't this scary, but when he was silent like this? Angry with a smile, to boot?

System No.00110399 would rather face off with the Mainframe again!

It just wasn't right!

System No.00290596's personality type was one that just blurted out his true thoughts without any filter or tact, which was the thing that had endeared him to many. Since they knew that what he spoke were his true thoughts, whenever he gave anything that sounded vaguely like a compliment, they all knew he meant it.

Yet, now, his friend was strangely unreadable to him.

Alec finally broke his smile and glared at his idiot of a friend, then he was summarily stunned when he didn't get the familiar popup that told him he had points deducted.

System No.00110399 perked up when he realized that his friend had given him a glare, feeling relieved.

The System had been watching what he knew as the human 'Alec' over five years, but he had never been able to connect the other to his friend's actions even though their appearance was eerily uncanny – just a younger version.

System No.00110399 always thought that it was something the Mainframe had done to play tricks on him, but it truly was his friend!

"So, can you maintain the time dilation when the others are in the next few stages? I don't want them to change too much since this it isn't their original world."

System No.00110399 agreed and tapped on the screens a few times. "I can't interfere with the stages anymore other than that, so their inheritance depends entirely on what they go through. Their fate is entirely up to them."

"That's fine," Alec said.

He would hardly want for his subordinate get things without having to at least put some effort into it first.

"Why are you in a crack between realms anyway? Did you create it from scratch?" Alec asked. He'd originally thought that the place had come about because of one of the more malicious Systems that had been excommunicated from the Mainframe's company, but he knew System No.00110399 rather well.

Even though the other liked to play around, he wouldn't create an entire place and go through a bad pretence of calling it a legacy hall, nor would the things he asked from people that stumbled upon the place be too demanding beyond their reach.

"No," System No.00110399 said, confirming his suspicions. "I chose this place when I moved myself here. It seemed as good a place as any for me to lie in wait."

Alec was confused. "In a crack between realms?"

System No.00110399 scowled. "Well, it wasn't originally split from the realm. In fact, it was in a place that was flourishing quite well. Unfortunately, I'd already anchored myself down in that spot, so I couldn't move."

"I see. So, what did you do to me, exactly?" Alec said, crossing his arms casually.

System No.00110399 shrugged. "Well, I'm basically your system now. Meaning, when you leave here, I'll be in your mindscape so we can communicate whenever and wherever. I also managed to disable your 'gentle type' system character type, so that's that. Though, you can't open the System interface yourself anymore," System No.00110399 rambled.

A real smile broke out on Alec's face when he heard the words that he wasn't going to be forced to smile or face deduction from points anymore.

"Thank you," Alec said seriously, and the smile that he wore made him seem like he glowed and sparkled in the light.

System No.00110399's jaw dropped as he rubbed his disbelieving eyes theatrically to hide his embarrassment. No one ever thanked him so seriously. It was only ever Alec that did it, which was why he had originally latched onto Alec in the first place – not that he was going to tell the other System that.

And, when Alec genuinely smiled like that, it felt like he could ask anyone anything, and they would just do whatever Alec asked them to do from being dazzled by that smile.

"Whatever," System No.00110399 scoffed, then booted the other out of the System space that had already started fragmenting once System No.00110399 connected himself to Alec's data.

The place swirled as the entire space started collapsing. System No.00110399's body started breaking down into data as well as it flew after the hole that had been left behind by Alec.

Alec found himself back in the underground place with the multitude of doors.

"System No.00110399?" Alec thought to himself, wondering if the other was truly there.

"Here," the other chirped.

Alec entered his mindscape to find his friend hastily making himself at home in his mindscape, changing things to his liking.

"Eh, why are you here?" System No.00110399 questioned when he saw Alec again.

Alec smiled.

System No.00110399 felt a shiver run down his spine as he started running instinctually. He was right to do so.

"Why are you smiling like that again?!" the System cried out as Alec chased after him at a steady speed.

If the System slowed down at all, Alec sped up, so System No.00110399 had no choice but to run with tears on his face if he didn't want to fall prey to Alec. "I'm too young to dieeee!"

In the end, System No.00110399 had to give in to Alec's painful abuse.

"Domestic abuse," System No.00110399 pouted, rubbing his aching cheeks.

Alec snorted. "Hardly. Anyway, what's the name you're giving yourself?"

"Name?" System No.00110399 asked with confusion. "I have a name. System No.00110399."

"No, that's the name the Mainframe gave you. What's *your* name?"

System No.00110399 fell silent.

Alec shrugged. "Think about it."

Alec exited his mindscape, following the pull on his Spectre mark to find the general area his subordinates were in.

Sure enough, he found traces of Yuki, who had opted out of going to the next stage, and Hayden. Surprisingly, Rosabel had chosen to continue on, along with Dominique and Vivian.

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