

"Please we beg Your Majesty to make their punishment light." One Minister said as he bowed deeply with his hands cupped in front of him.

Si Ning recognized him as the Recorder of the Emperor by the small book he was carrying and the pen which was designed to store ink he was holding. He records everything that goes on in the court.

"Oh No! Not this time, they placed the Palace in jeopardy and didn't tell anyone." Ling Qi said aloud. "They deserve to be hanged!" He shouted.




Some Ministers nodded in agreement to what the Minister of Foreign Affairs said while others shook their heads in disagreement, they were some that were neutral were just turning their heads like they were trying to listen to both sides and choose one. 

"Minister of Foreign Affairs! let us look at all the things they have done for the Nation, without the Prime Minister do you know where we will be?" The Recorder of the Emperor said.