
Cultivator x System: The Craziest Duo

Gu Fanyu, a ordinary human who pursued eternal power and System with mysterious origin and unknown purpose. Warning: This story is full of ruthless and unmoral deeds. Gu Fanyu has no need to hold back as he pursues his ultimate goals. In a world of cruelty where power is supreme above all.

afiq_Ismail · Action
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Chapter 2: The System

''Before answering the question, you need to agree to become the System's host and fuse with the System first'' said the System in a mechanical voice.

Hearing this, Gu Fanyu had a strange smile.

''Hohoho, you are quite sly, huh!. You must be afraid I am just bluffing that I accepted the deal, but after you reveal more information about the System I will take back my words'' chuckled Gu Fanyu.

Before Gu Fanyu could ask for a reason, the System took initiative to explain further. ''Actually the System was afraid you would not believe what the System would tell you. However, after fusing and being bound to the System, our lives will be connected to each other. In the other world, if you die, the system will cease to exit. Due to our entwining existence, we can't lie to each other. If one party lies, the other party can feel it''

Hearing this, Gu Fanyu smiled calmly and said '' That's a reasonable explanation but difficult for me to believe you''

''Everything is the truth'' replied System.

After pondering for a few seconds Gu Fanyu made his decision. ''Alright then, I accept the deal''

Since Gu Fanyu had realized that no matter how reasonable and good what System told him, it was all useless because he had no way to verify it. Obviously, in this situation the weaker one was him, so he was always at a disadvantage. Playing more tricks on the System is wasting time. Thus, only by accepting the deal can he know the outcome.

''What should I do?''

''Just say it in your heart''

''Are you sure?''


''Alright, then…I'll give it a try!''

In an instant, Gu Fanyu could feel a link between him and the System had quickly formed. He also can feel the System's existence. Somehow, after merging with System, Gu Fanyu can feel the existence of his own soul. This was a really exhilarating experience for him.

''Ding! congratulations host had successfully bound to the System [System Activate]''

At this moment, Gu Fanyu had completely bound with the System and entwining their fates.

However, Gu Fanyu completely ignored the System prompted because he was giving full attention to seeing if there were any changes in his body and simultaneously figuring out his current situation, but not long after, suddenly the voice of a middle-aged man sounded''.

''Aarrhh.. it was really tiring to act like some kind of emotionless AI. You're really hard one to catch a host! Do you know how lucky you are? I put a lot of effort into courting you. You should feel proud that I chose you!''. Murmured System in boasted tone. 

''Okay stop being an annoying System!''. Said Gu Fanyu with a calm expression.

When the System sees that Gu Fanyu remain calm after being tricked and replies playfully. ''Hehe host, you're not surprised to see me not some kind of emotionless robot. You are not mad that I had tricked you, right?''. 

Hearing this, Gu Fanyu's expression did not change and his tone still calm but there a dangerous glint flashed in his eyes''. It does not matter as long it did not harm me''.

''Humm that's indeed reasonable''.

''System tell me about your origin''. Command Gu Fanyu.

''Aright host! But don't be shocked. I am actually a human…. But to survive I had to fuse my soul with the System and now i am the System, the System is me''. Said System in a playful tone.

''That's all?''. Gu Fanyu questioned System and a frown appeared on his face after he heard System's explanation.

It was obvious that System didn't want to tell the truth about itself, only gave vague answers.

''Hehe, you know that I did not lie to you, host!''.

'' We can settle this topic later. Didn't you say that you would grant me supernatural powers? What should I do?''.

''Like System says before, the host needs to travel to another world first''.

''Okay I'm ready''.

''Host, are you sure you want to travel to another world now?''.

''Yes, do it!''.

Just as Gu Fanyu finished the words, space in the room suddenly split open. Then a faint white ball of light appeared.

The ball of light was mystical and flowed with endless golden patterns. It was very mysterious. Before Gu Fanyu could examine it carefully, the ball of light instantly enveloped his body. 

''Searching….search complete. Time spent: 10 seconds and 2000 units of world origin consumed. Beginning body transmigration!''.

In an instant, Gu Fanyu felt as if his body was being torn apart. His body exploded and turned into countless white light particles that were floating in the air and disappeared through space.

On july 31, 2023, in the city of Shanghai, a young billionaire named Gu Fanyu disappeared from the Earth. Later Gu Fanyu became one of the unsolved mysterious missing cases on the Earth. Even after ten years, this case still became a sensational topic for future generations due to how a young billionaire mysteriously disappeared from his office room.