
Cultivator in DxD

Tadashi Jin was just an ordinary high school student—until a fateful encounter with Truck-kun sent him hurtling into the afterlife. Faced with the chance of reincarnation, he meets a mysterious, Random, Omnipotent Being (ROB) and makes five wishes. I own nothing but my OC, so don't sue me!!!!

Krampus069 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Into the World of Titans

Chapter 8: Into the World of Titans

The message from the Chat Group replayed in Tadashi's mind as he reviewed the mission details. Nero was already talking significantly about taking down Titans, Maki remained composed and strategic, and Subaru, as expected, seemed on the brink of a breakdown. Tadashi, however, stayed calm and collected. The Operation to Retake Wall Maria was no ordinary mission, and the world of Attack on Titan was brutal. Nevertheless, confronting such monstrous adversaries ignited something within him. Having attained the Peak Body Refining Realm, this mission would serve as the ultimate test to gauge the extent of his strength in a world like this.

Tadashi: (We're not in a game, we could die, so stay sharp, and we'll get through this.)

He conveyed the statement with a composed sense of authority. He had no intention of causing panic or doubting the situation. They were tasked with a job, and by taking the right approach, they would manage it.

In the chat, Nero was fired up as usual.

Emperor of Roses: (Umu! These so-called Titans will fall before the might of the emperor! It will be glorious!)

Maki: (Nero, don't get cocky. We need a strategy, not just brute force.)

Subaru: (How can I help? I don't have any special abilities and didn't receive ODM training.)

Tadashi knew Subaru was valuable as a scout and support, but expecting him to be helpful in direct combat was a mistake. Tadashi typed into the chat, reminding them of their roles.

Tadashi: (Nero, you'll take the offensive. Maki focuses on supporting and weakening the Titans' defenses. Subaru, stay behind and gather information. You don't need to fight directly; help us with the intel.)

Subaru: "Roger, Roger. But if It looks like we're losing, I'm running."

Tadashi didn't bother replying. His plan was set, and he trusted Maki and Nero to handle themselves. He'd be there to direct the flow of battle and take down anything that got too close. His Cultivation would give him the edge, making him faster, stronger, and more resilient than any average human. As long as they stuck to the plan, they'd survive.

Tadashi:(Okay, guys, I'm now going to tell you the weaknesses of the Titans and what Titans there are.)

Tadashi:(Titans are generally vulnerable at the nape of the neck, where a well-aimed strike can be fatal. Pure and Abnormal Titans are mindless and can be managed with proper tactics. At the same time, Intelligent Titans (Shifters) are much more dangerous due to their intelligence and special abilities. Special Titans like the Founding and War Hammer Titans have exceptional powers but also specific weaknesses related to their control and deployment of their abilities.)

[Ding! Transportation to the Attack on Titan world beginning.]

Tadashi felt the familiar sensation of being transported to another world, and in an instant, everything transformed. They found themselves standing near Shiganshina, just beyond the towering Wall Maria. The sheer magnitude of the wall was awe-inspiring—taller than any structure they had ever seen, serving as a stark reminder of the world's dangerous nature. In the distance, Titans roamed freely, their grotesque forms casting long shadows as they advanced toward the battlefield.

Tadashi sensed the mission's gravity as the ground quaked under the Titans' heavy footsteps. Unlike Subaru, who was visibly trembling, Tadashi felt a surge of anticipation. His Qi surged through him, heightening his senses and fortifying his body. This was what he had been waiting for—a real challenge.

He quickly glanced at his teammates, seeing them in person for the first time in real life. He noticed Nero's striking beauty and Maki's legs and hips. However, he chose not to dwell on it, knowing they had a mission to complete. There would be plenty of time to get to know each other later. Nero had a wide grin, her sword at the ready, prepared to confront the Titans directly.

Nero: "So these are the Titans? Ha! They'll be nothing before me. Let's show them what real strength looks like!"

Maki was more subdued, but her focus was razor-sharp. She eyed the Titans in the distance, calculating their movements and planning their strategy.

Maki: "We can't rush this. They're slow, but they're massive. Let's focus on their weak points. Tadashi, you ready?"

Tadashi nodded. "I'll take point. Follow my lead."

On the other hand, Subaru looked like he was going to faint. His eyes were wide with fear, and his hands trembled as he looked up at the looming figures of the Titans in the distance.

Subaru: "Why does it have to be this mission? Oh well, it's too late to complain now anyway."

Tadashi turned to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Relax. You're not alone in this. Just do your part, and we'll make it out."

Subaru swallowed hard, nodding, though he still looked pale.

Before they could move, a group of Survey Corps soldiers approached them, led by none other than Erwin Smith and Levi Ackerman. The soldiers were wary, their eyes scanning the newcomers with suspicion. Erwin's sharp gaze locked onto Tadashi, sizing him up.

Erwin: "Who are you?"

Tadashi stepped forward, meeting Erwin's gaze without hesitation. His calm demeanor and powerful presence set him apart from the others.

"We're here to help reclaim Wall Maria. You can think of us as mercenaries, but our goal is the same as yours: to defeat the Titans."

Levi stepped up beside Erwin, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the group. He didn't look impressed, but he didn't argue. The situation was desperate, and any help was better than none.

Levi: "You better not get in the way.)

Tadashi's lips twitched. "Watch your tone. You have no idea who you're dealing with."

Erwin, after a moment of consideration, nodded. "Alright. We could use the help. The Titans are approaching fast."

With that, Erwin turned to lead the charge, and Levi followed, but not without a final glance back at the group.

The distant roars of the Titans grew louder, sending tremors through the ground. The impending battle loomed closer.

Nero's excitement was palpable as she tightened her grip on her sword, her eyes shining with anticipation at the sight of the first Titan emerging on the horizon. "Finally! A real challenge!"

Tadashi remained composed, his focus unwavering. His Qi coursed through him like a steady river, amplifying his speed, strength, and reflexes. The Titans may have been colossal, but to him, they were just another obstacle—a challenge he was more than prepared to confront.

The Survey Corps soldiers sprang into action, their ODM gear launching them into the air as they readied themselves to confront the Titans. The air resonated with the sounds of firing cables and swords slicing as the initial wave of Survey Corps soldiers engaged the approaching Titans.

Tadashi turned to his team. "This is it. Stick to the plan. Nero, you're upfront with me. Maki, focus on support and precision strikes. Subaru, stay behind and call out any changes in the Titans' movements."

Nero grinned and charged forward without hesitation, her sword flashing as she prepared to meet the Titans head-on. Maki followed more cautiously, her cursed tools ready for battle.

Still pale, Subaru nodded shakily and returned, scanning the battlefield as the Titans approached. His fear was palpable, but he trusted Tadashi enough to follow the plan.

As the first Titan lumbered closer, Tadashi's muscles tensed, his Qi amplifying every movement. This was his moment. He had been waiting for this, an actual battle to test his strength.

As he charged forward, the ground cracked beneath his feet, propelled by the power of his Cultivation. His fists gleamed with energy as he prepared to confront the colossal Titan. The Titan bellowed, its jaws wide open, but Tadashi was quicker.

The battle for Wall Maria had begun.

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