
Cultivator Battle Royale

Every year, a group of the weakest cultivators in the planet is offered the chance to compete in the Cultivation Battle Royale, a chance for them to rapidly gain power as they defeat other cultivators and risk their lives for valuable herbs, pills, and techniques. Xing Wenghu, The reincarnation of the Immortal 9 Quadrants Chicken Wing Emperor is chosen to enter. Having failed the Thunder Tribulation of moving out of his parents house, he risks life and limb to overtake the other "Bizarre" cultivators he competes against. A satirical parody of many cultivation tropes, stories and characters.

SmilesS · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Conflict (1)

Xing Wenghu turned to face Feng Peng, shocked by his sudden interruption.

"Feng Peng my friend, what is the matter?" He said, a tinge of confusion in Xing Wenghu's voice. Maria looking at him with worry.

"That bastard Lo is back Xing! He's brought some of his lackey's out and kidnapped Fatty Wei!"

Feng Peng was a mess, covered in grease and sauces from the restaurant they were in. It was rather sloppy.

"You have to stop him, please!" Feng Peng got on his knees and begged Xing Wenghu, who only smiled down at him like a god at a servant.

"Hmph. If Lo wants to provoke me, then I will show him the wrath of Heaven and Earth!" He would have to handle this nonsense first, before he could hand his precious Jade Beauty the techniques she would need.

"Feng Peng! Lead the way to him!" Xing Wenghu shouted, Feng Peng bowing with a nod at him.

"Yes!" Feng Peng then led Xing Wenghu throughout the facility, the pair avoiding any encounters with the other "bizarre" cultivators that inhabited it.

There were certainly quite a few weirdos in the facility. Many more eccentric than Xing Wenghu

Eventually, the pair found themselves in a shady and conveniently placed basement. Fatty Wei was currently tied up.

He was surrounded by several thugs, who had no understanding of their place in the world as a side character.

Master Lo was currently standing arrogant, despite shitting his pants before. He was holding a large piece of chicken in front of Fatty Wei.

"What's the matter Fatty? It's finger licking good!" Master Lo began to beat him with the chicken. "If you won't eat the chicken, then chicken eat you!!!"

Xing Wenghu stared at Lo with rage, "Hey fucker. Do you need me to make you shit your pants again!"

Lo turned around, with a look of fear on his face. He was beginning to realize his fate as a side character, but he couldn't take this lying down.

He needed to be relevant, he was the young master here!

He was the one who was supposed to always be on top of things. Not some commoner!!!

"Hmph. Xing the poor boy is back." As per a young master, he could only make up bad insults that made no sense in reality.

"Looks like you need another lesson, brothers whoever beats him up will get a million dollars!" Loser Lo shouted, as his thugs began to surround Xing Wenghu.

Multiple suspicious people prepared to fight against Xing Wenghu, several of them clearly not belonging to the competition.

A young master would stoop to any level to defeat their enemies, and that included playing dirty!

"Master Xing, I will fight with you!" Feng Peng shouted with passionate fury, as he prepared to fight alongside Xing.

However Xing stopped him immediately, raising his hand to interrupt him.

"Feng Peng. A true man does not burden his friends, watch the strength of this Heavenly King!"

Xing Wenghu then attempted to do a badass walk forward, imagining himself with a silhouette of his past god like self over his back.

"Damn I look cool."

Xing Wenghu smirked, as the first thug conveniently attacked by himself with the most obviously telegraphed attack possible.

It was pathetic, and unprofessional. Much like his career.

"Hmph little brother, prepare to take my fist! That money is as good as mine." The thug threw a very predictable right straight fist at Xing Wenghu.

Xing Wenghu yawned, easily dodging the attack like it was paper.

It was time for him to take out the trash. For he was truly the garbage man!

Xing Wenghu began to violently slap the first thug over and over, a familiar scene to him. Many times in his past life, had he slapped an idiot senseless.

"This is the slap your mother should have given you!" Xing Wenghu declared, as he preformed a slap combo on the thug. Who was mercilessly being slapped back and forth in front of the others.

Loser Lo only crouched, in fear and defeat. "Oh no. He only gets stronger!!!" He shrieked to himself. Fatty Wei smirked at him insultingly.

"Hmph. You shouldn't have messed with my senior brother." Fatty Wei said, as the fight continued.

The thug violently went flying into the wall nearby, leaving a crack in it as he fell unconscious.

Loser Lo flared up in rage and anger at Xing Wenghu. "What are you waiting for, get him!!" He shouted, as the rest of the thugs desperately attacked Xing Wenghu.

Five of them were running at Xing Wenghu, as he began to flex his body.

"Hmph. I didn't want to use this, but I really have to go all out so early on!" Xing Wenghu began to concentrate, realizing how serious the situation had just become.

He would need to unleash a fragment of his former Heavenly King self. But could his body handle the weight?

Important announcement. I will be giving 3 chapters a day to this story, and moving Rise of the Volcanic Warrior to a much lower update count weekly. (Perhap 2-3 chapters a week for that one)

I am far more motivated for this story and have received alot more meaningful feedback. So I will be pumping out as much as I can for you guys.

SmilesScreators' thoughts