
Situation of the Qilin and Phoenix Races

After the meeting with the Phoenix Race, Lin Fan also met with the Qilin Race.

The representative of that group was a young man called Lei Feng.

The strange thing was that…this person looked very similar to Lei Ting.

The request that they had for him was very similar to the one that the Phoenix Race made.

They took out the same picture of Qing Ao that the Phoenix Race had done, as well as the two pictures of Feng Ling and Lei Ting, but the difference was that they cared more about Lei Ting.

When it was over, Lei Feng had asked the same thing as Feng Yue, but of course it was about Lei Ting.

He asked Lin Fan to give him any information that he had on his big sister, Lei Ting.

After meeting with these two groups, Lin Fan couldn't help feeling more and more confused.

It was clear that there was a backstory here that he didn't know.

So without hesitation, Lin Fan went to find the three who had caused all of this.