
Auction (9)

Even if this token quickly increased in price, once it hit the three million mark, the same thing happened as before where there were only a few people bidding for it.

This time, instead of two family heads, it was three different family heads.

None of them seemed willing to give up, but it was clear by the difficult looks on their faces that none of them could last much longer. For heads of small families like this, three million really was pushing their limits.

In the end, it didn't reach four million like the first auction, but it still reached 3.5 million after a family head decided to go all in and increase the price by three hundred thousand.

That move had been enough to scare off the other two family heads and win the bid in the end, but the family head that won looked like he had lost more than he had won…

All three of them looked like they wanted to cry.