
Starry Abyss

"Did you hear? Player Yuan is currently at Pang City!"

"Where is that?"

"It's only 30 miles away from here. Want to go over there and take a look? There will be many other people who'll be going there to see for themselves whether Player Yuan is really a little girl or not."

"Let's go!"

After news of Player Yuan spread throughout the internet, thousands of Players began making their way towards Pang City in hopes of seeing Player Yuan, who was rumored to be a cute little girl.

Of course, Yuan himself was completely unaware of the misunderstanding about him that had spread throughout the internet, and he was silently cultivating in the Lord's Manor.

A few hours have passed since the Mountain Lord's invasion, and Luo Li took a deep breath before knocking on the door to Yuan's room.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Brother Yuan, it's Luo Li," she said to him from outside.

"You can come inside," Yuan responded a moment later.