
Cultivation Into A True Dragon

This is the story of a young man whom wished to be the greatest gamer, and an "unfortunate" accident which put him on the journey to become something much greater than his wildest dreams would allow. I apologize if the art of the cover kinda sucks, I cant draw. Ignore the mini face

CozmicCatto · Fantasy
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21 Chs


Anna would walk back to her sisters, stomping her way to sit in the middle of them, tears silently streaming down her face as she stares directly at the one who humiliated her. Annabelle

Her sisters would look at each other, and leave her be to rage by herself

Mr. Moon would speak up,

"Ackary. Sarah. Pease make your ways down to the arena"

Sarah, the golden haired one of the trio, would walk the steps. From the sisters, a tall, slender one with inky black hair and dark green tips would make her way down to the stadium. Lunaria would watch with baited breath

The fight that ensued, was short, and humiliating

Ackary is also a summoner, except she summoned various large crustaceans. Very menacing ones at that. However, as if they were nothing, Sarah donned some white and gold robes, and a mace. And she proceeded to bash in the shells of every single summon, turning each of them into paste

She did get caught however, as two each would grab her arm, and a giant one with a big, round claw would scuttle towards her, raising its clamped claw like a hammer

Thats when a golden light shield would burst from her, bouncing all the custaceans away, and Ackary would raise her hands lazily, unsummon the crabs, and walk away

"I lost"

Lunaria would scowl, looking at Ackary, and think to himself

'Jeez. Three are summoners, and two are frontliners. They dont have a single support, and they cant decide who are the tanks. No wonder theyre looked down on. Not to mention that three of them cant even fight on dry land? Please dont tell me that the two that cant fight on solid land, are the frontliners. God almighty he hates you girls'

Even without seeing the other three fight, he could tell who did what, based on the texture of their hands, and surprisingly their hair color

'But why do these children have colors of the rainbow as their hair colors? Is it a magic thing? I cant understand'

As he looked around, and the matches continued, hed notice that someone's hair color usually gave a hint to what their magic or martial proficiency is. Regular colors, like brown, red, blonde, were usually earth, fire, and light or lightning, in that order. But even with hair colors, a select few would have an element that wouldnt match the norm, but still match their hair color, like Jace

Lunaria woul look at Jace, and squint his eyes

'Does Jace possess a variant of lightning? The magic itself is of higher purity and quality than other lightning users, without even mentioning that his lightning is blue, while others are either yellow, orange, or white. I wonder if there's a blacklightning or red lightning user somewhere, that'd be cool'

Lunaria would float over to the sisters, and speak right behind Anna

"Unfair, isnt it?"

Anna would jump, and look back, and see Lunaria's smug face

"Agh! You psycho! What right do you have to-"

"I think we should be more focused on what just happened. Only two of you have gotten their asses kicked, but they were both summoners, and they were put against frontliners. Donesn't it seem kind of unfair? Are there even frontliners amongst you five?"

At that question, the pair with long completely blue hair would raise their hands. They looked exactly like each other, in every way, shape, and form. They even spoke at the same time, for the most part

"We are. We both wield tridents"

"Then why werent either of you called up?"

I changed chapter 19 a bit. I mixed up one of the sisters; Anna has completely green hair, a different sister has blue hair and green tips. I fixed it already. i have a certain image for the quintuplets

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts