
Cultivation Into A True Dragon

This is the story of a young man whom wished to be the greatest gamer, and an "unfortunate" accident which put him on the journey to become something much greater than his wildest dreams would allow. I apologize if the art of the cover kinda sucks, I cant draw. Ignore the mini face

CozmicCatto · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


After dashing at each other, Jace had raised his swords, and made two wide slashes at Lunaria

Lunaria would dodge this by shifting slightly to the side, the blades in front of his eyes, and open his mouth wide


A large telekinetic and audial blast of energy would fling back Jace, but before he could fly away for real, he would stab his swords into the ground to stop him from flying out the ring. After that, he would move like a ghost, and slash sideways with both swords towards Lunaria

Lunaria had put up a barrier of energy, as the swords clashed against it, and the shield becomes visible as a translucent bubble like shield of constantly shifting and moving energy

"You didn't think that it would be that easy would you?"

"Silence you stupid black gecko"

"Aight you hairless monkey!"

The ground beneath Jace's feet would rumble, and he would hop back multiple times, quickly and elegantly, creating puffs of smoke each time he retreated

And from the ground, a multitude of shifting rock tendrils made of the arena itself would rise

"Get stomped already you worm! And stop squirming around like a rat!"

The tendrils would slam down towards Jace, slamming into the arena instead as each time Jace would barely dodge the tendrils and instead even cause them to hit each other, destroying a few, before they started to shift once again

This time, the rocks fallen off the tendrils would merge back into the ground, and the very ground itself would shift all around where Lunaria was floating, like a whirlpool of dirt, sand, and stone

"Don't even think of coming over here! Just stand over there silently and concede defeat!"

"Nah, I'd rather not lose to a mere monster"

After saying that, Lunaria's forehead would heat up, and the classic anime pluses of anger would reveal themselves as his nerves are pulsing against his scales. Except, they would also start to glow with a blue light

"You little shit! I'll drown you!"

A large energy wave would pulse out from Lunaria, and all sources of water; water bottles, energy drinks, even the various juices a few students had pulled out to watch the fight would flow through the air towards Lunaria

"You fucking humans, all you think of is being on top of everything, without showing anyone respect. I'll be sure to stomp in your arrogance today!"

As the various liquids would stream around Lunaria, they would form a different kind of sphere around him, like coilding snakes or a controlled swarm of locusts

"You're the one that isn't supposed to be here! You burst your way into the competition, and did as you pleased, acting as if you're all that! Today's the day I get to defeat a dragon and prove I'm the strongest of our grade!"

"Come at me you stupid human!"

Jace would rush at Lunaria, dodging the rock tendrils and using a lightfoot technique to glide across the constantly shifting ground. But at that point, the water tendrils wouls lash out at Jace like spears, stabbing into the ground as he was forced to dodge backwards everytime he got close

Jace and Lunaria would constantly be having a back and forth battle, as each time Jace would go in to attack, Lunaria would counter attack by making the liquids crack at Jace like whips. And when they cracked, little shards of crystalized (not frozen) water would shoot out at Jace, but he'd always cut through them with his swords

The arena would be complete chaos and dissaray as the both had a dance of power and talent, each one not letting the other get a single good hit in, while being all out aggressive towards the other, canceling each other out every time they clashed

Energy wave of sword Qi and mana would break apart the arena, as Lunaria would use those to send bullets and pellets at Jace, but he would always get faster, as lightning had now completely covered his body, boosting his speed and power to compete with Lunaria

After a few more minutes, there would be no more tendrils of rocks as the ground was so shifted and broken, it looked like natural dirt underneathe Jace's feet, and Jace would be panting heavily, exhausted from the fight

At that exact point in time, Lunar would raise his hands, and bring them down swiftly, causing a massive wind to streak through the arena, snuffing out both of the student's energies

"I declare this duel, a draw! You both hit the time limit of the duel, and Jace, your'e almost out of Qi anyway, give it up, both of you! And for one, be happy this is the first day and I haven't given out classroom expectatios and regulations, or both of you would be in detention for your repeated profanity!"

Lunaria would huff angrily, and just fly to the stands where his familiar's are

Secretely, he would be ecstatic

'Profanity?! I cursed! Fuck yeah! Finally!'

and with this, this is the last make-up chapter for yall! i know i dont have many readers, but to those that keep coming back thank you! i hope you enjoy the novel so far and if you have any comments and concerns be sure to comment and/or rate! anything to help me become a better writer. see yall next week!

CozmicCattocreators' thoughts