
Cultivation Into A True Dragon

This is the story of a young man whom wished to be the greatest gamer, and an "unfortunate" accident which put him on the journey to become something much greater than his wildest dreams would allow. I apologize if the art of the cover kinda sucks, I cant draw. Ignore the mini face

CozmicCatto · Fantasy
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21 Chs


As the night would pass on, the waves would crash against the beach, peacefully and and gracefully. As the waves would crash, a few heads would peak out the water and look at the pile of fur and scales sleeping on the beach

"Is that the future King?"

"No! Look at it! its so small and weak looking!"

"But its a sea dragon! We havent had a sea dragon in-"

"It doesn't matter! That thing can't even control water due to its early evolution! How's it even supposed to have children when-"

"Shut up, both of you. We're only here to verify if there really is a new sea dragon or not. Even if they don't earn the right of King, we should still treat them with the respect a dragon deserves, especially the last one of it's kind"

The 3 heads would sink back into the waters, and dissapear without a trace


The sun would rise over the horizon, and the first to wake would be Lunaria. However, he couldn't do a single thing, becaause the cats were prefectly piled on him, stopping him from doing anything

"Oi! Flesh bags! Its morning get off me! We gotta head to the academy!"

We would be wiggling and wriggling in the middle of them, trying to crawl his way out

They may have been smaller before, but at this point all three of the cat dragons were the size of more exotic cats like lions

"Yall are getting too fat! Get off me!"

They each would slowly wake up, stretch and yawn

"Finally! Id die of old age waiting for yall to get up! Almost left you here alone!"

Hed immediately fly up and stretch mid air

"Let's go! I wanna see what trash are in the academy!"

The four of them would get up, head up the beach, and into the city to start their first day of the school. They had a tough time however, as they had to weave through traffic and walk the sidewalk side by side, as flying was not allowed in the city less you had a permit. They found this out the hard way as right as they entered the city they got told to land of be arrested as cops were patrolling the area. Rumble, Ash, and Breeze would be walking side by side, and Lunaria would be laying on top of them

"I knew one day carrying all of you like my little fur babies would pay off. Now you get to carry me!"

Your familiars roll their eyes at you

"Now I see why yall loved being carried. This is the best!"

They nod in understanding

As they walk through the streets, they can't help but look at everything and everyone, as there are so many things to look at and see its like the whole street is like Times Square in New York, but everywhere and bigger. The only difference is that everything is clean and well cared for, as even the advertisements float above and glow

"Wow, this is beautiful! I love it here! Its so nice!"

Lunaria would look around constantly, and the three cats would be walking while eating donuts and other food stuff off the ground

"Oi! If you really want sweets just wait till we get money to buy some! Dont eat trash!"

They then start running to their destination, the academy, and it can now barely be within veiw

"Woah! And were going to be going there! Fug I dont wanna go back to school!"

The academy itself was mostly white and focused on Victorian architecture, like a massive and grand castle. The academy itself however from a bird's eye veiw looks as if its split off into islands, as there are different buildings and some the same giant size as the main building in front of them

"Wowei zow- yeah no never doing that again. Of all the people ive ever voiced voicing that gender bend version of Pixie from Pixie and Brutus from that Youtube series was by far my greatest mistake"

Magumarn then stepped out the building, and gestured inside

"Welcome! Your late for the reception but luckily you barely made it! Hurry up we got places to go!"

"Yes sir!"

Lunaria would jump off the cats backs and start flying, and the five dragons would head inside

my left shift key was being effing weird all week, and it barely started working again today. still being a little wonky but ill manage. also short chapter this week, i know. im sorry

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