
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 141 :Chain Reaction

Old Master Liu stroked his beard and smiled, "No matter what they do, at least half of our Liu family's crisis has passed. The rest is just consolidating our gains."

"That's right," Shao Meiyun smiled faintly, then turned to Li Nianlong and said, "Menglong, you've worked hard tonight. It's late, so you should go back and rest early! I think Ruyue must be waiting for you."

Upon hearing this, Li Nianlong's eyes softened, nodding, "Cousin, Grandpa, then I'll go rest first. You should rest early too!"

Old Master Liu chuckled, "You go rest first! Grandpa is too excited right now and can't sleep. Might as well deal with things overnight."

"Me too," Shao Meiyun's face still flushed with excitement, "It's been months since cousin has been this excited. I'll call the reporters now, tonight we must spread Menglong's reputation."

Seeing the two so excited, Li Nianlong shook his head with a smile: two workaholics!

Back in his own courtyard, the maid guarding the gate saw Li Nianlong approaching and a hint of excitement and admiration flashed in her eyes. Respectfully, she said, "Master, you're back!"

Li Nianlong nodded with a smile, showing rare concern for the maid, "It's cold today, and it's late. You should go back and rest early too!"

Being cared for by the master like this, the maid was pleasantly surprised, nodding excitedly, "Thank you for your concern, Master, but taking care of you is my duty, and besides, you're more tired than me. This little effort is nothing."

"Then thank you." Li Nianlong smiled faintly, leaving the maid who was still excited, and walked towards Nalan Ruyue's room.

Li Nianlong's room was just one door away from Nalan Ruyue's, and this door was always open, allowing the two to communicate freely.

Li Nianlong walked from his room to Nalan Ruyue's room, as expected, Nalan Ruyue was not asleep. The bedside lamp was on, and she was sitting on the edge of the bed reading a book.

Under the lamp, seeing a beautiful woman like this, her elegant and graceful appearance was particularly beautiful. Li Nianlong's eyes flashed with a hint of infatuation: so beautiful.

Sensing someone entering the room, Nalan Ruyue looked up, her star-like eyes still shining brightly in the light. Seeing Li Nianlong, she smiled sweetly and stood up, "Brother, everything okay?"

"Everything's fine." Li Nianlong smiled slightly, holding Nalan Ruyue in his arms, deeply inhaling the fragrance of her hair, and whispered, "The assassin is dead, so there won't be any danger in the future."

Nestled in Li Nianlong's arms, Nalan Ruyue's face blushed slightly, and her smile became even sweeter.

The next day, news of the assassin's attempt to kill Li Nianlong and being forced to self-detonate spread rapidly like nuclear radiation. The impact of this news was enormous. Those who were waiting to see the jokes of the Liu family were dumbfounded, unable to believe that Li Nianlong had actually forced the assassin to self-detonate without sustaining any injuries himself.

In the Longcheng Imperial Palace, in the Crown Prince's Hall.

Long Zongheng was shocked and puzzled after hearing this news. He had already ended the hiring of assassins from the Assassin Organization, so why would there still be assassins trying to kill the Liu family's patriarch? What were these assassins thinking? Or were there other forces using such assassination methods?

Long Zongheng was filled with unprecedented anxiety. "Bastard, no matter what means you have, I, Long Zongheng, will not let you succeed!"

On the other hand, in the sleeping quarters of Long Qingyun, who was mourning for Long Jingtian, upon hearing this news, she felt both joy and worry. She was happy that her son was so outstanding, but worried because her son was now a member of the Liu family.

Why should her son become someone else's child?

I, Long Qingyun, am the king of the great China. How can my son become someone else's child? Liu Family... you are not worthy!

In the Manchu Nalan Family, Nalan Rugang heard the news that Li Nianlong had defeated the assassin and forced the assassin to self-detonate. He was filled with doubts and uncertainties. "Impossible! That kid clearly had no martial arts skills at the time, so why did he suddenly become so powerful? It's impossible! Could it be that the kid has a twin brother?"

Nalan Rugang, this rough man, fell into endless distress.

In the Jingchu Xiang Family.

"Li Nianlong forced the assassin to self-detonate?" Upon hearing this news, Xiang Qiong was slightly startled, then smiled, "Well, very good."

However, Xiang Cangtian was not entirely convinced. "Father, we still can't confirm that this assassin is the same as the one who attempted to assassinate the Liu family patriarch in the past. Perhaps this assassin is far inferior to the one who tried to assassinate the Liu family patriarch before!"

"Maybe they are both assassins from the same school." Xiang Cangtian still refused to believe.

Xiang Qiong said lightly, "Cangtian, a person can be proud, but not arrogant. You are too dismissive of others."

Xiang Cangtian's heart trembled, and he respectfully replied, "Father is right."

"Well." Xiang Qiong smiled faintly, "I am looking forward to next year's martial arts competition even more now."

Xiang Cangtian nodded in agreement, but sneered in his heart, "If you want to marry my daughter, you'll have to prove yourself first!"

The obsession with his daughter is fully on!

"Ah-choo." At Tianfu Third Middle School, Xiang Youyou rubbed her nose. "Hmm... Who's talking about me again?"

"Teacher Xiang, are you catching a cold?" Several students ran over, their faces full of concern.

Xiang Youyou looked at these students who were gradually getting closer to her, her face filled with smiles.

Teacher Xiang, I'm slowly being accepted by the students now. I really wish you could see this!

In the Liu Family.

Shao Meiyun handed a document to Old Master Liu with a smile, "Grandpa, the Chen family wants to cooperate with our Liu family in all aspects, especially in the steel industry. They are willing to exchange 49% of their shares for 1% of our bank shares."

Old Master Liu's face was beaming with joy, "Tell them that cooperating with the Liu family is the best choice for the Chen family."

"Yes." Shao Meiyun smiled and squinted her eyes, "This is the intention letter for equity exchange from the Li family. They are willing to exchange 35% of their pharmaceutical factory shares for 3.5% of Liu's technology shares."

Grandpa Liu chuckled, "Agreed."

"Yes, and there's this..."

The news of the assassin being forced to self-destruct by Li Nianlong immediately brought benefits to the Liu family. Within just two days, several influential families in Tianfu submitted their 'surrender statements', stabilizing the Liu family's control over Tianfu once again.

Meanwhile, after two days and nights of closed-door cultivation, Li Nianlong made significant progress. Seeing 450 attribute points quietly waiting in the remaining points column, a smile crept onto Li Nianlong's lips. The losses from Long Jingtian's self-destruction, along with his own, were finally fully compensated, leaving 350 points surplus.

Without hesitation, Li Nianlong allocated all 350 attribute points to his True Qi. With this, his True Qi broke through 2,000 for the first time, reaching 2163 points. This amount was barely enough for the consumption of his current skills.

Exiting his seclusion, news of Li Nianlong's breakthrough reached Sha Meiyun and Grandpa Liu immediately. They rushed over and saw Li Nianlong, seemingly unchanged from before his seclusion. Sha Meiyun asked, "Dream Dragon, what gains did you make from this seclusion?"

Li Nianlong smiled faintly, "I have more True Qi than before."

"Oh..." Sha Meiyun felt disappointed, "So, you spent two days in seclusion just to cultivate your Qi!"

"What did you expect?" Li Nianlong chuckled, then turned to Grandpa Liu, "Grandpa, thank you for coming to see me."

Grandpa Liu waved his hand with a smile, "A lot has happened these two days. You probably don't know yet!"

Li Nianlong smiled, "I've been in seclusion the whole time. How would I know? But seeing Grandpa's radiant face, I'm sure a lot of good things happened!"

Grandpa Liu laughed heartily, then looked at Li Nianlong with relief, "Dream Dragon, thanks to you driving away the assassin a few days ago, many fence-sitters have recognized the situation. They've come to surrender these past two days. Now, the Liu family's control over Tianfu is even more stable than before."

After saying this, Grandpa Liu sighed lightly, "I used to think that far-sightedness and political skills were the most important for a prominent family. But now, it seems that superior martial prowess is the foundation for a family's prosperity. In the past, the Liu family focused more on culture and neglected martial arts. From now on, the Liu family must be proficient in both culture and martial arts."

Li Nianlong nodded, "Grandpa is right. Both culture and martial arts are the foundation of prosperity. In the future, the Liu family really needs to cultivate some experts, or else, tragedies like the recent one will happen again."

Thinking of his son and grandson who were killed, Grandpa Liu's face darkened, and he nodded, "You're right. If the Liu family's martial arts weren't mediocre, we wouldn't have faced such a disaster."

After a pause, Grandpa Liu looked at Li Nianlong with anticipation and asked, "Dream Dragon, your martial arts skills are strong. I wonder if..."

Li Nianlong shook his head, "The conditions for practicing my kung fu are too strict. Not everyone can practice it."

These words made Grandpa Liu somewhat disheartened, "So be it..."

"But I have practiced Xingyi Bagua. Although it's not a top-tier technique, it's still a superior martial art. Practicing it to a high level, at least, won't be a problem against the assassins from a few days ago."

"Oh?" Li Nianlong's words reignited hope in Grandpa Liu. The Liu family's hereditary martial arts were very average, more focused on body tempering and health maintenance, with techniques far inferior. Although Xingyi Bagua couldn't compare with techniques like the Xiang Family's Tyrant's Doctrine or the Long Family's Dragon Transformation Technique, it was still a rare superior martial art. The Liu family mainly focused on governance and military capability, and having Xingyi Bagua for defense was enough.

"If the Liu family learns Xingyi Bagua, will it be disrespectful to the Bagua Sect?" Grandpa Liu, pleased but concerned.

Li Nianlong shook his head, "Rest assured, Grandpa. The Xingyi Bagua I practiced has been modified by myself. The techniques are quite different from the traditional ones. The skill in manipulating energy and force is more advanced, and the power is three or four times stronger than ordinary Xingyi Bagua. Later, I'll organize Xingyi Bagua, and you can choose the best ones for cultivation, Grandpa."