
Cultivate and Upgrade:Urban Journey

This book revolves around a system possession where all the villains on Earth become monsters in Li Nian Long's eyes. Defeating them rewards him with money drops, equipment, special items, and upgrade experience. He also gains powerful skills and has countless bizarre life professions awaiting activation. Being able to level up by battling monsters in the city, capturing the attention of exquisite beauties—could anything be more exhilarating?

sijiu_yao · Fantasy
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217 Chs

Chapter 140: The Master of the House Shows His Might

"What do we do now? We're out in the wilderness with nowhere for you to change clothes." Li Nianlong released her and took off his jacket to wring out the water. "Did you bring any spare clothes?"

"Nope!" Yue Chang said softly. "I planned to leave overnight, so why would I bring extra clothes?"

"This is troublesome." Li Nianlong shook his jacket to remove more water. "How about I take you to a hotel to take a shower and dry your clothes with a hairdryer? We should make it in time for your early morning flight."

"No need for that." Yue Chang smiled softly as the water droplets started to lift off her body. Even the water in her clothes began to separate and fall to the ground.

In no time, Yue Chang was completely dry, looking nothing like someone who had just climbed out of the river.

Li Nianlong gave her a thumbs-up. "Amazing. No wonder you're a water elementalist. Your control over water is truly impressive."

"Thank you for the compliment, big brother." Yue Chang smiled softly. "Now, let me dry you off too."

"Thank you." Li Nianlong put his jacket back on and stood still, allowing Yue Chang to dry him.

Though his combat skills were growing stronger and more varied, Li Nianlong couldn't help but feel somewhat ashamed. He lacked practical techniques like Yue Chang's for everyday convenience.

Using his true qi to dry his wet clothes? He'd never tried and wasn't sure it would work. Other abilities, like telekinesis or remote striking, were also untested.

Suddenly, he felt a desire to experiment.

Once Yue Chang finished drying his clothes, Li Nianlong led her to a rock by the riverbank. The sky was gloomy, and Li Nianlong felt a hint of regret. "It's a pity there's no moon tonight; it would have been more romantic."

"Indeed!" Yue Chang nestled against his shoulder, smiling softly. "With Ruyue and Xixi not around, this is my first time having you all to myself."

Li Nianlong smiled gently. "How does it feel to have me all to yourself?"

"Very nice." Yue Chang's smile was adorable, her face glowing softly in the dark.

Li Nianlong looked at her profile. Unlike many girls, her features were distinct and smooth, like a perfect curve drawn by a single stroke. He thought of a term—God's Curve.

"I really didn't expect you to come." Li Nianlong held her shoulder gently. "You've done so much for me, and yet I let you get hurt. I'm truly sorry."

"Don't say that." Yue Chang looked at him, smiling softly. "Didn't you say we're family? I'm happy to get hurt for family."


"And I received a reward!" Yue Chang held up the small bottles of pills and giggled. "I've never seen such magical medicine before. Where did you get it, big brother? Do you have more?"

Li Nianlong tapped her forehead, smiling. "You ruined the moment. These pills are my own creation. If you need more in the future, just ask me. I have plenty."

Yue Chang blinked, whispering, "Did you really make them?"

"Don't believe me?"

"Well... it's not that." Yue Chang tilted her head. "I just can't figure out how you made them."

"That's my little secret." Li Nianlong smiled. "Sorry, I can't tell you yet."

Yue Chang shook her head, smiling softly. "It's okay. I believe that one day you'll tell me."

"If that day comes, you'll be my wife." Li Nianlong teased with a mischievous grin. "Because I only share my secrets with my wife."

"Ah, you're tricking me into being your little wife?" Yue Chang pouted.

"Did I say that?" Li Nianlong laughed and patted her head. "You're adorable when you're angry."

"Big brother..." Yue Chang playfully scolded.

"Alright, alright." Li Nianlong chuckled. "Let's talk about something else."

Yue Chang pouted, then giggled. "Okay! What should we talk about?"

"How's your health now?" Li Nianlong asked. "Do you still need to sleep twenty hours a day?"

"It's much better now." Yue Chang shook her head softly. "I only need twelve hours of sleep a day. Maybe in another month, I'll be back to normal."

Li Nianlong's eyes showed a hint of guilt. He gently stroked her hair. "Thank you for sacrificing so much for me."

"Don't say that." Yue Chang smiled softly. "We're family, remember?"

Yes, we're family.

Li Nianlong smiled, holding her a little tighter.

After an hour, Li Nianlong gently patted Yue Chang's shoulder. "Changchang, I've been out long enough. If I don't go back soon, Liu Manor will be in chaos."

"Mm." Yue Chang reluctantly left his embrace and looked into his eyes. "I have to go back to Longcheng too. Big brother, now that you're the master of the Liu family, should Xixi and I still come during winter break?"

"Well..." Li Nianlong hesitated for a moment, then said softly, "Liu Manor is going through a lot right now. There will be many troubles. Normally, I wouldn't want you involved in these whirlpools, but you and Xixi are strong. Even if there's trouble, you'll be fine. And with you around, Ruyue won't be lonely."

He smiled. "So, you should come. The Liu Manor is beautiful, with pavilions and picturesque scenery. This time, you don't need to sneak in. You can go anywhere you like, and no one will stop you."

Yue Chang smiled softly and held out her pinky. "Promise?"

"Aren't you too old for this?" Li Nianlong felt a bit embarrassed but still hooked his pinky with hers. "Promise."


Back at the Liu Manor, Liu Laoye and Shao Meiyun sat quietly in the main hall. The rain had long stopped, but the sky remained overcast, much like Liu Laoye's mood.

"Grandpa..." Shao Meiyun's worry was evident. "Menglong has been gone for an hour. Should we..."

Liu Laoye opened his eyes, his expression serious. "Let's wait a bit longer. With Menglong's strength, he should be fine. And the assassin was strong, so it would take time to subdue him."

Despite Liu Laoye's words, Shao Meiyun couldn't help but feel anxious. The ticking clock made every second feel like an eternity.

After another half hour, Shao Meiyun finally couldn't take it. "Grandpa, I'm going to search along the river."

Liu Laoye also felt uneasy. He nodded solemnly. "Go. We need to find him, alive or dead."

Shao Meiyun nodded and was about to gather people when a voice shouted, "The master is back!"

This announcement was like a bomb dropping into a calm pond. The entire Liu Manor erupted into noise. Shao Meiyun stopped in her tracks, her face lighting up. "Grandpa, Menglong is..."


Liu Laoye was already sprinting out. Seeing his agile figure, Shao Meiyun giggled and followed quickly.


"Hello, Master!"

"Master, you're back!"

"Master, what about the assassin? Is he dead?"

As soon as Li Nianlong returned, many guards greeted him excitedly. Li Nianlong nodded, smiling. "Of course he's dead. That assassin tried to blow himself up like Long Jingtian, but he ended up as fish food in the river."

"Master is mighty!" Hearing that Li Nianlong forced the assassin to self-detonate and become turtle food in the river, the guards cheered. The chant "Master is mighty!" echoed throughout the Liu Manor, startling guests in the castle who had been asleep. They wondered what had happened at Liu Manor.

Hearing "Master is mighty," some savvy individuals guessed: Could it be that Li Nianlong survived the assassination?

With this possibility in mind, many couldn't sleep. They made phone calls, spreading the news. This night, many were destined to be sleepless.

Meanwhile, in Liu Manor, Liu Laoye approached Li Nianlong, trembling with emotion upon seeing him unscathed.

Li Nianlong's heart warmed at the sight. He smiled. "Grandpa, I'm back."

Liu Laoye's nose tingled, and he patted Li Nianlong's shoulder. "It's good you're back. It's good."

"Menglong, what about the assassin?" Shao Meiyun ran over, still catching her breath.

Seeing her so disheveled was rare. Li Nianlong smiled. "I killed him, of course. But the assassin was tough; he blew himself up rather than be captured."

"He blew himself up?" Shao Meiyun was astonished.

"Yes, in the river a kilometer from Liu Manor." Li Nianlong nodded. He and Yue Chang had agreed on this story. "I wonder if self-detonation is a trend in Tianfu lately. First Long Jingtian, now this assassin. I wonder who's next?"

Hearing his humorous tone, Liu Laoye laughed heartily. "As long as it's not one of our people."

Shao Meiyun laughed too. "That's true. And Menglong forcing the assassin to self-detonate will send a strong message. Those eyeing the Liu family will have to rethink their plans."