
Learning formation

Dan's P.O.V.

After the discussion with the system on his moral values in this world, he turned and focus his attention on the blood formation.

In order to confirm his ideas on the formation, Dan summoned the medium dark elemental avatar. This time, a dark ball appeared in mid-air and dark mist spread over the formation. The mist slowly forms into a humanoid figure. It energetically greeted Dan and was very excited whenever it looked at the blood formation. It's head bob up and down, and it jumped all over the formation.

"Dark avatar, to what extent can you alter this formation?" Dan asked the Dark avatar curiously.

It replied to Dan by writing just like the light avatar, Aurora, except that the words were written with a dark mist. [The formation is too powerful for a medium elemental avatar to interfere completely with, the functions of the formation could not be interfere with directly. However, we can try to change the receiver of the power created once the formation activates! Would master like to absorb it?]

"Uhhh... if I absorb such a large amount of mana created by sacrifices wouldn't my body be corrupted by the power. If so, I will be hunted by the alliance of light."Dan paused for a second before continuing. "Could you absorb it instead? Since blood formation is aligned with your element, it should be greatly beneficial to you. And you are able to hide it completely too"

[Thank you I will cherish this opportunity then!] The dark avatar was extremely excited about this opportunity.

"That's only if the formation manages to activate. This will be our last resort since it is better for us to benefit than give this precious opportunity to the demigod of Dusk. Just place a portion of your essence into the formation and make sure not to be found out!" Dan suggested to the excited dark elemental avatar.

Though it was a little disappointed in the fact that it was used as a last resort, it still thanked it's master gratefully and followed him out of the underground cave.

After Dan exited the cave, the earth elemental avatar made the ground return to its original state leaving no trace of tempering behind. the illusion spell was then deactivated and Dan returned to the princess castle. When he returned, the sun was already setting, it was just in time for dinner.

A maid knocked on my door to call me out to the dining room. "The princess is waiting for you in the dining room." The maid said gently.

"Alright," Dan replied. He walked out of the room and followed the maid. A tier 5 maid huh, probably a special force working under the princess's name.

Dan entered the dining room, inside was a long rectangle table covered by a pure white cloth. The dishes and utensils were arranged neatly, giving a dignified appearance to those who looked at it. At one end of the table was princess Allysium who was already seated. She wore a silver dress complementing her golden eyes and blonde hair. She unconsciously gives out air befitting of a princess of the royal family.

This scene has made Dan gulped down a mouthful of saliva, and made his throat dry. This is like dining with some top model... only happens in another world... Dan thought to himself while he quickly sat in his assigned seat at the other end of the table. Trying to distract himself from this quiet and awkward atmosphere, Dan looked around the room.

The silence was broken when Allysium stood up from her sea and gracefully bowed down to Dan. She opened her slightly pink lips and bowed gracefully towards Dan. "Thank you sire magician for escorting me safely! I would like to thank you for joining me for dinner tonight." She expressed her thanks with a slight smile on her face. If this scene is showed to all the guys in the other world, I will probably be beaten up...

It is probably not too good to keep a princess standing for too long. With this thought, Dan replied with his signature poker face, "No need to be so courteous your highness, you can just call me Dan. It is an honour for me to dine with such a beautiful lady."

"Thank you!", Allysium answered nervously while fidgeting around with a slightly flushed face.

Damn, this isn't good for my heart, maintain a poker face poker face poker face! Dan endured internally. I am a high tier magician to them, making expressions due to her beauty would make me seem like a fake high tier magician.

A conversation occurred within this period of time.

[Pervert.]-System said.

[F*ck off, I am still a young boy alright! I have my needs!]-Dan retorted.

[Host seems to have misunderstood. A high tier magician in a low tier kingdom is usually seen as someone with shady motives.]-System said.

[So I am the bad guy now?]-Dan asked suspiciously.

[That is a correct terminology.]-System replied.

[Great! You should have told me earlier...]-Dan said gloomily.

[You didn't ask!]-System replied joyfully.


The princess snapped her fingers after fidgeting for a moment. The maid that guided Dan passed him a bag of gold coins.

"This is your promised reward."Princess Allysium said courteously.

Dan pointed at the bag of gold and the bag disappeared with a flash. Storage magic is really convenient, Dan thought. With this, he and the princess sat down and waited for the food to be served.

As if he had noticed something, Dan looked at the princess and asked her a question, "So that paladin and Britinia won't be joining us?"

"No, they told me that they are currently busy."She replied.

"I see," Dan said.

Finally, hot steaming food had arrived, the smell of each dish waffled into the air, leaving onlookers drooling at the look of them. While Dan was eating, he followed the system tutorial on royal etiquette for dummies. While the seasoning was not as developed as his previous world, it was still acceptable to Dan.

Such a shame, she will be under a lot of stress due to the current state of the kingdom. Especially since the king had died and there is no clear successor to the throne.

It would be interesting to give her some hope to unite the kingdom of Dusk and put it under her control temporarily. No matter how I see it, the Dusk kingdom would fall into chaos with or without a ruler. If Allysium manages to secure her position as the sole ruler of the country, how would she react to the temple of Dusk? How interesting... Dan thought while he grinned to himself in his head.

Just barely scratched the surface of the story.

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