
Cthulhu Gonfalon

In the world, there were gods who obeyed the rules, whether good or evil. But there were also evil gods who defied the rules. When a traverser was confronted by the rules that he could never conform to, the resulting collision marks the beginning of the story of an evil god… This is the story of a good man who transformed into a great jellyfish, then traversed his world to arrive at a world of swords and magic. His journey of searching and exploring eventually led to him remaking nature and changing the world.

Chu bai · Fantasy
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988 Chs

Chapter 33

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Three companions had died in succession. After that, even though the Queen of Water Elements had had a strong will, she couldn't help but be discouraged.

More importantly, she had been really scared.

From great Divine Power to greater Divine Power, this step was too dangerous. She had asked herself, Why should I go further to reach the highest peak? I'm already almost at the top of the gods. Compared to the past, I still have a good life. What's more, even if I become a greater Divine Power, what will be the difference? Are greater Divine Powers better? There were four greater Divine Powers. After a short time, there is only one left now. Their survival time is not as long as we Rulers of the Four Elements.

With such an idea, the Queen of Water Elements had been quiet for a long time without any movement.