
Crystal's Desire

Take a journey into an alternate universe, follow with Crystal and learn how a half-demon with no heart goes on an adventure to earn herself one! Meet all her friends and enjoy the ride! Will her wish be fulfilled or will she turn into a monster?

Dashprincess11 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 3

A man and woman could be heard from the small hallway, arguing loudly.

"She's a monster, Dotsu! We should just kill her already!"

"No, Omose. She isn't a monster. I've loved her since the day she was born, just like how I love you, just how you love me.*

"But she doesn't love you back, Dotsu!" The woman screamed, the sound of wood and pottery shattering on the floor echoed through the hall.

"Even so, even as a half-demon without a heart, she knows what companionship is. She knows what it means to be loyal. She loves me in her own special way." The man, Dotsu shouted softly. His voice was deep as it echoed in the hallway.

"If we kill her it won't bother anyone! It'll save her from a life of misery!"

"No, It'll save you from having to admit you don't want her. You don't want her because she's not like her brother."

"How dare you-!"

Crystal's eyes opened revealing the ceiling above her as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. Sitting up, the blankets fell to reveal her bare skin, using her forearm she covered her breasts from the cold air that nipped at them.

A knock came upon the door, and Crystal looked towards it.

"Who is it?"

"It's just me. I wanted to let you know there's breakfast downstairs." Yashuka's soft voice called through the door, and Crystal nodded although he couldn't see her. She heard as his footsteps

echoed until they were gone.

Crystal pulled the covers off her legs and swung them over the edge of the bed. She reached over to her satchel and took out her clothes. Slipping her leather pants on, another knock came at the door.

"I've brought your food, darling." A woman's voice called out softly, it was Mrs. Yashuka. Crystal hurriedly slipped on her blue cropped top and her dark gray cut shaw. Walking up to the door she opened it to see a small old lady with her gray hair up in a bun.

"Thank you, I was just getting dressed."

"I know sweetheart, but I'm sure you don't like the feeling of eating around a family since you didn't spend much time down with us last night. Just make yourself at home here in this room, you may use it whenever you need on your travels."

Crystal stared at the woman, unsure of what to say, and so all she did was nod. Crystal watched silently as the old woman walked down the hall and down the stairs.

She looked down to see the bowl of Oden and sniffed as the warmth of the steam soothed her skin. She walked back into the room and began to eat on the floor. The taste of the Oden brought back memories, and like it used to, her body started to tremble. Tears started to slowly come down her face, but she sighed. The feelings her body expressed were not emotions she felt, although she was used to how her body had become used to habit.

"My Lord! There's a village that says they're housing the half-demon!"

"Oh?" Long brown locks passed over two dark green eyes, as his husky voice responded, "How far is this village? And who did you hear this from?"

"One of the traveling merchants mentioned her when I was getting some of their best tea blends." The servant smiled, "He said that she's been assisting the villagers with their daily tasks."

The lord, shifted himself in his seat, "I see." Standing up, he glared at his servant, "Prepare to leave with me."


"We shall assess this half-demon ourselves. Bring the horses with you to the front as soon as possible."

As the Lord walked back into his private quarters, the servant questioned out loud, "On It Sir!"

The Lord looked down at himself in the bucket of water.

"If this half-demon truly isn't evil, what am I going to do? As a Demon Slayer, I would ultimately have to slay her. There's not much I could do. As a Lord, I must uphold what my slayers believe in." His thoughts kept bugging him as he reached for his Polearm, its blue to gold faded cloth wrapped around it to match his own. Slipping it into its sheath on the ground and loosely tying it shut, he slung the shoulder band over his shoulder.

Something in him refused to believe this half-demon should be dead. But he couldn't figure out why, and he didn't know how to save her.

The Lord led on his horse, 4 of his best slayers followed behind him including his younger brother. Their horses began to restless, but carried on nonetheless having been through some of the scariest forests before.

That's when the Lord's horse began to freak out, refusing to go any further.

"Halt!" The Lord shouted back at the slayers, "Junith senses a demon! Prepare for-!" His voice was cut off by the loud boom of the trees in front of them being uprooted and slammed into their path. A Large Yokai Bear appeared in front of them, it was with two younger ones, "Seize your weapons! She's just simply protecting her children! Allow her to pass!"

"You Fools." Was the only words he heard before the large bear's head came off in one swift cut. For a moment, all slayers and horses alike looked for the source, but the Lord watched as the cubs disappeared.

"An Illusion?" He asked out loud, before the big bear disappeared with a soft pop, dropping some of it's loot. Revealing the woman who he had heard, her long azure blue hair flowing in the wind as she put her sword back into its place. His breathe was hitched, before her head turned to look back at them.

Ice blue.

"You!" He shouted, as he urged the horse to approach as she picked up the loot and put them away in a large satchel on her side.

"Yes?" She spoke up to him, neither glaring at him nor looking upon him with fear.

"I'm looking for a village harboring a half-demon around here."

"I'm her, and what business do you need with the village?" She said blankly, although he could tell she slightly twitched her hand closer to her sword.

"If you are her, we need to have a discussion. There has been a bounty for your head."

"I'm not too surprised, I set a village ablaze." She shrugged, "I presume you've come to collect the bounty?" Still, there was no fear. He looked as much as he could into her expression and body language, but none of it read fear.

"No. I simply want to ask a few questions, if you can meet us or follow us to the village, that would be much appreciated." He knew it was wrong to suggest she leave, but he remembered that she was currently living at the village, so she would most definitely return, right?

"I shall meet you at the village, I am currently hunting the bears in the area since a few have attacked village children, and it's become quite the issue. I'll be hunting a couple more before returning. Ask Mr. Yashuda. He'll keep you company while you wait for me." With that she walked off into the woods, but something inside the Lord seemed to stir.

Something clawed at him to go after her, but for other reasons than to make sure she doesn't escape. But while he stood there speechless, he could hear the mumbles of the other slayers.

"She's basically acting like the village's personal demon slayer."

"That's actually pretty awesome!"

"I hope the Lord can forgive her for her misdeeds, she did just save us from an attack."

"Let's carry on!" The Lord shouted, as he encouraged his horse to go forward. Which it did confidently, along with the others. The path was almost completely clear of fauna, until the forest ended, revealing a small village. The entrance path lined with market after market, a new horse stable was being build nearby as well. The villagers seemed to be going on about their days, like nothing was different about their lives.

"Welcome to the village, dear slayers!" A older woman walked up to them, "Welcome to Asder! Our lovely village doesn't have a lot, but we have a clothing store owned by Ms. Ruthica, a Blacksmith owned by Mr. Yashuda, an armorer owned by Mr. and Mrs. Polica, and a bakery owned by me, Mrs. Loane."

"I'm Lord Rayth. These are my four slayers, we have come to investigate a half-demon that was reported to live here."

"Oh! Our lovely Crystal! She's such a darling, what would you need her for?"

Rayth slung off of his horse to get down to talk to her, "Before arriving to your village, she burnt down one. None of the villagers were harmed, all except for one who had been hunting her. I am here to investigate not only her intention but why."

"Oh deary, you heard about that? I'm so sorry, Lord Rayth, but it is very true that our dearest Crystal caused a village to burn, but I do not believe she will have much of an answer to give." The old woman gestured to a few young boys, "Jonah! Joseph! Joey! Come get these lads horse's and tie them to the post."

The three young boys ran over and took the horses as the slayers got off. Each saying their thank yous.

"Follow me." Mrs. Loane turned and started to walk away, Rayth hesitated but followed. He wanted to know why this lady referred to Crystal as their dearest. Even with knowing the damages she's caused, she still called her that.

"Did she put a curse on the village? Even if she did, why would she go through the trouble of keeping them safe? That's impossible. A typical half-demon would consume the lost villagers themselves and claim its another demon to cover their tracks if they kept the village under a curse." Rayth made sure the woman wasn't speaking, but he stopped his thoughts just in time since she spoke up.

"Yes, Crystal is a half-demon and yes she vengefully burnt that village down. But I can't exactly say I blame her. The villagers were all mean to her, if they weren't mean, they wouldn't treat her like another person." The old lady's smile finally faded, "The young woman finally gave up on the idea of it being home and burned it to the ground. Although most humans can do that simply in their memories, she didn't want a physical reminder."

"I guess that makes sense.." Rayth looked around, watching all the young children that cheered happily, even though there had been recent bear attacks.

"But ever since she got here about 6 days ago, she's been such a great help to the village. She helps with raising some of the children, teaches the children where to hide in the case of a demon attack, and teaches the teenagers how to fight in case something happens while she's gone."

"So she's basically training your adolescents into demon slayers?" Rayth's younger brother asked curiously.

"Not exactly. She's merely teaching them techniques to defend others. Not to really slay a demon, more like smoke and poisons. She takes care of most of the 'Demon Slaying' around here anymore, has put our old slayer finally on retirement." She chuckled a little, "But she does a good job at keeping the village safe, and she helps with chores. She's who started the horse stables, if it wasn't for her we wouldn't have been able to start until after winter. Bless her heart."

Rayth found it hard to decide, but a burning question boiled at the back of his through, "Has she killed any humans since she's come here?"


"Who? And Why?"

"A group of bandits had a couple of girls in the back of their cart when passing through the forest. She killed all of the bandits. A total of 7 men, the women are now currently here and Crystal's been

putting out the word to see if she can find their families."

"I see..." Suddenly the sounds of cheers came from behind him and he turned to see.

"Crystal!! Crystal has returned!!" The children ran up to the woman as she strolled back into the town, despite the gash on her right shoulder, she hugged a few of the children as they came up to her.

"What is it that you plan to do, if you find her answers unsatisfying?"

"I'm not sure yet, I was asked by the wife of the man she killed to kill her personally. But I wanted to hear more, and when I did I saw no reason to punish even a full demon with death for simply defending themselves." Rayth tensed up, he didn't intend to say so much in front of the other slayers, but he saw them all nod in agreement.

"Whatever you do, I beg you to reconsider if your choice ends up being to kill her, I do not think the children would be able to forgive you." Mrs. Loane continued, leaving the 5 men to stand in silent thought. The woman they all presumed that they would be killing played with the children as she talked with the merchants, handing them materials from her satchel that she had collected.

From what they could see there was no payment going her way other than bows and smiles.

"Lord Rayth?" His younger brother looked at him with a sorrowful look.

"Yes, Brya?"

"Will it really kill us to keep her alive? She doesn't seem to be causing any harm to this village." Rayth looked away shamefully.

"I'm not sure, Brya."

Finally Crystal made her way up to them, still with a young girl on her hip, her arms wrapped around her neck.

"Apologies, she's lost her hut again. Follow me and we can talk." Crystal looked up at Rayth, "It

might be better if it's just you though, sir. You four can go enjoy yourselves at the tavern. Let them know that Crystal sent you."

Rayth watched as the four slayers cheered slightly and then turned to him for permission, "Go on, it'll be alright." The four ran off gleefully, and went into one of the bigger huts after asking another villager.

"Follow me." Crystal started to walk off as the child waved at Rayth, "Sorry about that, the children in this village don't get too much excitement so when I come back with items, they usually want to pick out the safer things to keep."

"It's alright. I used to get like that when I was younger as well." Rayth caught himself before he said anything more, "So. Care to explain why you burned down that village?"

"I burned it down because I was angry. I felt betrayed. I value being loyal and companionship. That was all broken in one night when three attempted to aim guns at me, and tried to take my life." Crystal explained, lifting the child a little to shift her weight, "So I took my anger out on the empty huts."

"So then why are you here with more humans? Aren't you afraid of them also doing that?"

"We would neber!" The young child's mispronunciation made Rayth smile a little, "Crystal is amazing!"

"Here we are, Lilith." Crystal lifted her off her shoulder and set her down in front of the hut, "Mrs. Eudith?" She knocked, and a few moments later a middle aged woman opened up.

"Oh dear! I didn't realize she got out, I am so sorry to bother you again, Ms. Crystal!" She bowed slightly before picking up Lilith and putting her inside.

"Don't worry about it, Mrs. Eudith." Crystal turned and continued to walk down the path. Rayth stayed behind a bit, looking at the door to the hut, wondering how many times Crystal had done that before.

"But, honestly," Crystal started, "I can't live my life resenting all humans because of what 3 small ones did." Crystal tilted her head down to the ground, "It isn't how my father would want me to live

my life, because resentment only leads to evil doings." Crystal sighed.

"Your father?" Rayth asked curiously, that's when the air around them felt like it slammed shut. As if the door he started to crack open just slammed shut in front of him.

"Sorry." Crystal stopped in her tracks and spun around to him, "I don't talk much about my father. I must return home to start getting ready for the bear feast tonight. I brought enough meat for each of the villagers to have a second helping this time."

Just like that she was gone and Rayth couldn't understand what the feeling was in his chest. Rayth slowly made his way to the tavern, his head swimming with thoughts. His younger brother offered him a cup of sake, and he gladly accepted. Sipping it down, he couldn't help but yearn for more.

To know more. To see her again.

"Tonight.. the feast. I'll ask her more questions."