
Crushing on my bestie, but being sought by Demons and vampires.

 Thousand years ago, the realm of pure magic was ruled by two people who were called Zeeva and Drakon, two powerful supernaturals who were gifted with countless abilities, Zeeva was an Archer Angel while Drakon was a demon, a good one which shocked many people",   As she continued reading, the book started displaying everything. They gasped and watched like a movie. Layla continues.     "Then one day, their kingdom was attacked. There was bloodshed as the kingdom was thrown into uproar. Swords flew in different directions as soldiers dropped to the ground like flies.     Drakon and Zeeva fought with all their might but it seemed like the vampires has the upper hand.     They had convinced with the demons to take over the throne of pure magic. The demon had used all their wicked methods to lure Drakon to take side with them but he refused and stood by Zeeva.    Both tried their best and fought with everything they believed in but soon, darkness took over. Drakon and Zeeva were stabbed with a sword dipped in witches poison and both fell into the ocean.     In there , they held hands together and vowed not to separate, even in death.   In their embrace, both joined their souls together and made it into a ball.    "We promised to be together, Drakon.     Our souls will find solace in a supernatural beings.  A thousand years to come, a baby would be born and inside that back would our souls abide.  He would become the ruler of the realm of pure magic powers".     Zeeva said as blood gushed out of the sword in her chest.    "In this ocean we died  but will find our solace here too.     The child and the ocean shall become one and because of the demon blood he would have, there would be two pure souls to stand by his side.    They will come from the water as well and two of them shall become one while the other will protect them".   Drakon said their souls flew up and disappeared. With hands wrapped around each other, they breath their last breath. Many things happened before those promise children were born. After they were able to locked up all the bad realms, they were given a new life. But that life seems not to sustain them and they were bounced back to their original civilization where all the dark realms were freed up.

Becky_Ampong · Teen
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134 Chs

Chosing the guardian for Dela...

   King Hariss was still wondering what Samantha said.

"Didn't you understand when I told you he is different"? Samantha snapped and he bit his lower lips. "Your concern shouldn't be how he got the demonic side, it should be how dangerous and destructive that side of his could be". Samantha said.

   "I know how dangerous demons are but why must my son become one, huh?". King Hariss said.

"It's his destiny? Your majesty, you both have given birth to the most powerful supernatural creature in the entire magical realms!". Samantha announced and the water rose up and then came down again. Causing everyone to be startled.

   She said both because Dela was the son of their king who was born by a human being and was raised as a human being. So the both were King Hariss and Cecilia.

  " Will he be that endangered? His safety is all that matters now". Rollins said.

   " You know I don't lie your majesty, I say things the way I see them. It would be foolish of me to tell you that she would be safe and out of danger". Samantha said and he signed.

  " He is behaving naive, inexperienced and trust easily, he is very gullible if I may say. If other supernatural creatures got to know about him, they will use him over your kingdom and he is the heir as well as we know, but whichever side he is on determines what comes out of the pure magic powers".

  " How are we going to help him". King Hariss said.

  " We need to summon his guardians ". Samantha said.

  " Let's do it right away ". He said.

" It's not going to be easy training him in the human world, is not going to be safe training him here either. Meet me here by this time tomorrow, we are going to summon his guardians. Whoever they are should be strong enough to tame his demon". Samantha said.

  " Do you know who they are going to be"? Rollins asked.

  " No, only the ocean knows". Samantha said as she points to the water that shone brightly before becoming dim again".



After school that day, Dela hurried home. He wanted to tell aunt Maggie what happened to him yesterday but unfortunately, she wasn't at home that day and he know that she will be in the house that day.

  Aunt Maggie was busy making fried rice with chicken for his arrival. Dela entered the house and ran to meet her in the kitchen. He hugged her from the back.

   " Good afternoon aunt,..I miss you soo much". Dela said.

" Aunt Maggie stop what she was doing and turned to him.

  " Afternoon my dear..I miss you too". She notices that something was odd about his behavior at that time.

   " What happened..did something happen yesterday that you don't like". She asked. She knew very well that Dela would always come and hug her whenever he was moody or feeling down.

  Dela nodded and pouted. " I almost kill someone yesterday, Aunt". He said with his head hung low.

    " You almost did what ". Aunt Maggie said almost exclaiming.

  " I didn't mean to. I just lost control when he cast a spell on me. He was choking me, Aunt. He choked me too hard and I lost it..so .so". Dela said still with his head hung low.

   Aunt Maggie facepalmed. (So that was the reason for the unfriendly weather yesterday, I should have known it). She thought to herself.

" Let go to the living room and tell me everything". Aunt Maggie said as she dried her wet hands with the kitchen towel.  Dela didn't hesitate and followed her. He was still afraid of what he did. So he made a mental note to avoid getting angry from now henceforth.

  Aunt Maggie made him sit down on the couch and sat beside him.

  " I'm all ears, tell me what happened yesterday". She said.

   " Aunt what about the food you are preparing, won't it burn?". He asked concerned.

" You don't need to worry about that, for it will take care of itself. Now tell me". Aunt Maggie said and smiled.

  Dela smiled back and started narrating all that happened to Aunt Maggie, who listened attentively. After he was done with his narration, he said. " Aunt, I know I'm a monster and I need to tell my mother about it, she thought I was having good power but not a monster". He cried.

  " No, dear. Don't ever say that again. You aren't a monster. It wasn't your fault to be new to your powers, it wasn't your fault that he got hurt either. Don't feel bad for what you didn't do on purpose. We only need to work on your powers and train you". Aunt Maggie's said, giving him motivation.

   " Okay aunt I have heard you, ..but please can I ask a question". He said.

   " Go ahead, my dear". She smiled.

" Why is it dangerous to trust someone easily". He said with his confused face.

  " It is dangerous because you don't know what goes through their minds. A person can act like your friend, but in the heart, in his heart all he thinks is your downfall ". She explained.

" Owww.!". Dela said.

" Yeah, we supernatural creatures take trust very seriously. As a magical being, you don't go about trusting everyone you came across especially if you possess special power. People might appear to be friends with you, but they intend to destroy you or exploit you". Aunt Maggie said.

  " So, Lily was right ". Dela muttered to himself but Aunt Maggie heard him.

  " Who is she". She asked.

" Ooh, she is the principal daughter and a supernatural too". He said and smiled.

  ( Mmm..if Lily is the principal daughter and she is a supernatural too, then I think her father must be a supernatural too). She thought.

   " Okay I have heard you but be careful around her". She warned.

   " I will aunt". He said.

  " Now go freshen up and come back for your food for I don't think you will like it if it gets cold". She teases.

  " Haha..you no it right". He said and stood up then went to his room.

    Aunt Maggie signed and headed back to the kitchen. She no that now that the heir has been found and his powers were also manifesting, it wasn't going to be easy at all. She needed to call his mother and informed her about it.

    Because of those dark creatures, he was brought up as a human and lived in the human world all his life. Now that he has come of age and his powers have grown with him it wasn't going to be an easy task for him. They needed to find who he love best and keep her safe or else she will also be in trouble. She has to try her best to protect that little girl he was crushing on. Although she hasn't seen her before she knows that Dela has a crush.


   THE NEXT DAY( at the ocean in the realm of pure magic).

  The ocean sparkled and shone as Samantha chanted some strange words. She touched it and a wave came, washed up on the concrete tiles, surrounding the ocean, and went back. the guards and the maids were dismissed leaving only King Hariss and his friend Rollins together with Cecilia whom King Hariss went to take and told her everything about Dela.

   "His guidances are the water spirit and a human girl". Samantha said after she opened her eyes.

  "What!! A human girl". King Hariss said almost exclaiming.

" Yes, your majesty but for now we need to focus on the water spirit".

   " Okay, does that mean his powers are associated with water"? Cecilia asked.

" Yes. That is why his emotional controls the weather. His tears cause the rain to fall, his rage, fury, and anger cause a storm where there are flashes of lightning and roaring of thunder". Samantha said.

   " Whoa, that is an amazing power ". Rollins said while laughing.

" It is but is also dangerous. Look at how peaceful the ocean looks and how the sky above us looks, if Dela gets triggered, the ocean gets triggered as well as the sky. If we aren't careful, this ocean must be our end". Samantha said.

  " Let's go ahead and summon his water guardian then". Cecilia said again.

  " What is the gender of his water guardian?". King Hariss said.

   "I don't know but the ocean can tell". Samantha said and bowed then closed her eyes again. She stretched forth her hand towards the ocean as her midnight black hair flew in different directions. The ocean  danced and the heavy wind blew. A minute later, a huge pile of water in form of a wave sprung up and landed on the dry land.

   Slowly, it formed into a person and when the transformation was complete, all eyes widened as they beheld the most beautiful girl they have ever set their magical eyes on.

" Greetings, I am Hosea the chosen guardian of our beloved heir". She said and bowed with her sword down.

  King Hariss and the rest gazed at that fine young girl. Is the ocean trying to seduce their heir or guard him? Look at her!  She was the complete definition of PERFECT and BEAUTIFUL.

  "Rise". He ordered.

Hosea rose to her feet and smiled charmingly. Rollins couldn't help but drool. The heir was so lucky to have such a beautiful girl has his guardian. She has blueberry-colored eyes and a pointed nose. Her facial features were perfect like that of a god. She has a slim waist with her broad beauty shaped hips.

   "The ocean chose you?" Samantha said with a huge smile on her face.

  "Yes, great one. I am Hosea, last daughter of Harven, king of the water kingdom". She said and they gasped.

  " Wow, you are king Harven's daughter? The best guardian comes from his lineage,". Rollins gasped.

" That means you can transform into a mermaid ".

"You are partly right but not entirely. We don't transform into mermaids but we can breathe underwater". She said and Rollins smiled.

  "You know what you're supposed to do right ". King Hariss said.

   "Yes your majesty, my mission is to guide, protect, train, nurture and make sure our heir, prince Dela Hariss isn't exposed to any danger ". Hoses said.

  "And if he is in danger by any chance?". Cecilia said with a questioning look.

"I will lay down my life to save him". She answered firmly with no fear.

King Hariss, Cecilia, and the others nodded their heads, pleased with her determination.

  "You are going to the human world Hosea, you need to at least dress and act like them". Samantha said.

  "Why ". She asked.

"Because anything around there is different from here, their food, clothes and their character and so on. The world isn't like how it was thousand years ago. And I learned you assimilate things in seconds, so getting to learn about humans shouldn't be that hard for you, right!". Samantha asked and she nodded.

  "Good you are going to be enrolled in ling's high school, that is where our heir is. You must stick by his side all the time. Do not let out of his side". Samantha warned.

   "You can trust me". she answered.

" Go well and train him well. When the time comes, he will come to where he truly belongs". Samantha said.

" I won't let you down your majesty ". she said and, bowed then disappear into the thin air.

  " Are you sure she can handle this.. isn't this for man"? Cecilia asked.

" If she can't, she wouldn't have been chosen by the ocean ". Samantha said and smiled.

" I think it will be a good idea to tell Maggie about this. By now Dela must have no how dangerous it is to trust people he doesn't know. And we all know that those creatures can go any length to get him on their side. So if Maggie knows that she can inform him and he will be aware that she is his guardian". Rollins suggested.

Royal adviser are believed to be very wise so their advice isn't always neglected and Rollins, being their leader is considered the wisest, so his suggestion is always put into consideration.

" Alrighty, we will do as you said". The king said.

     " But please can we at least go and see him". Both the king and Cecilia pleaded.

  " No your majesty I don't think is safe to do that for now, you let just wait for some time ".

Samantha said.

   " Okay, we have heard you". The king said

" But what about the human girl ".

    " For the human girl he has to choose or his mother Cecilia has to choose.. please I will like to take my leave now". she said and they ordered her to go and she disappear.

  " You majesty, please should I summon Maggie?"  Rollins asked.

   " Yes go ahead and please if you see Dela tell him that we love him and we miss him Soo much". The king said and teleport back to the human world with Cecilia.

   " Thanks for sending me there". Cecilia said as they got back from the realm.

" But please I hope nothing will happen to my son". She asked with concern ".

  " Don't worry Cecilia, nothing will happen to him". Prince said to calm her down.

   " Okay I have heard you, so you need to go back before my other son comes back from school..or else he will ask a lot of questions ".

   " I will get going and please greet him for me and tell him that his godfather loves him". He said and smiled then vanished.

  Becky and Aaron, Elle and Robin, Dora and Andy knew nothing of what was going on in her house for she has kept everything to herself.

   "I need to inform them about this". She said. Neither did she also knows that Peggy was having the devil's son with her. Although she has been hearing things like that, but because she doesn't care, she never asked about that. She got up and went to her kitchen to prepare something for her lastborn.

   Rollins also arrived at Maggie's house minutes after King Hariss arrived in his palace.

Aunt Maggie noticed that someone has come to invite her from the spirit world.

  She woke up and walked straight to the living room just to meet Rollins sitting down on the couch with his legs crossed on the other.

  In his hand was a piece of apple he was chewing.

" Hi". He said unseeing Aunt Maggie walking toward him.

  " Hello, Good evening..you are coming and you didn't even announce it?". She asked and sat beside him.

   "It was a sudden thing so none of us was announced". He said.

  " Anyway, what brought you into my bosom ". She said.

  " I just came to inform you about something ".

" About Dela's powers".

   " Yes and how to control it".

" I'm about to teach him myself"

" That is a good idea, but his parents have decided on another way of protecting him". He said and Aunt Maggie listen to him.

  He told her everything from the head to the toe and then conclude by saying.

  "So please ask him who he is crushing on.. just in a funny way and you ask him so we will know what to do about her.. besides he is no longer young,  he is 18 years old ".

   " Okay I heard you I will do that ".

After saying that Rollins bowed and vanished and Aunt Maggie went back to her sleep.      It has been five years since Dela went there and he has now started developing his powers.