
crush untold , love unknown

a lifestyle of a one sided love , who regrets her decision oncs shes grown old and notices his silence at once . does she still love him ? or is it just a guilt?

dark_angel0207 · Teen
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7 Chs

school, school 2011


Todays a bright day . i saw him today morning with the suns brightness falling on his face . he looked so handsome and beautiful like an angel . i think i fell in love with him today aswell 😅. his cold look still makes me feel warm as i notice his awareness on small children as he helps them cross the road . his acts of kindness is nothing but the best . he is and will always be my god who i will always love . looking at the cool way he plays basketball had driven many girls jus like me :(

i always want to be in only person in front of his eyes cheering him . but seeems like im not . but there is a slight hope that i could be it as i know how great i am in my sports too . as ive always being ths sports champion . nothing comes to my mind other than showing him the real me and making him love me and get impressed by me . and making him feel impressed cant encourage me to go to any extent . i always know that .

most of the time i would look at his picture and just looking at that gives me all the energy to study and i eventually become the 3rd or 4th in class just because i want to impress him . but isnt it irnoic that when i see him when im running a race that makes me slow down (just because of that i dont look at him when im running a race but once i win it i look at him and see him cheering me ) .

sometimes its just so sad to look at your crush just talking to you like some other friend, like some one unknown but atleast it makes you happy knowing that he very rarely talks to girls but lucky you are one of his friends. but ive always wanted to be his closest friend ( do you know i even sent him a message in a different account just to get close to him , but later thoguht wheather he ll find it weird and then decided to go with the truth . but thank god he didn't mind it ) but after all the afforts i tried i became really good friends with him that he shared every single thing with me and told everything he felt , i knew that i was important for him then .....

Nothing made me more happier than knowing and feeling this . after all this he opened up many things about him and what he felt . eventually i started opening myself up to him too . i told him one of my deepest secrets but i always made sure to keep away the topic of crushes and i always kept my self in sense to make sure not to even make him feel that .thinking he would cut me off his life .

do you think that ill open up my self one day ? do you think i should ? do you think its unfair for him to not know my feelings ?