
Crush, Love and Breakup!

What's love? Who's your crush? And what happens after a breakup? This novel has the answer to it all. Prepare to be captivated by a whirlwind of emotions in this gripping and unconventional romantic tale. Set in the exciting world of college life, a group of friends gathers to celebrate a birthday, unaware of the unpredictable events that lie ahead. As the party kicks off, the atmosphere quickly changes from festive to eerie, with unexpected twists and turns that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Behind the facade of their seemingly carefree lives, these college students harbor deep, dark secrets that threaten to unravel their friendships. Yet, amidst the chaos, their bond remains unbreakable, proving that true friendship can endure even the most challenging circumstances. In this tangled web of emotions, two friends find themselves falling unexpectedly in love, embarking on a journey that defies the norms and expectations. Meanwhile, a couple bravely decides to redefine their relationship, choosing to be friends rather than romantic partners—a decision that challenges societal conventions. But love is never straightforward, and when two lovers face a messy breakup, the consequences spiral into uncharted territory. As secrets are exposed, and alliances shift, the reader is taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, craving more with each page turned. From heart-pounding suspense to heartwarming moments, this novel throws conventional romance out the window, daring to explore the complexities of human relationships. Be prepared for an enthralling experience that will keep you begging for more, as you witness the characters' lives intertwine, revealing their vulnerability, their strength, and ultimately, their capacity to love. Even if you've never considered yourself a devoted reader of romantic stories, this gripping tale will take you on an emotional journey you won't soon forget. Brace yourself for a thrilling blend of romance, suspense, and unexpected surprises that will leave you yearning for the next chapter.

FelixCee · Teen
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From Crush to Confession.

From Crush to Confession...

Jeremiah found himself in a moment of both nervousness and anticipation. As he gazed at his phone screen, the image of his crush illuminated the device. The clock read five minutes past nine, and a single question echoed in his mind: "Is it the right time to tell her?"

Without waiting for an answer, he pressed the WhatsApp icon. The screen transitioned to white, then a chatbox with a telephone drawing appeared and vanished in a heartbeat. His chat with his best friend Cherry appeared on the screen. The status read "Cherry was online."

"This is it," Jeremiah thought as he felt his heart race. He summoned the courage to type a message. Half a minute later, Cherry replied. After exchanging pleasantries, Jeremiah prepared himself to steer the conversation toward his true feelings.

"Can I ask you something?" he inquired, his thumb hovering over the keyboard.

"Of course, what's on your mind?" Cherry replied.

Jeremiah took a deep breath and typed the words he had been rehearsing in his head. "No," he exclaimed softly after writing a text. He realized that diving straight into the main discussion might not be the best approach. Perhaps some subtle hints would pave the way. He deleted it.

"If you're crushing on someone and you confess your feelings to them, does that make them your girlfriend, or do they remain your crush?" he asked, his heart pounding as he hit send.

Cherry's reply brought a smile to his face. "If she accepts, she becomes your girlfriend; if not, she's still your crush."

With newfound confidence, Jeremiah continued, "So, how do you think I should tell her? What should I say?"

"Just be honest and tell her how you feel, maybe even say that you love her," Cherry suggested.

Jeremiah sought clarification, "So, I should tell her that I love her?"

"Yes, something like that," Cherry confirmed, and Jeremiah felt a surge of encouragement. This was the moment to take the next step. "I hope she accepts me," he whispered, almost like a prayer, as he typed his final message.

"I love you so much," he began the heartfelt message, his fingers hovering over the keyboard.

"I've developed these incredibly strong feelings for you, and I can't hold them back any longer. I adore you so deeply! Your infectious smile, your intelligence, and your unique way of living life are just a few of the countless reasons why I've fallen head over heels in love with you." With a deep breath, he closed his eyes and summoned the courage to hit the send button.

Her swift reply took him by surprise. "'Well written, you can now send it to her,' she encouraged.

His heart raced as he replied, "That's exactly what I just did. I'm in her DM right now," hoping she'd see things from his perspective.

"What was her response?" he asked anxiously, feeling like his world hung in the balance.

Then, it dawned on her. "Wait, what? Is that me?" He sighed with relief as she finally understood.

"Yeah, Cherry, I love you," he typed, replacing words with a red heart-shaped emoji.

Her reply left him overjoyed. "'I love you too, Jerry. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid you might reject me and end our friendship." Jeremiah couldn't contain his excitement; he jumped off his bed, wanting to scream with joy and share the news with the world. But he managed to keep his composure.

With newfound confidence, he suggested having dinner together, not as friends, but as two people deeply in love. Her enthusiastic agreement made Jeremiah so ecstatic that he couldn't help but let out a joyous scream.

Dear readers,

This book titled 'Crush, Love and Breakup!' is a novel like no other. Chapters will be updated on monthly basis i.e on every last day of the month. Stay connected and let me delve you into a world of literature.

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