
Crush, Love and Breakup!

What's love? Who's your crush? And what happens after a breakup? This novel has the answer to it all. Prepare to be captivated by a whirlwind of emotions in this gripping and unconventional romantic tale. Set in the exciting world of college life, a group of friends gathers to celebrate a birthday, unaware of the unpredictable events that lie ahead. As the party kicks off, the atmosphere quickly changes from festive to eerie, with unexpected twists and turns that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Behind the facade of their seemingly carefree lives, these college students harbor deep, dark secrets that threaten to unravel their friendships. Yet, amidst the chaos, their bond remains unbreakable, proving that true friendship can endure even the most challenging circumstances. In this tangled web of emotions, two friends find themselves falling unexpectedly in love, embarking on a journey that defies the norms and expectations. Meanwhile, a couple bravely decides to redefine their relationship, choosing to be friends rather than romantic partners—a decision that challenges societal conventions. But love is never straightforward, and when two lovers face a messy breakup, the consequences spiral into uncharted territory. As secrets are exposed, and alliances shift, the reader is taken on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, craving more with each page turned. From heart-pounding suspense to heartwarming moments, this novel throws conventional romance out the window, daring to explore the complexities of human relationships. Be prepared for an enthralling experience that will keep you begging for more, as you witness the characters' lives intertwine, revealing their vulnerability, their strength, and ultimately, their capacity to love. Even if you've never considered yourself a devoted reader of romantic stories, this gripping tale will take you on an emotional journey you won't soon forget. Brace yourself for a thrilling blend of romance, suspense, and unexpected surprises that will leave you yearning for the next chapter.

FelixCee · Teen
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2 Chs

Breakup gone wrong!

Once dinner had concluded, an air of busyness filled the West household. Cherry diligently gathered the plates, gracefully maneuvering through the chaos that had consumed the family. Mr. West secluded himself in his room, engrossed in the depths of his laptop, navigating his work-related tasks. Mrs. West carved out her own space to engage in an animated phone conversation. Amidst this flurry of activity, Gary, the elder brother, found solace in his video games.

Suddenly, a WhatsApp notification interrupted Gary's virtual escape. An urgent message from his girlfriend, Megan, demanded his attention. Entranced by her words, Gary abandoned the video game and relinquished his comfortable gaming chair, migrating towards his bed in anticipation of their impending conversation.

"Can we discuss something important?" read the message on his phone screen, prompting a tidal wave of emotions within him.

"Of course, what is it?" Gary's nimble fingers danced across the keyboard as he rapidly typed his reply.

"I have been contemplating our relationship, and I believe it is time for us to part ways," Megan's message materialized before Gary's eyes, leaving him stunned.

Breakup! The word seemed surreal as it reverberated through Gary's mind. Bewildered, he reread Megan's message repeatedly until its disheartening significance finally settled in. Megan wished for their bond to be severed, a revelation that shattered Gary's heart.

Could this truly be happening? Surely this was a jest! But no, Megan possessed a staunch seriousness about life, leaving little room for doubt.

"Cool, if that's what you truly desire," Gary's reply masked the brokenness that consumed him. Inside, he felt utterly devastated, remorseful, and vulnerable. How could he have uttered the word 'cool' in response to something as painful as a breakup? Megan had reluctantly chosen her words, and he felt compelled to follow suit.

"Wait, cool? Is that the extent of your response?" Gary sensed Megan's emotional turmoil through her text. "Aren't you willing to fight for us? Shouldn't you ask me why?" Another message from Megan interrupted his thoughts.

"If you believe this is what is best for us, then cool," her determination for a breakup mirrored his own.

"I won't force you to remain in a relationship that doesn't make you happy," Gary sent another message, his words appearing as delivered with the familiar blue checkmarks confirming their arrival.

Megan replied, shedding a flicker of light on her decision. "We seem to be incessantly arguing, and it may be better for both of us to go our separate ways."

"Alright, if that's how you perceive it. I won't stand in your way," Gary resigned himself to accepting their fate. He tapped the exit button on the screen, abruptly ending their conversation on WhatsApp. Determined to move on, he rose from his bed, ready to immerse himself in his video game once more. Just as he was about to dive back into the virtual realm, his phone vibrated, signaling a new notification. It was another message on WhatsApp. From Megan.

"But... don't you love me? Won't you try to change my mind?" her message pleaded, tugging at Gary's heartstrings.

"You initiated this breakup. Why would I try to change your mind?" Gary retorted, trying to maintain his composure.

"I didn't mean it like that! I thought we could work through our issues. I didn't know how to express myself," Megan's heartfelt words seeped through the cracks.

"It's too late for that now. You made your decision," Gary responded, his resolve unwavering.

"Let's talk things through. I don't want to lose you. I love you!" Megan's desperate plea echoed through his thoughts, tempting him to reconsider.

"I don't want to be with someone who really doesn't value relationship".

He sent a message to her. He was never going to have her back. Their love, relationship, everything about them was mostly one-sided. He tried hard not to remember those moments but he did. He always had an amazing gift to give her on a new week. He took her to cinema, restaurants, concerts but she didn't seem excited or really appreciated his effort. His love for her was true but was hers to him real.

"I didn't mean it".

"I made a mistake. People make mistakes, right? Can't you forgive me?".

He saw Megan's text and wasted no time to give his reply.

"I've given you my heart, and you played with it. I can't put myself through that again. I need to protect my own feelings".

"But we had something special. I know I messed up but we can work on it? I promise to communicate better".

"I love you too, but I can't ignore that you hurt me. I need time to heal and maybe you do too".

The chatting continued. Megan tried to make things right. She promised that she wouldn't take their relationship for granted again but Gary texted he needed space to think about everything. Whether he'll be back or not. But Megan was optimistic. She believed there was a chance and she would respect his space and hoped that their relationship will be brought back to live.

"I can't promise anything, but for now, let's give each other some distance".

"Now get off my dm please, will you?".

Megan replied with two heartbroken emojis. Gary exited WhatsApp, screamed in his pillow, punched it and returned to his video game.

Happy birthday to me, and cheers to another year round the sun.

Sorry for not uploading this chapter as soon as the last day of February. I was damn busy.

Meet our new characters and read how a not so beautiful relationship fell apart. Love is fucking complicated.

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