This is going to be an archive of the poems written by pickle and dill under various circumstances. They could vary in size depending on what we want to do. We may also independently publish poems on our own to get an edge on each other going forward with this Furthermore, there are plans to maybe publish short stories together under “unique” circumstances for fun. I hope you all enjoy.
A lady with aspirations and goals
Got a boob job at her husband's expense
She later regretted but out from her holes
Popped a child with no sense
But many years later, she made her repentance
When her child had come of age.
She went to the doctors and got an ovary maintenance
She didn't stop there
And to her husbands despair
Got her chest reduced to a page
The story doesn't end but goes in a cycle
From mother to daughter, they pass on their traits
And as a Phoenix withers and recycles
The child will make a man irate.