

"That is true boss" Edwin retorted back bringing his boss from his wonderland.

"Okay, so I have to go now before the graduation starts" Alex declared and turned to the other side of the king-sized bed only to hear his phone vibrating. He turned his upper body to his left hand and retrieved it from his expensive suit.

After gazing at the screen, he smiled and then received the call.

"Hello, son!" A woman's voice was heard from the other end, making Edwin bow a little and left his boss's side.

"Hello, mum! What's up?" He answered with a beaming smile on his face showing the deep dimples on each side of his cheeks.

"Don't mum me young man! I am in Inda right now. Tell me where you are. I want to come and stay with you in the same hotel" Alex flinched a little. It was like he didn't expect this from his mother.

"Mum! What is your business in India?" He asked trying to compose himself.

"I am here to witness that graduation of the person you saved "wifey" on your phone. You have been fooling us for long now. Always pretending to travel for business purposes only to for me to find out yesterday that you are hiding something important to all of us"

"W-what are you talking about, mom?"  Alex was taken aback by what his mother declared. He didn't expect this at all.

"Don't pretend to me, young man! You are not a kid anymore. Yes, I might have supported you in your decision of not marrying Jamilah all these years but you haven't brought any girl home. Alex! You are not growing any younger anymore. You are now thirty-three years for crying out loud my son. When do you plan on getting married? I have been waiting to see your woman for a long time now. I was already giving up and  planning on finding you one but fortunately, I was able to see a message on your phone's screen from 'wifey'. I am already here anywhere. There is no way Dean would be engaged before you. Can't you even feel it? Your brother and one of those twins..which name is she? Mmmh...! Yes! Lisa, are doing fine. What about you my son? I am worried for you! You are not a child anymore. I am worried. I moght die without seeing my grandchildren son"

'This woman. She is indeed a drama queen!' Alex sighed at his mother's words.

"Do you hear me? Quickly send the address to me! And do it right now because it is cold here at the airport! The weather im India has changed tremendously. I wasn't expecting for it to be like this" Nea demanded with a loud voice that Alex had to remove the phone from his ear.

It was true what his mother said. His younger brother Dean, despite being a playboy, had managed to show his true intentions to Lisa.

At first, after he met little Lisa at that time, Alex had thought that he wanted to play with her heart. That was why Alex tried everything to protect Lisa from his brother but finally Dean decided to tell his mother about his feelings toward Lisa.

He even introduced Lisa to his mother as his girlfriend.

Fortunately, Lisa was also in love with him so it was easy for Dean. 

Lisa had grown into a beautiful young lady being twenty-four years of age right now and a final year student in the school of law back in Africa, she had managed to study and put her relationship with Dean intact.

Her twin sister was another case.

Alex sighed and tried to forget about the twins for now.

"Mum! Dean is  Dean and  Alex is Alex. I can't be like him!" 

"No! Don't talk rubbish now. I know you have been hiding something from us for long now. But not anymore! I want to know who is this girl. How comes you don't want us to know her? Why are you doing this son? And she better be beautiful!" She exclaimed with gritted teeth and confidently.

"Mother! I don't know what to tell you. Please go back home. I don't have a wife!" Alex was in confusion.

He didn't want to let his mother know about Blessing. At least not for now. He had arranged for a special day for that because he was sure his mother would accept Blessing, especially by the fact that she was now a surgeon. Not that alone, it would be hard for his mother to believe that the girl was still alive. That was why he had to prepare for this first.

How would he deal with his stubborn mother now? He was sure the lady wouldn't go back home no matter what.

His mother was smart and stubborn to deal with.

"Send the address I am waiting for it!" Then the phone ended.

"Mother!" He called out annoyingly and hurled the phone on the bed. 

"What am I going to do now? Mum won't stop until she finds out who the girl is, especially now that she is here. How did she find out?" He sighed heavily.