
Perhaps Love?

As he thought of her lingering words in his mind, he truly didn't have an answer. He couldn't and didn't want to go back to school, and didn't really see himself as working a nine to five job day in and day out. He was truly clueless and lost in this unknown country.

He opened his wallet and stared at the card in his hand.

'TM entertainment'

'Park Hansan; 916 XXX XXX XX'

"Should i just do it? i mean i can't really lose out in anything. Plus..." He thought aloud.

'Plus, it kind of felt good' He finished his thought as he recalled the previous night and the performance he saw earlier at the bar.

The moon began to shine bright among the stars in the sky, and there was hardly any people strolling past anymore at this time of night.

'Guess it's time to head home. It's getting pretty chilly.' He said as he was about to get up, until he heard a voice coming out in front of him.


Don't remember when it happened.

I'd get dizzy just thinking about you.

Because my thoughts kept stretching, my heart was surprised.

It's a little awkward that i keep saying to you that 'it's nothing'

And that 'my heart's just trifling'

Is that love? And if you feel the same way, is this the beginning?


A tall guy, dressed in a messy grey hoodie, and a carry on speaker with a mic connected started singing alone through the night. His voice was unique and had a husky sweetness to it, as he put his emotions into the lyrics with only the whistling waves being his accompaniment. He was wearing a hat that hid his face, but couldn't hide his charm he gave out while singing.

'He's freaking good, i wonder if he's a singer.' Haneul admired, sitting himself down once again and being entranced by the strangers singing. He even took out his old damned nokia 9300 and started to record him secretly.



I'm loving you (until then)

Like this (only you) already...


The guy in the grey hoodie finished off, and seemed to stand still as if in his emotions. Though the song was a happy song, you couldn't help but feel the underlying sadness in his voice as he sang.

'If only i knew how i felt for you earlier...' He thought to himself, as he stood clutching the mic.

*Ring Ring~ New message! Ring Ring~*

The notification brought him back, taking out his Nokia 9300, he read the message sent to him.

[ Where are you? Don't you remember we have group evaluations tomorrow? Everyone's waiting for you to come. Hurry up! ]

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed.

Hurriedly, he packed away the mic and speaker into his bag, and rushed towards the staircase as he texted with his other hand and send a reply back.

Unexpectedly, he didn't see that there was someone was sitting on the stairs as it was dark out, and bumped into him, falling and dropping his things.

"Ah! S-sorry! I didn't see you there. I'm in a hurry, so i'll be leaving first!" he shamelessly apologized before the other could speak, and took the phone off the floor before rushing off.


Looking befuddled at what just happened, he stared blankly at the cut on his arm.

"What a crazy asshol* " He thought to himself, taking back all the praise he had previously.

"What good at singing? Doesn't he just have a cold? Unique voice? Unique my foot." He abused aloud, clearly didn't care if anyone heard his scolding or not.

He picked up the phone to see if there was any cracks or damages.

'Phew, you got off lucky kid, or i would've made you reimburse me for emotional damage.'

Haneul thought to himself righteously as he got up and headed home.

The alcohol had somewhat worn off already, so he prepared to go to bed.

'What a crazy two days. There hasn't been a moment where I had a moment's rest in peace. That's it, tomorrow i'm just going to sleep in and do nothing.' He decided for himself and was pleased with his master plans.

'Now, time to conquer the rest of the villainous villages plagued by the kimchi paste empire, Hurhur. Oh wait, i need to turn on the TV first.' Haneul turned on the small TV before falling to dreamland.

< 'Crows, have particular characteristics that can't be explained by normal behavior. They seem to be -' >

Static once again filled the screen.

< #%^ Dream_catcher installation resumed #%^ >

< 78%, 79%, ... 100% >

< Dream_catcher installation completed >

< Dream_catcher booting... >


Haneul's dream began to change to a screen that he was looking through; similar to his TV he picked up.

Inside, he saw himself inside his landlords office.

"I'm not giving you more time on your lease. You're two months behind rent. Not even your deposit is enough to cover another month. Move out by tomorrow!" The lazy coldly stated.

"I mean honestly, the rent isn't even expensive, kids these days don't know what it means to live punctually. Always drinking and playing around, not contributing to society..."

It then cut to him leaving out the door and cursing until received a message on his phone. Taking it out, before he could see who it was from, he splashed with hot chocolate on his white shirt from a kid who tripped before him.

His mother rushed forward, picking up her son, and offering to pay for the cleaning fee's, however he just brushed them off and they parted ways.

It then cut again, to him hiding behind what seemed to be a studio door and looking inside. A guy dancing while a woman in a suit was gazing at him with a cold face and sharp eyes, while writing notes sometimes along with two other guys sitting next to her, also with similar looks.

The atmosphere in the room seemed cold, and scared expressions were shown to those waiting on the side.

"Is this all you have to show?" the woman asked when he finished, despite his nervousness making him shake throughout.

"..." He didn't respond and just stood there with his head down.

"Sigh, why is there no one good now days? Oppa, take him out. I don't want to see such rubbish again." She coldly stated.

Haneul then closed the door, but it made a loud creak, alerting the judges and others to look his way.

"Aish! We even have someone late? Whatever, it doesn't matter much. You can jump the queue and perform now then. What's your name?" One of the guy's to the woman's side gestured him in.


*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

The alarm by the bedside rang.

What's this? Finally the system appears!? Three chapters in a day!?

To be honest, i wasn't sure and how to include this to make it unique enough to influence the story. However, i finally figured it out, and will slowly be revealing layer by layer to how it works. It won't be the main focus of the story, however will be helping in directing it to certain directions.


P.S Song reference : Perhaps love - Eric Nam & CHEEZE

Min99creators' thoughts