
Crownless King System

The Crackle. An event that happened milleniums ago gave the humans superpowers as magic and mutations. But so it did with all the fauna across the Earth. Creatures that were on the myths walk now on the surface of the Earth. Heroes that were on the pages of books and on screens of movies and series became real. Adventurers are the profession of the millenium. Idols, singers, streamers, dancers, reality shows, everything is around them. Archer left his family to follow his dream of earning his life slaying monsters. The drama begins when some different happen on his Awakening process. Take a step and look through his stats on the chapters.

ESH · Fantasy
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218 Chs

Archer's Stat Windows (Spoilers - Updated: January 28th, Chapter: Cardinal Tournament (2))

[Archer Wright]

[Race: Dragonkin (Child 0.69% -> Child 12.91%)]

[1st Year Student] [Crownless King (2/26)] [Magic Initiate]

[Level 11]

[Exp: 5654/10000]

[Strength: 221->332][+100(NV)]

[Agility: 132->197]

[Stamina: 237->352][+100(NV)]

[Intelligence: 211->316]

[Charisma: 218->323]

[Power: 23687->54987]

[Magic: 5899->6644][3->14][+25(IG)][+10.000(DC)][+1.000(AR)][+1.500(NV)]

[Prana*: 8164->3761][0->11][+100(UM)][+10(HH)]

[Spirit*: 12982->5188][+100(UM)]

[Aura*: 9476->4695][0->11][+100(UM)]

[Defense: 402->603][+25(IG)]

[Mutantion points: 623->934][+5.000(NV)]

[Force: 52->147][+10(NV)]

[Points to distribute: 5914]

** IG = Inquisitor's Glove ** DC = Devil's Cube ** AR = Archmage Ring ** UM = Unicorn Mask **

** HH = Halo of the Hybrid ** NV = Nightmare Vessel **
