
Crown Prince Best Life

"Your Majesty,the empress is pregnant"the imperial doctor said and a smile beamed on the emperor's face 'finally' ever since the emperor took the throne he married only the empress although there some concubines his heart only belong to the empress. "His life must be perfect"the emperor said from that moment the project started and the building was made called 'The Crown Prince Best Life' In there the crown prince maid,guards, secret guards,friends and consorts are trained no one around the prince hasn't passed through the crown prince best life. Then the manager of the secret guards the prime minister decided to rebel and the secret guards of the crown prince became his arch emeny turning to an assassin group located right beside the crown prince best life. Wu Meiruo,the daughter of the co founder of the assassin group tried her every best to free herself from the bonds of an assassin and finally an opportunity came for her to assassinate the crown prince and be free.

Jacob_Constance · History
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8 Chs

For A Maid!?

"Really!?" Yang Lei inquired.

"I've been hearing various complaints about you bullying the maid for no reason; I didn't address it because I didn't have time, but this time you've gone too far."

The crown prince, Yang lei, stated.

"You are placed on home arrest for one month to reflect on yourself and learn how to be nicer," Yang Lei said before storming off.

Yunxi followed him and stationed two guards at the door.

Yin's eyes widened as she realized she had been placed under house arrest solely because of a'maid!'

"Your Highness, please return; I cannot accept this." Yin screamed, but Yang Lei was too far away to hear.

She soon collapsed to the floor, angry tears streaming down her cheeks, as Lu Lin bent down to help her up.

"His Highness actually punished me."

"For a maid?" Yin inquired, angry tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Why did you rush out like that?"

Liu'er inquired after they had exited the room.

"Nothing, do you want the imperial concubine to slap you?"

Meiruo inquired

"No, of course not," Liu'er replied, understanding what Meiruo was referring to.

Then she came to a halt in front of Meiruo, who had also come to a halt, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Now I get it, you went out because of…" Liu'er was saying, but she abruptly stopped when she noticed Crown Prince Yang lei approaching.

Yang lei quickly caught up with meiruo and liu'er, liu'er greeted him, prompting meiruo to turn around and greet him as well.

"What made you leave?"

Yang lei inquired, not minding their greetings.

"Replying to your highness question,You came to talk to concubine yin, and I didn't want to disrupt your conversation."

Wu meiruo said, even though that wasn't the real reason she left.

"How do you know that's what I came there for?"

Crown Prince Yang Lei inquired.

"You really overestimate yourself," said Crown Prince Yang Lei after a short while.


"Take her away and flog her with fifty strokes," said, causing Meiruo to fall to her knees.

"Your highness, please forgive me; I will not repeat that mistake" Meiruo said.


"What will you do to compensate?"

Crown prince Yang Lei locked his gaze on her, while Liu'er slipped away while the crown prince was distracted.

"Your highness, she's leaving"Meiruo said, pointing to Liu'er, who turned back with an angry expression.

"Don't worry, she can leave; I have no problem with her," the crown prince said, and Meiruo sighed as Liu'er grinned at her and walked away.

"But what will you do to compensate?"

Crown Prince Yang Lei inquired once more.

"I'll do anything," Meiruo declared.


"Then you're task is to accompany me to my study every day after you finish your day's work."

Crown Prince Yang Lei stated with arrogance in his voice.

Meiruo's eyes widened; she hadn't came for her final mission as a personal maid.

"Your highness, I am afraid I cannot come because I am always busy," she replied quickly.

Crown Prince Yang Lei knelt down to her level and said, "You still want to choose, I guess you like getting beaten"

"I will find time," she said quickly as she raised her head.

"You better if you still value your life," said Crown Prince Yang Lei.

So he could kill her. Meiruo rolled her eyes inwardly.

Yang lei suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her up, then placed a bracelet on her palm.

"This is the love token my consort gave me."

Meiruo sighed,'since it was a love token, why bother giving it to her?'

When she looked at it, she became enraged. It was what she gave him when she still liked him and was about to marry him.

But since he's giving it to a maid, she's made the right decision in deciding to forget about him.

"Keep it well or consider yourself dead," Crown Prince Yang Lei said as he walked away, while Meiruo clenched her teeth in rage.

"He must be suspicious of me," Meiruo said as she stood up, dusted her clothes, and walked to her room.

She entered the room and opened the door to find Liu'er chuckling strangely.

"What's with the inane laughter?"

Meiruo inquired as she shut the door.

"How did your conversation with your dear crown prince go?"

Liu'er smiled.

"You should be grateful to me for allowing you guys to talk alone," Liu'er said.

While Liu'er shifted back on her bed, Meiruo smiled and walked up to her.

"What,what are you doing?" Liu'er inquired, noticing Meiruo's proximity to her.

"Of course, I'm grateful for your assistance."

Meiruo spoke up, and Liu'er breathed a sigh of relief.

"You could have said that you don't have to act so strange," Liu'er pointed out.

"I'm sorry."

"Anyway, thank you for almost beating me to death," Meiruo said.


"You can't say that, I wasn't the one who figured out what he was thinking."

With a loud scoff, Liu'er said

"You've got to be kidding me, I only left the palace because I don't want you to get slapped."

"But don't worry, I will never help you again."

Meiruo stated

"Now I have to go to his study every day," said Meiruo.

"Can you imagine how stressful that will be?"

Meiruo inquired, and Liu'er laughed.

"Do you find it funny?" Meiruo inquired, irritated.

"Of course it is, after the second master took you from the palace, all you could talk about was crown prince that."


"Aren't you relieved you can now stay with him?"

Liu'er asked, grinning,as if she was doing it to annoy Meiruo, who scoffed and landed on her bed.

"Oh, please don't make fun of me; he was the only one whom I relied on back then," Meiruo said.

"And I'm tired of this conversation," Meiruo said, shaking her hands. Liu'er noticed the bracelet on her hand and quickly stood up to check it on her arm.



"He even gave you your bracelet back, I can see your love runs deep" Liu'er mocked Meiruo.

"Oh! Please don't mock me, He's just a perverted prince," Meiruo said, glaring angrily at a mental image of Yang Lei.

"Certainly,my best friend is capable; you have already won back his heart; as the second master stated, this mission will be a piece of cake with you around."

Liu'er chuckled.

"But there's one problem: I'm not sure you can take his life."

Liu'er said, to tease her.

'it isn't her fault, I wonder what made me fall for him in the first place.'This is precisely what Meiruo was thinking.

"Get ready, we need to take care of your dear crown prince's study,right now!"Liu'er said and left.

Liu'er left a lasting impression in Meiruo's mind,an annoying one.

'How is she my best friend,' Meiruo reasoned.

She soon stood up and went to the restroom.

Liu'er was cleaning the shelves in the study,which was the last place to clean in the study.

Then she realized, 'Fortunately, the crown prince isn't here, or else I don't know what he'll do to me.'

Did meiruo decide not to come, she wondered, or was it retaliation for her?

Suddenly, the door opened, and she realized it was the crown prince.

"You should be finished by now, come out!"said Crown Prince Yang Lei

'I'm done for, what will he do if he doesn't see meiruo?' she reasoned before finally walking out.

"Where has your friend gone?"

As he sat at his desk, Crown Prince Yang lei inquired.



Liu'er stuttered, unsure of what lie she should tell.

"Are you unable to speak?"

Yanxi inquired, noticing her stammering.

Liu'er rolled her eyes at him, thinking, 'Did he have to talk?'

"When it was time to clean the study, I went to her room, and she told me to go ahead first, and she would follow suit later."

Liu'er stated

This was the only way she could save herself and her silly best friend.

Although she is an assassin, she cannot overpower everyone in the palace without assistance, so she must try her hardest to remain hidden and prevent anyone from discovering their identities.


"I guess she's lax, do you stay in the same room?"

Crown Prince Yang Lei inquired.

"No," Liu'er said, but she quickly regretted her words because they did stay in the same room.

Furthermore, the crown prince can easily find out if they are in the same room. If he does, he will also investigate our identities. I am safe, but Meiruo is not.

But it's too late to retract her words; all she can do now is avoid mentioning it.

"All right, then you should know her room, so take me there."

said Crown Prince Yang Lei

The crown prince wanted to go and warn her that if a maid fails to perform her duties, she will be beaten.

'I'm finished.'

What if he discovers 'I'm lying,' Liu'er thought as he led them to the room.

She was about to knock on the door outside the room when the crown prince said, 'Stop.'

"I'll go in by myself."