
Crown Prince Best Life

"Your Majesty,the empress is pregnant"the imperial doctor said and a smile beamed on the emperor's face 'finally' ever since the emperor took the throne he married only the empress although there some concubines his heart only belong to the empress. "His life must be perfect"the emperor said from that moment the project started and the building was made called 'The Crown Prince Best Life' In there the crown prince maid,guards, secret guards,friends and consorts are trained no one around the prince hasn't passed through the crown prince best life. Then the manager of the secret guards the prime minister decided to rebel and the secret guards of the crown prince became his arch emeny turning to an assassin group located right beside the crown prince best life. Wu Meiruo,the daughter of the co founder of the assassin group tried her every best to free herself from the bonds of an assassin and finally an opportunity came for her to assassinate the crown prince and be free.

Jacob_Constance · History
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8 Chs

A Clue!?

"What are you up to?" Someone asked behind them, and they screamed in surprise, "Ah!"

They recognized it as imperial guard Yunxi, but unfortunately for them, the people they were spying on had heard their voices.

The person signaled for the maid she was speaking with to leave, saying, "I will distract them while you find the opportunity."

The mysterious person had two options: kill them or flee, but this was the palace and it was difficult to kill a person without a valid reason,

And the mysterious person was certain the ones spying on them hadn't seen their face, so the mysterious person chose the other option, which was to flee.

"Who's there?" said the mysterious individual asked.

The mysterious individual knew that if the individual was timid and wise

He/she would believe that the mysterious person intended to alliaminate him/her.

Fortunately for the mysterious person, liu'er truly believed the person they were spying on would kill them if they found out.

Even if the person they were spying on was a bad person, no one would believe them because it was an offense, and they were only maids.

While Meiruo looked back at them, Liu'er quickly covered imperial guard Yunxi's mouth and dragged him away while he was still trying to ask questions.


"What are your plans?"

Meiruo inquired, but Liu'er did not respond, so she rolled her eyes and reluctantly followed.

Meiruo wasn't scared like Liu'er was; in fact, she was determined to stay, but her friend was a timid girl.

Liu'er finally let go of Imperial guard Yunxi after dragging him to a distant location, while Meiruo trailed behind.

"How come you left there?"Meiruo inquired.

"Yes,and why did you drag me along?"

Yunxi, the imperial guard, inquired, but the two girls turned to glare at him and said,

"Shut up!" in a domineering tone, Meiruo said.

While Yunxi was still stunned, Liu'er responded to Meiruo's question.

"I left because the person we were spying on heard our voices, and spying on someone in the palace is a crime, so I left for my own safety," Liu'er stated truthfully.

"You shouldn't have left, the person couldn't hurt us, especially with that special information we heard," Meiruo said.


"Do you think other people will believe us?"

"We are maids after all, no one would believe us, and don't tell me you weren't scared?" Liu'er inquired.

"Why should I be? I went for training..."

Meiruo was about to say something but kept her mouth shut because she forgot Imperial guard Yunxi was still standing there.

Liu'er realized what Meiruo was about to say and responded, "Then you could have stayed."

Meiruo also realized that if Liu'er did not respond, Yunxi would notice something odd about them.

"That I couldn't do because if the person we were spying on found out, the person would kill me and your life would still be at risk."

Meiruo replied truthfully this time, not because she fears the guard standing nearby will suspect anything.

"Anyway," Liu'er pouted, "it wasn't my fault."

"Wait!?" Meiruo stated as she had realized who was to blame.

"What were you doing there?"

Meiruo inquired, referring to Imperial Guard Yunxi

If he hadn't tapped them, all of the events that occurred would not have occurred, and they would still have gotten a hint.


Yunxi,Imperial Guard was too suprised to speak.

"I only came to find you because the crown prince forgot to notify the manager that you should still come to clean the study," Imperial Guard Yunxi said, as Liu'er scoffed.

"I thought he was nice, so why did he give us work today again?" Liu'er asked.

"How could you!"

Yunxi,Imperial Guard, screamed.

"What a slacker you are, you have no right to speak about the crown prince like that"

"Yes, Yes, I understand your point, that I'm a maid and I'm nowhere near the royalties, so I can't speak of them in that way." Liu'er scoffed as she said this to Yunxi.

"I'm sure your friend here doesn't see things the same way you do."

Yunxi turned to face Meiruo, who exclaimed, 'Really!?'

"I wouldn't be a maid if it wasn't for her," Liu'er explained.

She wasn't an assassin anymore, she just wanted to help Meiruo because it was her last mission

Liu'er was just free from the constraints of being an assassin, she didn't want to spend the rest of her life as a maid.

"In any case, you're still going to study." The Imperial Guards Yunxi declared that he would no longer listen to their complaints.

Crown Prince Yang Lei had ordered him to bring them, and he was going to do so.

"Lead the way," Meiruo said defeatingly.

"We've arrived," Imperial Guard Yunxi announced after a few minutes of walking.

"Are you going to go in first?"

Meiruo inquired.


Imperial Guard Yunxi, was taken aback.

"I'm a guard; what should I do inside?"

Imperial Guard Yunxi stated that while Meiruo nodded, she tapped Liu'er and told her to go in fist, which she did, and Meiruo trailed behind her.

When they entered the study, Crown prince Yang Lei said, "Meiruo, come and grind the ink while your friend cleans the study."

He was painting at the time.

"Yes," Meiruo said, bowing before walking over to him and beginning to grind the ink, while Liu'er grumbled and began cleaning the study.

"How do you feel about this painting?" After a while, Crown Prince Yang Lei inquired.

Meiruo stood up and examined it before saying, "It's good, Your highness."

"But..." Meiruo paused, "But what?"

Crown Prince Yang Lei inquired.

"The strokes for the mountain are a too thick, they should be lighter," Meiruo commented.


"Why don't you show me yours?"

Crown Prince Yang Lei stated as he removed the paper he drew on, and Meiruo stood nearby, took a brush, and began painting.

Liu'er finished cleaning the study while she was painting and wanted to announce it,

but when she saw that meiruo was doing something else, she quietly left and went to wait for at the door.

"What exactly are you doing here?" Imperial Guard Yunxi, inquired.

Liu'er knelt on the ground.

"Did you offend His Highness?"

Imperial Guard Yunxi inquired.

"No, I didn't, I was just waiting for my friend, so I decided to kneel when there was nowhere to sit" Liu'er replied.

"Ah!" Imperial Guard Yunxi expressed his realization.

"What exactly are they doing in there?" Imperial Guard Yunxi inquired.

"I'm not sure, I guess his highness told her to help him paint" Liu'er explained.

"He can't tell her to do that."Imperial Guard Yunxi, the crown prince was not interested in women and had never liked associating with them, not until Tang Min arrived, but now she was nowhere to be found.

So Imperial Guard Yunxi didn't think the crown prince would be interested in another woman.

In the study, however, Meiruo painted a master piece, Yang Lei smiled.

"You have so much talent; it would be a waste for you to just be a maid." According to Crown Prince Yang Lei

"Your Highness, I do not deserve such high praise."

Meiruo smiled as she said this.

"You don't?"

He inquired.

"Won't you thank me for saving you again?"

Crown Prince Yang Lei inquired about the poisoning incident, stating that if it had been any other normal person,he would not have done anything, but he left his study to assist her.

Meiruo knelt and bowed, saying, "I thank your highness for your grace."

"I wasn't so serious," Yang Lei said, raising her up and up.

"Are you ready to go?"

Yang Lei asked

"Your Highness, may I ask as to who resides in Shunxi Palace?"

Meiruo inquired.

Shunxi palace was the palace she nearly obtained today's clues

"The Shunxi Palace!?" Crown Prince Yang Lei inquired, taking a step back.

"That's where the consorts meet and where the new people in the palace stays, there's no particular person who stays there." Meiruo nodded as Crown Prince Yang Lei said.

"All right," she said.

"Why did you ask?"

Yang Lei,the Crown Prince inquired.

"Nothing significant," Meiruo stated.

"I'll leave now," Meiruo said, bowing slightly before walking out to meet Liu'er, who was already sleeping on Yunxi's shoulder.

She was taken aback at first because she had no idea when Liu'er would appear to outside.


Meiruo yelled, and Liu'er came to life.

"You're finished, I've been waiting for a long time."

Liu'er said to meiruo.

It happened that while Liu'er was waiting she fell asleep,

"All right, let's go," Meiruo said, and Liu'er followed her to their room.

"What were you talking about, and what did you spend so much time doing?"

Liu'er inquired.

She had waited outside for a long time after returning from cleaning the study , and she couldn't help but wonder what they had spent so much time talking about.

"Nothing significant, I only asked a few questions about the poisoning "Meiruo stated


"I hope it's not what am thinking?."

Liu'er inquired.

Meiruo jokingly hit Liu er's head.

"What are you thinking? Remember, we only had three days, so don't sit there thinking I'll do all the work," Meiruo said.

"I'm sure you don't want to be beheaded." Meiruo smiled.