
Chapter Two: Welcoming

Lilac eyes gazed at the great castle like building of the most well-known Cross Musical Academy. And that very eyes narrowed as this place seemed to have suddenly mocked him with just it's glorified presence. Any aspiring musicians who dreamed of going to this place would have said the following lines,

"It's such a great school!"

"I want to enroll there!"

"I hope I could pass my exams just to get inside!"

Yes, dear reader that would be their wishes but for a certain silver haired beauty that was not the case. His eyes trained on every piece of its majestic structure for him it was not a castle of musical dreams it was a monster that had revealed its form to him and smiling happily. Echoing to his form such ridiculing notion.

"Welcome back to your prison! Bwahahahahahaahaha!"

That damn building was making fun of him. It was absolutely grating on his nerves. "Fuck this! I'm getting out of here." Zero mumbled, yet as he turned he found the luxury car he and Ichiru were in was gone in just a flash making this lovely silverette jaws drop.

Too shocked that it was that easy for their parents to leave them with no parting words whatsoever. He never heard Ichiru's chuckle as his oh so great twin had snapped yet again a picture of his brother's different hilarious emotions using his Iphone. Adding it to his album of the many pictures he had collected over the years. Just to make sure he had enough for his *cough* blackmail but Ichiru would prefer it to be called as an "advantage." (AN: He's such a naughty boy! Hehe.)

With a huff, Zero turned away from the sight of the empty street and head towards their destination. Along the way Zero was too oblivious of a certain blonde haired who was fuming for not getting the silverette's attention. Zero's thoughts were focused on the upcoming hardships he will encounter now that he was back.


It was hard. Very hard. By no means he was not a coward. But now faced with this kind of dilemma would make even the bravest man be in denial of a fear bubbling inside them.

"Come on, Zero it's okay. You're just going inside." Zero chided to himself, his hand placed at the door knob. And damn it! He berated himself for his hand's insistent shaking. Behind him his younger twin was shaking his head at his actions.

"So, are we going in or- "Ichiru stated, finding his older twin's actions troublesome. After all, is it so hard to just open a freaking door! Even the people who just carried some of their- mostly Ichiru's- things had already gone inside and for sure had deposited all their stuff to their assigned dorms.


"Onii-chan it's just a knob. Twist it and it will open." Ichiru chastised coupled with a roll of his eyes.


"It's not that hard. Hurry up already!"



"I GET IT! OKAY! I'LL OPEN IT!" Zero snapped, sending a glare over his shoulder towards Ichiru. His younger twin had the audacity even to smirk at this predicament he was in. Ichiru knew why he was like this and his sneaky twin was the reason he was tricked to this. Gazing back at his hand on the doorknob two imaginary figures made itself known and perched themselves on both of his shoulders.

"It's okay Zero. Just open it. It's not a big deal." The positive Zero commented.

"NOT A BIG DEAL! OF COURSE! HE'S JUST HEADING INSIDE A NIGHTMARE! IT CLEARLY IS NOT A BIG DEAL!" The panicking Zero shrieked making the positive Zero cover his ears.

"Zero has to calm down. It's not the end of the world anyway. He just has to face this, there must be a reason why he has to be back." The positive Zero reasoned.

"YEAH, YEAH! THE REASON—" The panicking Zero point a finger to the positive Zero. "TO BE HUNTED AND RAVISHED BY A BEAST!"

"No, it's not."


"Is not."


"Is not."



"This is so not helping." Zero thought making the two Zero figures popped out and vanish. Releasing a breath, he was about to twist the doorknob open but—

"OH! FOR THE LOVE OF!" Ichiru shrilled, then beat Zero first on opening the door. In a flash it was opened and Ichiru wasted no time in pushing his now paranoid older twin inside. "MOVE ALREADY! FUSSING OVER IT WON'T CHANGE A THING!

"OKAY! ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!" Zero shouted as the twins shuffled inside their arms bumping each other as they squeezed through the door forgetting the fact it was a double door for pete's sake!

Unbeknownst to them, a pair of calculative eyes much more glinting because of the glasses that just turned them to a sharpened gaze. As the glasses reflected the twins its owner's mouth formed into a smile.

"Stop pushing already!" Zero grunted as Ichiru continued to push the twins got in quite spontaneously as both of them fell to the red carpeted floor of the grand entrance hall.


Hearing that, the twins quickly stood up trying to salvage any remaining dignity they have as they just realized someone saw them getting sprawled on the marble floor. Yet as they turned to the man who cough the twins had different expressions.

Ichiru had the brightest smile that could make anyone see it blind. His aura was sparkly and joyful for he had seen his greatest ally in the battlefield to cease the stubbornness of one Zero Kiryu.

While for the person they sought to make sure to stay in the Academy. Had just released the darkest aura imaginable it slithered its way to the whole building and showed a menacing face towards the smiling face of none other than the Headmaster of Cross Musical Academy, Kaien Cross.

"Welcome back, Ichiru-kun." Kaien greeted the younger twin with a smile then turned his gaze to Zero who was already seething in frustration. "And also to you—"

Zero hated that smile of his, he was dead sure the fool was about to humiliate him in the worst way.

"Zero-hime." Kaien continued knowing full well that nickname pissed Zero to no end. Who wouldn't? When it was created back when Zero was just a little child and was dressed up by their very own Aunt Shizuka who at that time thought Zero to be too cute that was enough to become a girl for a photoshoot. And that very same Aunt is now abroad currently busy with her modelling career. Yet it is no doubt that one instance of a photoshoot got Zero to become known as Zero-hime.

Stress marks came popping out and it got even huge as the atmosphere quickly became intense. With that…




"Did you hear that?" Takuma asked, he knew he heard someone shout. He was now strolling around the Academy Grounds with a very uninterested Senri Shiki in tow.

"It must be your imagination." Shiki answered, too focused on staying on waking up when in fact all he wanted was to waste the day away, sleeping.

"No, I was sure I heard something." Takuma insisted.

"NEVER TO CALL ME THAT!" The pair heard that shout and it was coming inside the entrance hall.

"Heard that! I knew it was real!" Takuma jumped happy he was right. "Let's go and find out what was that about!" Takuma continued, already walking towards the entrance hall yet only a grip on the shoulder by Shiki stopped him, he was suddenly turned the other way then maneuvered by Shiki to go the other way.

"Let's forget about that. You may have nightmares later if we try to find out what that is." Shiki reasoned, not wanting for Takuma his best friend to get in trouble.

"But, hey! Shiki, let go!" Takuma babbled on as he was still moved by Shiki away from the vicinity.


After the whole fiasco…

Zero felt that the world was betraying him as he now stood in the entrance hall of the prestigious and glory of the only one Cross Musical Academy and it was now starting to become such an annoying place for him because of the headmaster. He wanted to just scamper away then and there but the vice like grip of his one and only younger twin brother Ichiru would not relent as his devious twin entrapped his arm. Ensuring that getting out of there or bailing out of him would be deemed impossible.

Great just great…

Zero no doubt is getting pissed of all the things thrown at him simultaneously and it definitely didn't help that also the one and only loony and sometimes a nutbag- but he would deny it quickly- headmaster is now twirling about with a smile while also going in circles around them with that stupid sweet smile of his which Zero was already fantasizing of smacking it out of his overjoyed face. The headmaster was lucky to have Ichiru who stopped him from doing so amidst the tease he got from the headmaster a while ago. Yet that doesn't stop Zero from still wanting to throttle that joyful face of the headmaster.

Why are you so happy? Can't you see I'm suffering here!

"Huhu, Zero, you've grown so beautiful! I could cry!" Kaien took a handkerchief from his pocket and covered his nose doing a perfect dramatic sniff. A stress mark had made a pop as it revealed on Zero's head. This overzealous headmaster of theirs is one of the reasons he never wanted to come back. Kaien Cross is known for being an energetic fool yet when this fool gets serious things just turn sour for Zero every time it happened. And this headmaster had a favoritism habit which is mostly for a certain Kaname pompous ass Kuran who is the start of all his bad luck as of today!

Ichiru kept a tight grip on Zero's arm not wanting to witness another mayhem because of the whole "Zero-hime" thing. Don't get him wrong it was funny to see how his brother react but with a one hundred-million-yen worth of paintings, furniture, decorations, antique decors, and cracked windows also doors. Which is approximately a staggering amount of 891,558.333189 in U.S. Dollars! Well, you pretty much would want to hold on to Zero to stop any further damage. Yes, they are rich and could easily pay this off in just a blink of an eye. But for, Ichiru he did his Math and does not want to get themselves to any more trouble with anyone even if it was a close family friend, thank you very much. So, he will keep on stopping this hot tempered older twin of his even if it means he must cling to him like a chameleon on a tree!

"He,he,he. He's just happy to see you Onii-chan." Ichiru smiled despite the nervousness he felt, his brother's temper is no easy feat. He was trying desperately to calm Zero and yet it seems just elevated more as he was pierced with his older twin's infamous glare.

"Happy, my ass!" Zero grumbled, far too irritated with what was happening. Ichiru heard it and sighed as he too watched the respected headmaster still sobbing like a drama queen, Kaien then put his hands on both of his cheeks and made a perfect "giddy" dance as many pink daisies appeared on the background.

"Zero-hime is so beautiful, Zero has grown beautiful!" The headmaster continued to compliment in a sing song voice as his eyes sparkled while looking at the furious form of Zero.

"Why I oughta-"Zero wanted to just smack the headmaster but was quickly halted by Ichiru's pull on his arm. Teeth gritting, Zero struggled at Ichiru's hold. "Let go, Ichiru!"

"Um, Oji-san best we *groan* get a move on and *groan* head to the *pant* office?" Ichiru requested panting as he did so. This time he did not settle for Zero's arm but just downright locked his arms to Zero's waist. Sweat running down cause of his exertion on holding off the impeding funeral of the headmaster.

That statement alone seemed to have set the headmaster's mind in the right order and in just a flash the whole flower background had disappeared as Kaien adjusted his glasses then gaze at them with his now normal smile. "Ah, yes, yes of course. Well then. Let's go there Zero, Ichiru." Kaien instructed then turned his back on the twins and was already heading for the office.

Ichiru let out a sigh of relief feeling Zero's dissipating anger and finally release Zero of his lock on him. "Zero-nii control yourself."

"If you were in my position, the last thing in your mind would be to calm down." Zero spat and crossed his arms.

"That would be so, but I wouldn't destroy a hall for it." Hearing that Zero look at his surroundings and sighed at the mess he just caused.

"This is so troublesome. If only I could just leave." Zero mumbled and received a smack on his back by Ichiru.

"Don't even think about it. It's bad enough you had wreck the place! Don't tell me you want to suffer father's wrath?" Ichiru reminded with a smirk that just give a gloomy expression to Zero's face.

"Yeah, ye—ah, you-you-you're ri-ri-right." Zero stuttered then shook off his fear.

"Don't worry. I think Kuroso Oji-san would turn a blind eye on this one." Ichiru confirmed and Zero nodded as his answer.

"Let's just get this over with and head to the office." Zero took hold of Ichiru's arm this time and the twins head off inside the headmaster's office where they will be given their class schedules and uniforms.


A great yawn came from Aido as he settled himself on the couch too tired and mad for one just happened.

Total ignorance…

Damn it! He was beyond pissed on what just happened he had never felt humiliated in all of his life. "Zero huh?" he contemplated while looking at the grand ceiling of the Apollo Sanctuary Lounge. Gritting his teeth, he couldn't stop the onslaught of irritation surging into his form. "Ohhh! Did he not see this ever fabulous me!" he shrieked, as he toss and flopped himself on the couch beating the cushion with his arms.

Totally oblivious Kain who just sweat dropped seeing his cousin throw such a childish tantrum. Yet sighing, as he now could be in relief seeing that his troublemaker of a cousin is back in their dorms. He had been busy avoiding their carefree Vice President for some time now after the walk out fiasco he wanted to search for his cousin alone. He had been schooling in this Academy for most of his years and found that no one understand him. He was just happy that Senri took care of that airheaded Takuma.

Not wanting to be caught in Aido's tantrum he opted for leaving his cousin to his antics and head outside for a fresh air and a stroll. The sun was shining and it looked to be a great day for a quick walk around the campus. He just hopes he won't encounter Senri and Takuma along the way.

As he neared to their dorm's entrance hall. He remembered, a distinct name that just passed his cousin's lips.

Zero huh?

"Zero? Who is that person that just made my narcissistic cousin to be interested in someone other than his own?" Kain thought, he knows Aido like he knows his own mind Aido had never been interested in anyone. And yet, this Zero whoever she or he may be is just did that. He or she made Aido take a fancy on him or her. With that in mind, he went out of the dorm.


The headmaster's office became eerie in just a few moments. As the occupants in the room felt a chill go through their bones. Kaien and Ichiru could only watched silently in nervousness as they try to gauge on what would be Zero's reaction. The person of interest is by no means making a move as his lilac eyes was centered on the white uniform and that blasted red tie. (AN: Night Class Uniform) Zero's eyes narrowed then gazed at the black uniform with the red tie as well that was held by Ichiru to his chest. (AN: Day Class Uniform) Then back at the white uniform and then again to the black uniform.

Ichiru felt weirded out by his older twin's action on pacing his eyes back and forth between the white uniform and black uniform. It made him think that his older twin wanted to change or switch with each other but that would be just preposterous!

Zero hated being trapped in a corner and this situation is something like that. It couldn't be helped for there are people who simply are glad to burden him with even deeper shit!

Zero, you're in Apollo Sanctuary and that's final!

Get it! It's final!

Zero glared at the still smiling headmaster who purposely chose those words to further aggravate him. Gazing at the white uniform then at the window near the headmaster's table he was already thinking if the fall wouldn't be bad given the fact that the Kaien's office is at the third floor of the building. Knowing that it would just be futile he let out a sigh and opted for fixating Ichiru with a scowl.

"Eep!" Ichiru squeaked out as he was suddenly startled by Zero's scowl. He was a bit shaken up by the force of it.


"I take it back, it's not preposterous! His suicidal!" Ichiru thought staring back at his onii-chan's scowl. He knows that Zero was dead set on avoiding that clever and cunning manipulative Kaname Kuran. But that's the problem the Kurans where at the very top of the influential families both in the music and business industry. If the Kurans would want anything all the other families would just bow down to it. That's the Musical Monarchy for you. And as fate would have it, he's brother had the bad luck of encountering the heir of the Kurans. Ironic isn't? The heir of the Kuran family is now besotted to the heir of the Kiryu family. The two families never had any interaction with each other before but whatever happened two years ago absolutely changed that. His onii-chan never did give the whole details surely enough it must have not been pleasant. If Kaname Kuran had been able to do this in just a flash then he must be one powerful individual. And Ichiru would know for sure that if he became an obstacle on that person's plans it would just be chaotic.

Sighing, he directly stared at his onii-chan's lilac eyes that just mirrors his own. "Drop it, there's no way I'm switching with you."

"Gomenesai, onii-chan. I'm saving my own skin. I don't want the "beast" you've awakened to attack me!" that was left unsaid.

Zero glared harder, yet just let out a breath. As he realized that he was burdening Ichiru with his problems when he, himself promised he would protect Ichiru just as an older brother should. Growling he took the white uniform from the headmaster's table. With a glare sent to Cross and a nod to Ichiru he left the office with a slam.

When Zero left, Cross and Ichiru look at each other and shrugged.

"That was sudden." Kaien observed, his hands on his table chin laid upon it with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Yes." Ichiru replied, then head out as well.

Now, that Kaien was alone. He viewed through the window of his office the Apollo Sanctuary and wondered what would his favorite student is doing and what would Kaname wanted to be so desperate for Zero to come back.

"Kaname, I hope you know what you're doing." Kaien whispered, feeling a headache coming unto him. At least, the "Stone-Cold Symphony Prince" is back and may be their key in getting also their once glory as well.


Zero huffed as he stomped his way towards the dorm assigned to him, no need to prolong the inevitable when the forces inside this Academy is dead set on trapping him here!

"Damn, my parents for their easy approval!" he harshly whispered, irritated at their parents' carefree attitude.

"Damn, Ichiru for his sneakiness!" Zero halted his thoughts, not liking that he was complaining, this was not like him. He was either improvising or facing the challenge head on never complaining. With that he took a deep breath and exhale it at once. Just so, he could level his head on this. He has to face this now, he had been running and avoiding this for two years after all.

As he pivots on the left side where the bridge leading towards the Elite's Dorms which comprises of the Apollo's Sanctuary and The Muses' Dorms which both are separated with a high white bricked wall, he was so in deep thought that he never realized what just happened. One moment he was walking to his impending doom and now he found himself laid down on the ground looking at the blue sky.

"What the?" Zero groaned, as he sat up from the grassy ground to know what the hell happened, his head hurt and the thing that got in his way is now staring at him with the most awestruck burnt orange eyes. That just pissed him off! "Hey! Don't you ever watch where you are going?"

Kain gulped, he was supposed to not let himself be in trouble. But this situation had landed him right on it. Gazing at piercing lilac eyes that could even be mistaken for the most brilliant amethyst gems. Kain knew he was hooked. Who wouldn't be when you are at the presence of a boy that is the same age as you and the only difference would be that this boy is making his heart pound and make him like a total idiot as he continued to stare dumbly at this beautiful being in front of him.

"Hey! I ask you a question dumbass! Are you deaf?" Zero demanded, while getting his white uniform which had been thrown aside because of the impact. Luckily it was just near.

Hearing that, Kain snap out of his reverie for this certain silver haired beauty then his eyes focused on the uniform that the silverette was now holding onto. "A white uniform? Then that means he is to be an Apollo Elite like me?" Kain thought, he was sure that this person was someone new and yet he felt that this person was familiar. As his skin tingled because of the glower sent to him by the silver haired beauty, he coughed quite awkwardly.

Standing up, Kain lend a hand towards to the silverette which the latter only fixated him with an incredulous look.

"What do you think you're doing?" Zero asked, his head cocked to the side and wondering if this orange-haired idiot had got his head damaged.

Sweat dropping, Kain settled for giving a sign language to the silverette using his other free hand hoping to God know what this person may understand. As he acted out series of sign language he was waiting for any kind of reaction of puzzlement or even a mocking gaze from the silverette but was surprised he found none.

Zero frowned at the orange-haired guy's actions but realize quickly what the person in front of him was signaling to him or trying to message to him. Thank goodness that back at the Rose City he had a chance to be with mute kids at the orphanage, he was even the one who taught sign language to some of them since the other kids already knew.

Are you alright? I'm just trying to help you up. Sorry for bumping into you. That was the message and with that Zero grinned for a moment much to the orange haired guy's shock.

"I'm fine. And I apologize as well." Zero replied, accepting the offered hand and standing up as well. Now that he faced with the orange haired guy. This orange haired guy had made another sign message smiling as he did so.

Hope you don't mind me asking, are you going to Apollo's Sanctuary? The orange haired guy signaled while pointing his finger to the bundle of white on Zero's arms.

Zero nodded, "Yeah, I'm going there." More like going back was left unsaid but it satisfied the guy's question who just continued to signal him much more making Zero think that this guy's social life must have been tough for this orange haired guy is so energetic in sending him more message through his hand signals. "Seriously? Don't tell me he did not have friends who could understand him?" With that thought Zero couldn't help but feel pity to this person. Mute persons were easily misunderstood and his heart goes to those people. "I'm Zero. What's your name?" he asked, politely.

"Zero? So, this is the person my cousin was even having a tantrum about!" Kain thought. Yet now that he was in front of the said person, he finally understands why his cousin acted that way. Zero was a pretty man but he would never signal that to him for that would just be rude. He was also a man and just like him Zero would not like it to have his ego bruised with that. Even if it was true. Looking at Zero's astonishing lilac eyes who was patiently waiting for his hands to signal a message. He found himself being courageous for a moment. Wanting to give Zero his name not by hand but by word.

Zero was confused as the guy let his hand fall, then leveled him eye to eye. This orange haired guy was staring at him intensely. And Zero's attention was suddenly taken by the shaking of the guy's form as this person seemed to be struggling with something. Zero continued to watch waiting for an answer and found himself amazed as the guy was trying to move his lips. "Wait. Is he trying to speak up?" he thought, more puzzled than ever.

Kain was trying so hard to escape from the chains a certain Elite Muse had done to him. That beautiful toffee haired girl yet had a black heart, her lovely smile only for the Melodious King of Seduction.

Past whispers:

I thought it was Kaname seeing me not a nobody like you…

You're better off with another girl who would like you…

I don't have time for someone like you…

Maybe if you shut up I would think of even looking at you…

End of Past whispers:

And he really did shut up for over two years he had done so. Hoping and hoping she would see how devoted he is. It was ridiculous but he still did it. He was that big of a fool to still believe she would gaze at him with the same interested eyes that she would display only for the King. But now, he finds himself wanting to break the barrier put up upon him because of Ruka's words for even a moment…

"K-k-kain." He said in such a fragile tone that just got Zero to frown.

"You can talk?" Zero questioned, only to be answered with an awkward shrugged. Kain settled for staring again at Zero's eyes coupled with another sign message.

There are things better left unsaid. It was clear for Zero. Kain would have not like him snooping on his private life. And Zero respected that. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry." He stated that resulted for Kain to panic and shuffle his hands in fervor that perplexed Zero more. Calming down, Kain signaled a simple message.

It's alright. I can handle it. It is already in the past.

Leading for Zero to admire him so this person wasn't totally mute after all. Something must have happened that rendered him incapable of expressing himself.

"I see. Nice to meet you. Kain." Zero replied, then his lilac eyes settled at the huge white with a golden design that had more Grecian theme for a dorm. Kain followed Zero's gaze and immediately knew what the silverette would want to do. With that he moved his hands to form another message.

I was about to take a stroll. Do you mind if I would like to escort you to our dorm? Seeing that you're headed that way. I would even be your guide in there.

Zero shook his head as answer. "I'm fine. I know my way around here. I was a student here before I transferred and is now back here again." He informed Kain who smiled in understanding yet signaled another message.

"Even so, I insist."

"Fine, let's go." Zero agreed, knowing Kain would not let this go, since he was determined to be his guide inside Apollo's Sanctuary. Who knows? Maybe he would need Kain's help after all a lot can change in just two years.

With a bright smile, Kain walked side by side with Zero towards Apollo's Sanctuary. "Cousin, you surely met an interesting individual." Kain thought gazing at the serene and lovely face of this beautiful man he now knows as Zero.


Aido continue to wrestle with pillows on the couch when he heard the grand door opened, followed by the overenergetic Vice-President's joyful greeting.

"Hello, Aido. Me and Kain was searching for you. Well me, mostly." Takuma scratched the back of his head while letting out a boisterous laugh. Along the way, he was following Kain who for some reason had walked out on him and vanished without a trace and was instantly replaced by a revived Senri who accompanied him. "At least, you're here."

Aido sat up and face the duo that just came in. "Well, I'm here but I didn't see Kain anywhere."

"That's odd. I was sure he was searching for you." Takuma informed seating at another settee across Aido. Senri settled himself on an armchair and quickly dozed off.

Aido huffed, not caring one bit his attention was centered on a certain silverette who ignored him.

"OH YEAH!" Aido jumped, startled at Takuma's sudden outburst even Senri who dozed off was suddenly awakened. "I remembered something."

"What is it then? It must be bloody important for you to shout like that!" Aido chastised, annoyed by Takuma's loud voice.

"I heard some Lyre girls talking—"

"You mean gossiping." Aido interrupted much to Takuma's irritation.

"Yes, now shut up. I plan to continue without any interruption this time." Takuma bluntly said, that got Aido to roll his eyes at him. "So, there have been rumors that the Stone-Cold Symphony Prince is back."

"WHAT!" Now it was Takuma's turn to be shocked by Aido's outburst. "You mean, Ichika Kiryu's son who won many musical contests yet was too cold to be approachable and is sometimes faceless for others for he hides himself!, That Stone-Cold Symphony Prince!" Aido shrieked and as fast as lightning was clutching Takuma's shirt collar and shaking Takuma like there was no tomorrow.

"Y-ye-ye-yes. Th-th-that Pri-pri-prince." Takuma admonished, feeling like he was about to vomit the breakfast he just had. He was dizzy and disoriented by Aido's doing that got him sending a "help me" look to Senri.

Senri sighed and took Aido by his shirt's collar effectively dislodging Aido from Takuma and settled the blonde back to his seat. "And what if he's back. Either way, we don't know anything about him other than he ran when the Academy needed him." Senri spat out coldly, remembering that night. The Academy had high hopes in winning that Musical Tournament only to be disqualified because of Stone-Cold Symphony Prince transferring before that fateful day landing them one musician short.

"Oh, come on. Senri. Lighten up." Takuma chided, locking Senri with his arm over the reddish-brown haired lad's head and given in a pat to which Senri struggled off and opted for going back to the armchair where he was at. In just a matter of seconds he was dozing off.

Seeing that, Takuma shook his head and chuckled. "Sometimes, he's so gloomy yet just one touch from a cushion and he's asleep right away." He commented and directly gaze at Aido's form who flinched at his sudden action.

"What?" Aido asked, creeped out by Takuma's green eyes who shot him with a curious expression.

"Why did you react like that?" That got Aido flushing and sputtering some words that were so incomprehensible to Takuma's ears.

"Well, you know that he was famous." Takuma nodded, prompting Aido to continue. "I have been always curious what he looked like. Most of the students say that he's a brunette, a blonde, even a woman disguising as a guy! Even when he was winning those musical competitions no one would see his face since when he was performing the part where he stood on stage was covered by the curtain. Not one soul knows his face save for the King himself." Aido reasoned, crossing his arms on his chest as he sat quite like a noble with legs crossed respectively. Not liking the fact, that it was only the Melodious King of Seduction who had the chance to see the Prince's face. What was so special of the Prince's face that it seems the King doesn't want anyone to see him or even know him?

"It's fine to be curious I guess. Now, I must get going." Takuma informed Aido as he was about to head out of the lounge.

"Huh? Why?" Aido asked. That got Takuma to look at Aido over his shoulder.

"Kaname asked me to head to his office yesterday. But with you being gone that I had to search for you, I completely forgot. Now that you're here I'm set on going to the President." Takuma answered. "And Aido?"

"Yeah." Aido answered while laying back again on the couch.

"Don't even try to get out before our allotted time or else. You will face the King's wrath." Takuma advised, that just made Aido gulped and felt a cold crept up to his back that rendered him to be a stuttering mess.

"Ah, ha, ha, ha, ha,ha. O-o-of co-course." Aido sputtered coupled with a nervous laugh.

Hearing that Takuma sighed and head to Kaname's office and quarters.


Kaname gazed at the two approaching figures through his room's window and found himself angered at the sight. His precious silver haired gem was smiling at Kain. He was giving Kain that smile a smile that should be for him. And Kain was busy doing more of his hand signals than usual. This just means one thing.

He's overexerting himself to get my Zero.

That thought alone got Kaname to clench his hands to fists as his garnet eyes blazed with unconcealed jealousy that was like electric pulses that made his blood boil at the scene. It got even more intense when Zero chuckled at whatever Kain signaled to the silverette.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Kaichou? It's me Takuma." Kaname's eyes settled on the closed door as he heard his Vice-President's voice on the other side. Sighing, he pacified himself on such dangerous thoughts which comprised of a very beaten up Akatsuki Kain.

"How dare he touch what's mine." Kaname grumbled, then straightened himself up and let out a breath. Composing himself to his Cross Musical Academy President Persona.

"Enter." He answered and Takuma did as he told.

"Kaname-sama. You ask for me?" Takuma patiently waited for Kaname's orders.

"Yes." Kaname confirmed, yet his gaze still lingered on the silverette's form. Zero had grown up from that fifteen year old teenage boy to a more attractive one. The two years of being away from the Academy surely made Zero looked more mature. The silverette's lips were much more fuller just right for all the kissing they will do, he had grown taller to yet still small just the right size for Kaname to embrace that lithe form, even Zero's ass had been much curvier just the right hole for him to plunge himself into that tight warm clenching ho—

"Umm, Kaichou?" Takuma had to asked, Kaname was chuckling. Sweet mother of Pearl! Kaname had never chuckled! The President was the usual strict, cold and stoic. No expression on his face yet this time he was actually chuckling, in front of him. It's a miracle! Hallelujah!

Hearing that wonderment on Takuma's voice. Kaname coughed blanking his face of any emotions he had. Zero had that much influence on him, when Zero was near he forgets himself. Only that stubborn headed silverette could make him lose his composure and yet Zero was oblivious to it all!

"There will be a transfer student coming. I want you to take that student to me immediately. Once he arrives. I believe his coming anytime now. Just head to the lounge and wait. I think you wouldn't have to wait very long." Kaname ordered, his voice on a sharpen edge that Takuma quickly nod.

"Yes, Kaichou." Takuma bowed in respect and head out to do his task closing the door as he did so.


As Takuma got out and head back to the lounge to wait for the coming of the transfer student. He was bewildered on the President's actions. But Takuma was glad to see his childhood friend smiling or even showing expressions occasionally. Takuma knows Kaname kept to himself sometimes for just one slip up and it was an opening for their other greedy relatives to attack and replaced them using that mistake as an excuse. In the world of elites, influential families, and money as powers. An elite family can either be taken higher or subdued just by the power of rumors, gossips, and mistakes. Their world was fought by words and influence. Cross Musical Academy is only the stepping stone to make it big in the music industry leading to many multi-billion connections that can easily make any of their business grow. And right now, the Kurans are at the top. Yet it doesn't mean their safe from other elite families who wanted that imaginary high-top pedestal as well.

"So, what did the President want?" Aido asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

"I have to take the transfer student to the President's office." Takuma informed much to Aido shock.

"A transfer student? In the middle of school year?" Aido was aghast at the situation. Is that transfer student so special to be able to transfer that way?

"Yup! I just hope he comes already. And I could get him to the President." Takuma answered with his bright smile that got Aido to cover his face using a cushion of the couch just to avoid that eye blinding brilliance of his.

"No need. I'm here." Came a voice so soft that it sounded like bell chimes that was played and caressed by the wind. Hearing that got Aido, Takuma and even Senri who had awakened from his slumber to turn their attention to the new arrival.

The trio looked dumbstruck much to Kain's amusement. "Heh, it seems I'm not the only one to have that kind of reaction towards Zero as well." Kain thought laughing on the inside because of the trio's expressions.

Gazing at the newcomer's form and face had made different thoughts popped into the trio's heads.

"So, that's why Kaname was adamant in getting this transfer student to his office. Is he the talented musician Kaname and Headmaster Cross was talking about?" – Takuma

"N-n-n-no w-w-way! He's here, he's the transfer student. Kami-sama thank you! You answered my prayers. Now, there will be more chance for me to get back at him for ignoring me. He must fell for me, for my broken ego to be whole again! Just you wait! I will have you putty in my hands!"— Aido

"Hn. Not worth my time. And yet those eyes…"—Senri

"Now, you said I was too be taken to the President?" Zero asked. His statement got the trio to wake up to reality and out of their stupor.

"Oh, Uh, Yes. Please follow me." Takuma instructed that made Zero frowned.

"That would be fine. But shouldn't I head to my room first, unpack and get ready?" Zero suggested, indicating and showing to them the white uniform he still should change to. His suggestion alone earned him a laugh from Takuma.

"No need- um- "Takuma started but found it hard knowing that Kaname did not inform him of the transfer student's name.

Zero realizing the problem was about to say his name when a blonde that had sat up from the couch where he laid beat him to it.

"Zero, his name is Zero." Aido provided that just shocked Zero more. Seeing Zero's eyes narrow at him. Aido looked away. No one did see his smirking face. "Knowing his name probably would keep him up on his toes and bug me on how I knew." Aido internally chuckled in glee. "That should keep Zero's interest in me."

"Thank you Aido, Zero the first would be for you to know that in Apollo's Sanctuary—" Takuma started then snapped his fingers in a flash a butler came that got Zero looking around trying to find out how the butler got there so fast!

"What may I do to be of service to you. Ichijou-sama?" the butler asked with a respectful bow.

"Everything is done for you. You just have to snap your finger and the servants will do their job." Takuma continued then turned his attention to the butler who now gazed at him waiting for his task. Taking the white uniform from Zero's grasp he placed it on the butler's waiting hands. "Please, take this to Zero-kun's room and prepare everything he needs to get ready. He has matters to discuss with the President."

"Hai. Ichijou-sama." The butler bowed and as quickly he appeared it was the same as well as he proceeded to do his task.

Chuckling at the aghast face of Zero, Takuma realizes that he just felt immense joy just by seeing the different expressions Zero was showing.

Zero was surprised yet that not deter him in being angered on how these rich kids was living the life! Yes, he is the heir of the Kiryus and has parents that were big names on the music industry but that doesn't lead him into living a life where everything was fone for him! In fact, he fucking hates it! It made him feel that he was not independent and a baby still needing assistance to just do every freaking goddamn single thing! He prefers his way on things thank you very much!

"Now, wasn't that easy? Zero all you have to do is just li—" Takuma felt his breath got knock out of him as he saw Zero fumed in anger. All the occupants in the room were puzzled on why would Zero react that way.

And Takuma instantly found his shirt collar gripped by Zero thus, emerald green eyes got contact with furious amethyst ones.

"NEVER AND I DO MEAN NEVER EVER DO THAT SERVANT WHATEVER THING YOU DO FOR ME GOT IT? I DO MY STUFF MY OWN WAY!" Takuma nodded as an answer too mesmerized by those frighteningly yet the same time brilliant lilac eyes. With that Zero let go of him yet fixated Takuma with a glare.

"You said I would meet with your President. Best get to it." Zero suggested, the bite on his voice didn't go unnoticed.

"Ah he-he. Yes, of course. Now introductions." Takuma implied with a stutter. Kain, Aido, and Senri looked at him as if he's stupid. Zero had just throttled him and he still want to make introductions first!

"He's either brave or stupid." Aido thought.

"The blonde on the couch is Hanabusa Aido, the one seating at the armchair is Senri Shiki, you probably met Akatsuki Kain since the two of you came together. And yours truly, Ichijou Takuma Vice-President of the CMSC." Zero just stared nonchalantly at Takuma and nodded.

"Uhm, okay. Just follow me then." Takuma stated while scratching his hair not liking this awkward situation and atmosphere he was experiencing and chose to lead the way for Zero. As he and Zero head on their way the both of them did not realize that burnt orange, baby blue, and cerulean eyes were also following their forms as they climb the stairs to go to Kaname's room.


"Here we are." Takuma informed Zero as they came to face with a big walnut door that had golden leaves and door locks. That ended with a golden knob and golden wolf knocker. When Takuma was about to reached for the knocker he found his actions halted because Zero's grip on his wrist. Smiling brightly at Zero he asked. "Is there something wrong Zero-kun?"

"No, but I believe I can take it from here." Zero requested that made Takuma confused.

"But kaichou tasked me to take you to him." Takuma countered, not one for not finishing his task or just doing it halfway.

"And you did. I'm here already." Zero argued back, relentlessly. He wanted a peace of mind alone before he should face the douchebag alright! And this overzealous and dutiful to a fault airheaded Vice-President was making it hard for him!

Contemplating on what Zero said, Takuma realized the logic there. The President would surely want to talk with Zero privately which would be the reason why Kaname had tasked him to get Zero to him right away. Noting the determined look on Zero's eyes he already knows he would be fighting a losing battle. So, it's best to surrender.

"Alright." Takuma agreed sighing as he did so. That got Zero to let go of his wrist. "I'll leave you to it then. And Zero?" Zero turned to Takuma who was already a few meters away from him. "In behalf of the guys, welcome to Apollo's Sanctuary." With those words, Takuma left Zero whose eyes was trained on the door.

Finally, that he was alone Zero could now…




PANIC! In just a second, Zero's cool composure dwindled down and turned him to crouching mess who hugged himself hands on his head like a kid playing hide and seek. His form shaking and courage diminishing, he was cool back then but inside he was screaming.

Heck! I want to go back at Rose Musical Academy!

As he continued to sulk and crouched in that position his surroundings turned gloomy as thousand gloomy purple lines made itself be placed above his head. Creating the famous "World is against me" vibe.

"Come on, keep it together. It will be fine." Zero chanted while rocking his form. "No, it will not be okay." His thought said otherwise.

"It's okay. I'll just go there and say hello—" Zero started as he unfolded himself from his gloomy crouch and stood up. "I'm the guy who wanted to get away but you just had to bring back because you're one selfish asshole!" Zero growled, his panic mode completely obliterated because of his two years' worth of anger on the smug bastard who had the audacity to get him here after all that he had done.

Feeling like his confidence is back he made the decision to open the door…


Zero knew that he was going for the knob yet he was suddenly pulled through that abrupt opened door and pinned on it as it closed. His vision was covered in darkness much to his dismay as he was now in a room where the sun couldn't get in credits to the blood red curtains restricting their bright rays to shine throughout the room. As he was pinned Zero knew very much that warmth encasing and entrapping him and it was confirmed much more as his lilac eyes gazed at garnet ones that glinted like rubies being inflamed on a fire that was so hot it was burning Zero's whole body. Making it hard to breathe and him to gulp nervously, he knows those eyes it has been haunting every time he sleeps and dreams. And it was such a waste such alluring eyes belonged to an arrogant and egoistic Kaname Kuran.

Ever so slowly, Kaname dipped himself further molding his body to Zero's that got Zero to be still and unmoving. Zero could hear and sense Kaname's labored breathing as the brunette's warmth breath dangerously close to his ear. "Zero."

Hearing that had just made Zero to shake and he was cursing his body for its reaction to that whisper.

"You made me wait too long. For that-"Zero shuddered at their close proximity he hated this with a passion. He felt he was just being played at not even considered seriously. It was outright just fuming him to the brim. This position just reminded him of a nightmare-he hoped it was a nightmare- that fucking happened two years ago.

~Flashback: Two Years Ago~

Heart beating faster, sweat running and making beads on his head, and harsh breaths coming out like a crowd on the market. Zero knew he was running but to where? He has no fucking idea since he knew everywhere he goes that "beast" would surely just come out of nowhere. Everyone would think he was crazy if he would say that their famous Melodious King of Seduction was unto him.

Already, feeling his legs nearing to giving up he spotted a big pine tree nearby and head there. As he stopped and took a break leaning to the tree's stem for support. He thought back on what started this whole mess for him. That blasted love letter! Until now, he was set on finding the girl who wrote it just to further smack the reality to the bastard who won't let go of the idea of him confessing to his prissy ass! He would never confess feelings to that dumbass for he never had a goddamn feeling for him in the first place! If only the fool would accept his argument already! But no! Kaname insisted and argued he had feelings for him! For an heir of the Kurans who is known for his wisdom, cleverness and cunning. Kaname was not even giving the situation a thought or even a doubt.

Panting he leaned back on the tree, looking around making sure that Kaname lost him. Every day and every time. Cross Musical Academy was no longer the shining castle he admired and pledged to further its greatness. It was now a huge living nightmare thanks to a certain brunette who just won't leave him alone.

"Caught you." That was all Zero heard as a warning as his wrists were trapped above his head by one of Kaname's hand. The brunette's hot body flushed against his own. His lilac eyes widened as he now gazed at the smoldering intense garnet eyes that did not even hid its mirth.

"My dear Zero, as much as I love this tag game of ours I find it tiring at the same time as well." Kaname whispered sinfully on his now flushed ear. That resulted in Zero gritting his teeth in frustration. It wasn't a freaking game! If only this asshole would leave him alone! With renewed vigor Zero struggled at Kaname's hold.

"Damn you! Kuran. It's not a game! Lay off!" he snapped as he continued to toss around trying to get Kaname loosen his grip on his wrist.

Kaname sighed exasperatedly, garnet eyes locked on lilac ones. "Zero, you don't get it. I don't want to lay off. I want to get laid and you're just the right catch for me." Kaname tsked, his body pressing more to Zero's.

That just shot a red warning sign to Zero's brain by panicking neurons. "Idiot! Stop messing with me!" Zero shouted struggling more.

"Now, now, don't play coy. I've been merciful enough with all you're playing hard to get game as well." Kaname smirked devilishly making Zero struggle harder. That smirk meant total chaos for him he just knows it!

"Stupid I told you! It's not a-mmph!" Zero wanted to snap some sense to Kaname but it was all for naught as said brunette went for the kill or more likely Zero's lips to be precise. Kissing sounds and hard pants was the music that could be heard around them and Zero did not like it one bit for he was the one suffering most.

"S-Sto-Stop mmph!" Zero's couldn't even let a sentence go as his lips was caught in an onslaught of Kaname's expert kisses.

"No, *kiss* I've let you *kiss* have your way *kiss* all this time *kiss* no more." Kaname said in between kisses. "Will I wait." Kaname dipped his head once more wanting to taste that sweet yet spicy tinged lips of Zero. It was even more gratifying once his tongue got to delved into the silverette's mouth his tongue dominating Zero's who couldn't help but whimper at these new sensations attacking his whole body.

Kaname wanted it to last long but the fact is they still need to breathe. As he broke the kiss and caressed Zero's flushed face using his hand he never felt so whole and alive. He wanted this, no he needed this! Now that he caught this magnificent creature what's stopping him from claiming his prize?

Wanting to delve himself more he dipped yet again for a kiss to that pink luscious swollen lips that had become like that because of his ministrations. But ever the stubborn Zero had dodge his onslaught by moving his head to his side. It would have disappointed Kaname if it were not for the fact that Zero had left his milky neck for display.

"Stop this. Are you not disgusted? I'm a guy for crying out loud!" Zero retorted, not looking at the brunette.

For a moment Zero thought he was saved for Kaname suddenly looked downcast and stilled. Yet his fear amplified as Kaname looked up, desire never leaving his eyes. As his grip on Zero's wrist tightened as Kaname got closer. Zero leaned more to the tree hoping the stem would open up and pull him out of this situation.

"You're burning me up." Kaname whispered to his exposed flushed ear and accompanied it with a nip that got Zero to yelp. "You're the reason I can't think straight. I can't sleep, I can't eat. My heart aches more every time you run away from me. And you think I would care whether you're a guy or a girl?" Zero was afraid to retort to that and settled for not answering his head still turned away. "You don't know me at all." Not one to be denied, Kaname nipped on Zero's neck leaving hickeys on its wake.

Which resulted for Zero to become more of a melted form not like his usual self as his body tingled with electric pulses that just maneuvered its way through his blood, body, to his head down his toes and settling itself to give a pleasurable hot ache to his groin. Fuck! What is this? The silverette was unfamiliar with this. "S-stop t-this. You're basically *pant* forcing *pant* yourself to me. Have you no shame!" Zero countered amidst his hard pants.

Kaname paid no heed to Zero's words as he preoccupied himself on covering Zero's neck with his lovely marks of hickeys. "It is not *nip* forced *nip* if the other is *nip* feeling *nip* pleasured as well." He reasoned and Zero's breath labored as he felt Kaname free hand left his face and has now delve itself inside his shirt tracing the contours of his body until it opened more of his flesh to the opened air. "St-stop!" Zero growled struggling much more yet whimpered as he felt Kaname's finger brushed to his sensitive right nipple. "Wha-what is-is this?" Screw it! He was just fifteen and he cursed his hormones for making his body too responsive to the brunette's actions. It got even harder as Kaname's roaming hand head downward and had now placed itself to the obvious bulge than became his ruin.

He moaned, his life was fucked! Because he moaned yet he can't deny the pleasing, satisfying and gratifying result Kaname's hand was doing to him as the brunette groped his clothed member. "Shit!" he cursed as Kaname continued to delve deeper and directly unbuckled Zero's belt to be able to grope the real thing.

His heart was pounding but it was not because he was running for he was now pinned to the tree by this beast of a man and was ravished by it.

"Don't even think you're the only one affected of this." Zero was dazed because of this yet he listened on what Kaname was saying. "Because I am as well." Zero never doubted it as he felt the hard one Kaname was exposing to him as the brunette rubbed his member to Zero's as well.

Their harsh pants ringed through the trees. It was lucky that they were far away from prying eyes. As Kaname lost his grip on Zero's wrists was also the time Zero lost a grip on the reality of the situation as his arm locked itself to Kaname's form his hand clenching Kaname's silky mahogany tresses. The two shared a heated kiss as they continued with this orgasmic high that had embraced them. Feeling this seething heat was unbearable for Zero yet it was pleasing as well.

With their touches, caresses and kisses. The two reached their climax shooting off their load to each other. As their spent bodies laid on the grassy ground with Kaname embracing Zero who panted as he leaned back to the tree. Zero felt regret bubbling inside.

What had he done?

He shouldn't had let himself slip away!

He will never hear the end of it!

Grasping the reality, he was plunged into. Zero pushed Kaname away in irritation and more loathing not only to the pompous ass in front of him but more to himself.


"This was a mistake! Why don't you see that? Why can't you just let me be?" Zero groaned in annoyance as he quickly dressed himself up ignoring Kaname who dressed up as well. When they were done fixing themselves up it was the moment Zero was puzzled as Kaname let out a boisterous laugh.

Has he finally gone insane?

"Kana-"Zero called but found his lips caught by Kaname's supple lips. When Kaname let him go, he was terrified to see such desire and mirth on his garnet eyes.

"You seemed to think you still have control over your life." Kaname's voice had a bite to it than rendered Zero speechless. "You shouldn't question but just feel."

Hearing Kaname's voice that was laced with such a dark sinful promise had Zero backing up to the tree yet again with every step Kaname took to edge closer to his form. It was just a matter of time as Zero was yet again in the position where he was once. Pinned to a tree, Kaname's hand trapping his wrists above his head.

"You're not right in the head. If you think because of this you can just shape up my life! Damn you! I will get out of this somehow. Why can't you accept it? The letter is not mine." Zero argued back yet it did not do anything to vanquish the dark haze in Kaname's eyes.

"What happened back then, is proof you're lying." Kaname growled, his face now close to Zero's.

Brilliant garnet eyes met frightened lilac amethyst ones as in that very moment the world stilled as a vow was made. "Mark my words, Zero-"Kaname started, as Zero flinched from the pain Kaname's grip on his wrist was doing.

"You'll never escape me Zero, you already forfeited your whole self to me the moment you had that letter on your hands. You don't have the power to say no to a Kuran. We always get what we want."

~End Flashback~

"You must be punished." That conniving voice awakened Zero to the reality. And he narrowed his eyes to the brunette.

Kaname was surprised by Zero's ferociousness but hid it efficiently. Zero had really changed this would prove to be challenging.

"As if I would play by your rules." Zero scoffed, and with just a tug he got out of Kaname's hold. More and more Kaname was shocked by Zero's new attitude. "Now, tell me. WHY THE HELL DID YOU BROUGHT ME BACK ASSHOLE!" Zero snapped, now out of his calm demeanor.

Kaname grinned not even affected by Zero's glare that was now directed to him. "You think that you had escape my grasp? The two years you had of your independence was my lenience on the fact you left without a word. I only had that transfer papers of yours to negotiate." His voice was cold devoid of emotion. But inside he was glad to be face to face with his uke that got away.

"Anyone would when they are fifteen and got humped at the woods!" Zero argued back, gritting his teeth. "If that's the reason I'm here I prefer to leave already!"

"You have to be here!


"Because the Cross Musical Academy is in dire need for the Stone-Cold Symphony Prince once again." that got Zero's attention.

"What do you mean?" Zero asked. Kaname sighed then head to his study to his table to get a file from his drawers to which he presented it to Zero. Who was flabbergasted when he took the file and read through it. He was shock at the many competitions the Academy lost over the two years he was gone.

"The Apollo Elite Prodigy can't compete with just this numbers. Many had tried to become and replace the spot you vacated. But there's none like you who could faint the whole stadium with your music albeit you made them shiver first." Zero noted that unmistakable admiration on Kaname's voice.

"Zero. You are the lost link. And we need to have you back. To get back Cross Musical Academy's Glory once again." Kaname stated with a purpose.

"I see." Zero placed the file on Kaname's desk. He was thinking it through and found his conscience was slapping away his stubbornness on the subject.

"Is that reason enough for you to stay? The Academy suffered enough and I hate that it would be ruined. No matter how hard I try or ever the other elites try it isn't enough." Kaname would have pleaded if need be. But he had a hunch that this would convince Zero already.

"Yes, it's enough." Zero begrudgingly agreed. "Now, if that was I'm here for then I should take my leave and get ready for class." He was adamant in getting out of there he was having a hard time surviving the looks Kaname was giving him.

Garnet eyes watched as Zero went to the door but just as he was about to. Zero was pulled by his arm and turned only to have his lips locked in a fiery kiss that was burned with longing by Kaname. The curtains swayed to the side as the wind blew from the windows illuminating the pair with the glow of the morning sun.

Zero blinked and blinked his mind in disarray by the sudden act. When he realized what was happening he shoved Kaname away from him. "Stop playing around!" Zero shouted wiping his lips using his shirt's sleeve face blushing what just happened.

Kaname chuckled liking the fire in Zero's eyes and heat on the silverette's face. "The Academy isn't the only one that needs you as well. I need you as well."

"Idiot!" Zero shout back as his face blushed more and he opted for going to the door and getting the hell out of there!

"Zero." Kaname called, the joy in his voice was noticed by Zero that halted the silverette on his quest of getting out of there. Looking back at Kaname he saw the brunette smiled a real smile. Even roses bloomed in the background of the egoistic dumbass as sunlight poured gave Kaname a more golden brilliance. "Welcome back, my prince."

With no word to retort back, Zero bolted out of there. And once he was out he gripped unto his shirt that was at the place of his erratically pounding heart.

Don't beat that way. He's a manipulative creep remember? Zero chastised himself but knew this was just a start of his upcoming troubles. He was happy he was able to survive this one.


Meanwhile at Rose City.

"Hey, do you know where my best friend went?" Kaito asked around, feeling left out as he came to their dorms and found Zero's things to be gone. The silverette did not even give a clue where he went.

"Kaito." He heard someone called him, as he turned he came face to face with their Musical Instructor. Toga Yagari with his eyepatch still placed on his eye. The reason behind it would be an accident leading for the lovable teacher to lose his wife and his eye on that tragic event.

"Yes." He answered nonchalantly.

"Why you rude brat! I came to tell you, your friend Zero had transferred back to his old school. I believe it Cross Musical Academy." Yagari informed him.

Kaito was shocked at the news. "WHAT HE TRANSFERRED AND HE DIDN'T EVEN GIVE A FUCK TO TELL IT TO ME!" Kaito shouted that earned him whispers and giggles coming from the student of Rose Musical Academy. He just couldn't believe it. Zero left without a word. Getting his Iphone in his pocket he quicky tapped Zero's number angered every time the line would say it was not in service.

"Come on pick up, pick the fuck up!" he cursed, not liking to be left in the dark.

"Zero, you better answer or I'll go to straight to Cross Musical Academy and haul your ass back here!" that was what was running through Kaito's thought as he redialed Zero's number yet again. While Yagari chose to watch him fiddle with his Iphone while puffing a cigarette. Good thing they were outside of the premises of the school and already at the gates.

Sai here! It's the acronym of my pen name. And I would be using it for my author's note.

For the benefit of the story Kaito will be one year older than Zero.

Kaichou- President

Oji-san -Uncle

Kuroso Oji-san - Uncle Cross

Rose City- Capital where Rose Musical Academy is situated.

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