
Chapter One: Beginnings

Zero woke up groggy and disoriented as he sat up on the edge of the bed and gaze at the open window. Which was already sending many pinkly sparks and shining sunlight coupled with the twittering of birds.

"My, my, my what a beautiful scene." He whispered, hypnotized by all of it. But he damn knew it was supposed to be car honks, the city smell, and the occasional view of people cursing each other at the traffic.

Desperate on believing that he wasn't back to the place where he was, truth be told too damn scared of.

"Good night." He mumbled to himself and chose to lay back again on the bed and slept only for a couple of minutes to wake up again. But this time slap with the harsh reality that he was forcibly move back to their home.

"Good morning onii-san! And welcome back to our humble abode!" Ichiru exclaimed, making his grand entrance to Zero's room in their mansion with an open hard slam to Zero's bedroom door.

Zero placed a hand on his head and grumbled as he closes his eyes and lay back on the bed again with a more annoyed groan. He was waking up to a nightmare and Ichiru worsened it with his happy smile and more joyful expression on his face. That just made his gut be punched with regret.

Taking a deep breath, he remembered how he was absolutely pounded into submission by his own traitorous little twin brother.

Last night:

"Hell no! I'm going! Be the one to give to the fucker my great deep loathing regards on his egoistic pompous face!" Zero's form was an overload of bulging and ticking stress marks as he made his way out of the sala where he woke up from his dead faint on the revelation of what Kaname bastard Kuran had done.

As he was about to leave he was halted with arms which circled his waist and a wailing Ichiru clinging and sliding his body to the ground in time with his walk, making Zero's escape much harder.

"Zero-kun, please consider aren't you even an ounce pitying your little brother." Ichika reasoned out but inside she was already chuckling at the funny picture her twin sons were showing to her.

"Onii-chan don't leave me!" Ichiru wailed, his arms tightening his hold on Zero who gave him an annoyed look.

"Damn, Ichiru let go!" Zero struggled and with more fervor he step by step tried to walk to the entrance door of their mansion, albeit of Ichiru clinging to him and pulling him down with his weight.

"No way! Would I go back to that fucking school!" Zero shrieked, to which Ichiru's eyes narrowed and was glinting with deviousness. With that he simply let go to which got Zero stumbling due to the sudden movement.

"Fine be a pussy if you want to, I have no need for a coward as an older brother." Ichiru offhandedly said matching with a shrug and a smirk on his face.

Turning his back on Zero, Ichiru casually walk away from a stunned Zero near the entrance door and while heading to his mother's side was already counting in his head…




Like in the movies. It was like a twig had snapped as an intense aura filled the room behind Ichiru. And Ichiru welcomed it as he felt he was being turned around only to be push hardly at a nearby wall. He flinched at the pain of the impact of his head on the wall.

Seeing his mother's distress and wanting to become the peacemaker. Ichiru shook his head, sending a message to their mother who was already worrying.

Ichiru saw the burning fury of his onii-chan's eyes while he was simply smiling not at all afraid of its intensity. Even as Zero's hands grip the collar of his shirt, Ichiru was not fazed one bit.

"Listen well, I am in no means a pussy! So, keep it in your damn mind! Shut up and if staying here and entering that damn academy makes me not a pussy then fucking so be it!" Zero growled, then stilled as his wide lilac eyes displayed shock as he slowly let go of Ichiru and gaze at Ichiru with disbelief. Realizing instantly what he just said.

"Hear that mother? Zero-nii is staying with us." Ichiru informed, with a sweet devious smile while gazing at their mother who had an equally sweet smile as well.

"Yes, yes, yes, I heard it well. Ichiru." Ichika admonished, chuckling as she did so.

Knowing he was played. Zero corrected and wanted to rectify his mistake. "No, no, I-mean- hell no!"

Only to fail miserably…

"Fu,fu,fu,fu." Ichiru sneered. "Don't tell me you're taking back what you said? Onii-chan?" Ichiru teased coupled with a flick on Zero's head. "Remember a Kiryu never breaks his word."

Zero's face was blazing in anger as he gazes at his twin's smug face. It was in this moment that Zero could remember that in the family it was Ichiru who was devil incarnate in tricking people.

Knowing that he has lost the argument. Zero glared at the smiling face of Ichiru and growled in annoyance.

"Fine!" Zero grumbled, crossing his arms on his chest as he stomped his way to his old room.

"Is it alright, if we ask the movers to take your things from the condo to your room here, it is no problem at all." Ichika shouted as she watched her grumbling son climb the stairs that heads to his room.

"As if you need my permission!" Zero shouted back and head inside to his room closing the door with a slam.

Ichika took that as a yes and hummed in delight as she turns her gaze to Ichiru and instantly hug Ichiru.

"What a clever son, I have." Ichika praised Ichiru who just dust off imaginative dusts on his shoulder giving off the "it was just too easy vibe" to his smiling mother.

~~End of Last Night~~

Recalling that, Zero groaned in irritation as he buried himself on his pillows and covered himself in his blanket wanting to absolutely disregard Ichiru's presence who's smile had turned into a smirk because of his actions.

Laughing, Ichiru head over to Zero's side and shake him up while Zero was hiding inside the blanket.

"Come on, onii-chan no time to dawdle, tomorrow you will have to attend the academy. So, it's better to prepare and organize already your things."

Zero scoffed and continued devoid himself of Ichiru's presence. Ichiru not want to be ignored pulled at Zero's blankets. Zero not wanting to wake up to the harsh reality pulled his blankets as well resulting to a tug of war twins.

Ichiru won with his energetic vigor. And making Zero more and more want to strangle him.

Zero glared at Ichiru who just smiled innocently. "Ichiru aren't my fucking suffering enough?" he asked as he sat up at the edge of his bed.

"Nope, just hurry up and get ready." Ichiru beckoned, while heading out of Zero's bedroom.

"Get Ready? Why would I need to get ready, if I'm just going to be in our house-"Zero was going to ask but found that Ichiru had gone ahead leaving him alone in his room.

With a heavy sigh, he got up and did his daily routine freshen up, change clothes, and hope this won't be such a sucky day for him.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT THE TWO OF YOU ARE GOING FOR A VACATION!" came the shout of a pissed Zero to his parents who did not even had a guilty expression as they just throw the bomb at him.

His parents and Kaname's parents were all going to a vacation in Hawaii. Like a double date one. Because of that him and Ichiru as well as the Kuran's egoistic son and lovely daughter will be at their respective dorms in the academy.

That would just be fine if it was not for Zero remembering that the dorms were separated. The Barb Dorms where all the not so highly skilled male musicians reside, the Lyre Dorms where the not so highly skilled female musicians reside, the Muses Dorms where all the highly skilled female musicians reside, and then the highest of the ranks all because those residing in are prodigies of legendary musicians and have influential and illustrious families, the Apollo's Sanctuary.

Of course, you would think it was great because Ichiru would be with him at the Apollo's Sanctuary where he was designated to be there because of a certain bastard who can't leave him alone. But knowing his brother Ichiru would have likely puppy dog eyes his way out of this predicament. Leaving him alone inside a Dorm where he knew Kaname would be waiting and already set on making his school life hell.

"I'm sorry Zero, but Haruka and Juri invited us and it would be rude not to go." Ichika reasoned that was coupled with nod from Reo.

"Yes, and Zero what's even wrong with that. You have been able to stay independent for two years now. It is no problem to you." Reo implied with a beaming smile that just made Zero sulked even more of his predicament.

"So, with that. You two should be packing up your bags and heading for the Cross Musical Academy. I'm sure our dear old friend is sure to welc-" Reo suddenly snapped in attention as he heard one hell of a pissed shout from Zero.


The Kiryu couple sighed, as they watch Zero throw a fit. Ichiru just watching his older twin with a popcorn bucket as he sat on the sofa. Seemingly, finding Zero's antics more entertaining than the movie playing on their flat screen tv.

"Zero." Zero stilled as he heard his own father's cold voice that could always give everyone in the family feel like they were in a glacier breeze. Even Ichika flinched back from her husband because of it. "Sit down."

"Hai!" Zero instantly sat at the sofa beside Ichiru who continued to snack on the popcorn.

Now, dear reader. You finally know where did Zero get his attitude from.

"Nevertheless, we are going with the Kuran couple. Ichiru being an older student will stay at his assigned dorm room at the Barb."

Ichiru nodded eagerly, happy that he was assigned at the Barb Dorm because he never transferred. Zero had his face on his palm as he glowered at Ichiru's joyful face filled with dozens of stardust and sparkling flowers at the background.

"And you." Reo directed his gaze at Zero's form who simply look to the side not facing him a sign of his defiance. "It can't be help that because of your standing at the Rose Music Academy. You are surely will be assigned at Apollo's Sanctuary."


"And Headmaster Cross will surely put you there." Reo ignored Zero's complaint when Zero's eyes narrowed at him, he simply returned the favor as well.

Father and son glared at each other, making Ichika and Ichiru shiver by the electric pulses beating up between cerulean eyes and lilac amethyst ones.


"I give up." A bell rung liked of a boxing ring as Zero confessed and sulked at the corner of the sofa seat as Reo only smiled more by Zero's defeat of their one heck of a glaring contest that lasted just three seconds.

Ichika and Ichiru could finally breathe with the ending of the heated glared between Zero and Reo.

"Well, now that Zero has agreed and has no more complaints." Reo admonished and Zero could only scoffed. "Pack up your things boys. Because today we are already heading there and after that me and your mother will be going with Haruka and Juri for our double date trip!"

Any more word of protest from Zero were silence and he continued to just settle for a glare directed to his parents who looked to be more than happy to get a vacation without them.

Zero couldn't help but feel as if all the events happening around him are already planned from the beginning.


At the Apollo's Sanctuary, a bright Takuma woke up early whistling a happy tune as he does his daily morning routine. Ending it with donning the Cross Musical Academy uniform. Before he goes out he made sure not to forget his favorite pipe which was made of the most precious wood and glass designs you could only ever imagine having.

As he continued to whistle his happy tune at the hallway, he made a point that he would wake up all the inhabitants of the said dorm. Takuma has always been the most responsible one. Keeping the other more rambunctious dormmates of his in line. It was because he just keeps up to his title as Cross Musical Student Council Vice-President or also known as CMSC.

But to those people who idolize and admire them they are more called as the Apollo's Elite Prodigy or AEP for short because of their dorm's name coupled with their high musical talents. Takuma shook his head of the other student's name call on them. His sparkling green eyes hinting more of an aggravation as he scratches his head. Silky Blonde hair dancing along his ministrations.

Takuma never could understand what was great about them. Yes, they play their instrument very well and was champions for musical competitions but they were just like the other students, they practice and practice until they get it right. They were just simple ordinary stude—

*Crash* *Crash* *Crash*

Takuma's musings were cut off as he saw a sleepwalking Shiki hit his head on the wall and was suddenly awake and then immediately asleep again. Falling like a leaf on the floor and snoring away.

Yup, they were just ordinary. Takuma was about to aid Shiki in going back to his bed when a distressed Kain came to him.

"Kain, is there something wrong?" Takuma asks, already crouching in front of a dead to the world Shiki. His back facing Kain who folded his arms on his chest.

"…" Silence ringed inside the hallway.

Not hearing anything from Kain. Takuma took a chance and turn his head to a quiet Kain. Sighing he got up and face Kain who had a blank expression on his stoic face.

Waiting for something to come out from Kain's mouth.

The orange haired teen with burnt orange eyes bore with such intensity in Takuma's form. With great effort, he opens his mouth only to…

Make Takuma sweat dropped as Kain shut his mouth and opted for using his hands and do a series of sign language that got Takuma to be more confused than ever.

"Ah, ok it's a bird!" Takuma guessed as Kain use his hands imitating a plane. Which was wrong since Kain shook his head at the mere suggestion.

"Ok, a plane going to jungle with a monkey as a pilot?!" Kain shook his head again.

"Oh, oh, oh, I got it a big magma of fire circulating the orbit!" Kain gaze at Takuma with a cock of his head to the side. Looking at Takuma with a "really?" look.

"A circus, with a clown, with a dove, a big golden head, a lion growling!" Takuma guessed with fervor as Kain did his hand gestures.

If anyone would see them, they would see two fools. One waving his hands jumping up and down while answering. The other one dancing in a mix of hula-hula, tribal dance, hip hop, and ballet all the same time.

"A bloody hell, huge crocodile!" Takuma had a bright smile on his face as he continued to guess Kain's charades.

Kain was at the point of gritting his teeth in frustration. All he wanted to inform Takuma was that his idiot cousin of his had already snuck out too early from their usual time and who knows what that buffoon of a goldilocks would get in trouble of!

Takuma continued to guess, oblivious of Kain's frustration and when he found himself tired of their activity, he noticed something or someone missing.

"Hey, Kain where's Aido?"

Kain turn his back on the oblivious and airheaded smiling Vice-President and gave up. Walking away from Takuma who had an incredulous expression seeing that Kain was walking away from him.

"Kain! Hey! Get back here!" Takuma called to Kain who was actively ignoring Takuma's shout. Who chased after him all together forgetting a blissfully sleeping Shiki on the carpeted floor.


An elegant hand flourish itself with a pen on its hand as it found the right spot on a notepad and put another check on that spot…

Check :Manipulate Cross' mind of Zero's transfer

Check: Arrange Zero's transfer papers

Check: Trick parents into having a vacation with the Kiryu Couple

Check: Manipulate Cross again in making sure Zero will be staying at Apollo's Sanctuary

Woo Zero

So I could finally, have my uke to myself…

A smile formed on the face of the one and only one Melodious King of Seduction as he saw that only one thing was left for him to have what he desired.

Recalling how that silver haired fierce kitten of his blushed and moaned wantonly at his ministrations made Kaname groan in irritation as he felt already hard just by thinking of it.

Standing up from his study table and heading to the glass window pane of his room. He laid his hand on it with a breathtaking smile on his face. The sun warming his skin and making his hair shine of an auburn shade and reddish-brown eyes sparkling with excitement in knowing that any minute now. Zero would already be at the Academy.

Gazing at the entrance pathway near their dorm. Kaname's heart leaped and thudded like no tomorrow as at the distance he saw the silver luxury car with a Kiryu symbol nearing the Academy.

Two years was too long. And Kaname basked in the feeling of finally being able to quench his thirst for Zero's whole being.

Oh, what I would do to him… I've waited long enough…


Inside at the Kiryu's car…

Zero slouched to a corner inside the car as he could already feel a spine chilling force that raked throughout his body making him more and more dread on what's to come.

Seeing that they were already nearing the structure of Cross Musical Academy. Zero was damn sure he was already going into a nightmare.

What pissed him much more that his own freaking family was busy having smiles of their faces as they emitted a happy sparkling aura while he was already suffering neared to an anxiety attack.

Maybe if I did get one, they would change their minds.

"Oh, onii-san don't even think of anything to chicken out of this. You gave me your word. Hehe." Ichiru teased with a sweet devious smile much to Zero's annoyance. His twin brother could always know what thought was going through his head.


Zero forcefully laid his head on the passenger's seat glass window and glared at Ichiru's smug face.

As the car stopped at the Cross Musical Academy forever sealing his fate. Zero got out of the car and thought as he could finally see the glorious castle like building of the Cross Musical Academy.

Fuck this. I hate my life!


One, Aido Hanabusa had a bright smile on his face and reveled in the feeling of being adored of the ladies in the Cross Musical Academy as he strolled nearing at the entrance pathway. Some of them look his way, some had already hearts on their eyes and some of the girls just downright fainted at the sight of him.

An arrogant smirk on his face he continued to let the girl ogle at him until he was bored and settled for going back to the dorm but all his thoughts was gone as his whole body suddenly stilled. Blue azure eyes contracting and widening like saucers, heart beating wildly and electric shock pulsing throughout his body.

Gone was Aido's smirk and replaced with dumbstruck expression as for the first time he found himself hard to breathe and his whole attention focus at the most beautiful creature he ever saw.

Silver hair like the moonlight now much more brilliant because of the sun. Amethyst eyes shining with a ferociousness. Red lips so sinfully red and an ass that was too big and curvaceous to resist. Instantly, Aido was enamored by this beauty who was already passing by him like he was nobody.


Aido suddenly turned and saw the back of the silver haired beauty who absolutely ignored him and he was furious beyond. There was no one who could resist his charms and handsome looks. May it be males or females.

Oh, but this man no, this man who was too lovely and pretty that beautiful was the right way to describe him. Just ignored him.

Blue eyes darken and glared at the oblivious silver haired beauty who continued to walk as if he didn't just ignore Aido's presence.

"Zero-nii!" Aido watched as a twin of the silver haired beauty who to Aido didn't even attract him one bit strolled with the beautiful man.

So, Zero is his name. Aido thought as a sweet devious smile formed on his face. "Just you wait Zero. I'll make sure you will never be able to ignore me ever again.

No one has made Aido's heart leaped for all the years he has lived. But this Zero just did that only to ignore him completely. Aido was sure now that he would never let Zero just get away with it.