
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 35 - Securing a Spot

<p>[Obtained 300 EXP for defeating a human designated as a temporary enemy.]<br/>[Obtained an extra 1700 EXP for defeating a stronger enemy.]<br/>[EXP: 2160/6400]<br/>[Heavy Thrust (Rare Active Skill): By inputting Mana into the blade, the user boosts Attack by 160% for stab/thrust-type attacks only. Lasts until attack hits, is deflected, or is blocked, or until duration ends.<br/>Cost: 9 Mana — Duration: 5 seconds — Cooldown: 10 seconds<br/> Evolution Requirements:<br/>- 2/7 times Heavy Thrust was activated<br/>- 7 MAG<br/>- HIDDEN: 1/1 times used Skewer]<br/>[Erratic Swordsmanship (Super Rare Passive Skill): A simple refinement of a growing swordsmanship. While utilizing this style, Atk Speed is boosted by 18%.<br/> Evolution Requirements:<br/>- 1/5 enemies defeated using style<br/>- Style Name]<br/>[Critical Eye+ (Super Rare Active Skill)<br/> Evolution Requirements:<br/>- 6/10 times Critical Marks were hit<br/>- 20 ACC]<br/><br/> I frowned. "So that's why I was slower," I mutter, reading Erratic Swordsmanship one more time. I wasn't sure if it exactly counted as an upgrade, but the percentage had slightly gone up. <br/><br/> The problem was that the percentage was now regulated to attack speed, not movement speed. With movement speed, my entire body's velocity was increased, and since I was moving faster, I also attacked faster. But this meant that I would only be faster while I was attacking.<br/><br/> Long story short, it would take some adjusting to.<br/><br/> A tiny shoulder bumps into mine, pushing me aside enough for Eniyala to reach over and grab the floating screen. If I truly wanted, I could lock it in place mentally, and she wouldn't be able to even grab it, but I saw no issue in letting her do what she wanted. It saved me from buying burn cream later.<br/><br/> As she reads, she raises the straw in her cup up to her lips and takes a long sip. "Not bad," she finally says, sliding the screen back over. It's sloppy enough that the screen flips partially over, and I right it with a simple command from my brain. As I close out the screens, the man who was sitting on the other side of Eniyala pulls HIS straw into his mouth using his tongue, slurping loudly with a smile on his face. Him and Eniyala had been talking while I was checking my Statscreen for my new messages, and they seemed to be getting along very well for being strangers less than two days ago.<br/><br/> "Y'all must be close if ya can see his Statbook," he notes, twirling a piece of his curled forest green hair in his finger.<br/><br/> "It's not like that," we both reply monotonously, and he laughs. "Right, right, ma apologies."<br/><br/> A tinge of irritation twitches my eyelid a few times before I ask. "I gotta know… did you need something from me?"<br/><br/> He blinks. "Ah, about that…" he twiddles his thumbs around, holding his drink in his palms as he bashfully looks away. "Ya see… that man owes me ma pay for bein' his cab driver, but… he don't wanna pay me. That was tha altercation that caused this whole incident."<br/><br/> I nodded. Most of said altercation was actually due to me being completely absorbed in my Statscreen. But why would I tell him that?<br/><br/> "And so, I was just wonderin'… if ya could spare just even half the money he promised me, I'd be much indebted to ya."<br/><br/> Ah. He was basically begging.<br/><br/> I thought about it for a minute, before a smirk grew upon my face. "Let me see what the bastard owns, first. But if it's decent, I'll give you an eighth of it — probably — and even buy you new clothes and shoes."<br/><br/> His eyes sparkle. "Of course, sir! Thank ya for your generosity, sir!" He begins rapidly bowing his head, and my smirk grows as I lift my chin, accepting his thanks from on high. "Of c— ack!"<br/><br/> An elbow in my side causes me to bite my tongue, and blood leaks from the corner of my mouth. The perpetrator acts innocent, sipping on her straw as she looks the other way. But, casually, and incredibly threateningly, she toys with a small orb of blue flame. Sighing, I concede. "Actually, we'll give you a fourt— ack! Fine, for fuck's sake! Half! We'll give you half!"<br/><br/> Tears stream down the large man's face as he reaches across Eniyala to take my hands in his own. "Sir, if ya would have me, I will arrange our marr—"<br/><br/> "That's alright," I quickly brush him off. Although he's a bit much, seeing Eniyala get crushed between his giant muscles and the table made my day.<br/><br/> We order food and eat, the two of them chatting again as I scroll through my Stats. 4 points into Agility, 2 into Dexterity, and 2 into Instinct. That's what it had taken me to barely keep up with Lillock. I had done a bit of research on my Manaphone. There was a cap of 250 people for the Level 25 and under tournament, and all the other tournaments above that were about the same. Doing the math, and taking into account I might get a bye, that meant I would have roughly 7-8 matches to get through to win. <br/><br/> That was doable. Most likely.<br/><br/> After we finish eating, we head to the stadium again. There were a total of 4 in the city, and we had fought in stadium 4, so we walked there.<br/><br/> I had recovered pretty quickly. My only injuries were minor aside from my destroyed hand, which they perfectly healed. "The power of a Cleric is insane."<br/><br/> "Come on, Mutter King," Eniyala called, walking down a hallway inside the stadium's walls.<br/><br/> "Relax, I'm walking, IcyHot," I fire back, speeding up my pace.<br/><br/> "Oooh, do I get a name?"<br/><br/> "Twinkletoes," Eniyala says.<br/><br/> "Musclehead," I reply at the same time. We shoot each other a look, and it falls silent until we reached the third door on our right. <br/><br/> Eniyala pushes it open, leading our trio in to see Lillock laid out in a lavish bed, being tended to by two beautiful plus-sized women. He looked like a puppy being spoon-fed by one of them, until he opens his eyes to see us. He quickly chokes on his bite, and a lady sat him up with a strong arm and pats his back. Each thud turned his face more purple until he spat out a chunk of undistinguishable food. He smiles warmly at the girls. "Thank you, ladies. May I have a moment?"<br/><br/> They nod and leave, giggling and whispering to one another. As the door closes, he sighs contentedly. "How beautiful they are. If only I could have won you, I would have shown you how to show off all your amazingly plump curves. I have a sense for these things, you know." He smiles at Eniyala.<br/><br/> Stepping in front of her, I sigh. "Yeah, I'm not making that mistake again. You are absolutely free to like what you like, just keep my crew out of it." I don't bother telling him how inaccurate he was; it was more interesting this way anyway.<br/><br/> Continuing on, I cross my arms. "So, I won. Remember the deal?"<br/><br/> He growls. "Yeah, yeah. Here's the tickets, and my precious earnings."<br/><br/> He points to a cube on the table, and I go to pick it up. As soon as I pull on it… Nothing happens. I can't even move it. "What the fuck…"<br/><br/> Lillock grins. "My wealth is impressive, isn't it? Take a look."<br/><br/> Hesitantly, I input Mana into the cube, and an insane number popped into my sight as I swapped from the picture for the administration tickets, which had two, to the icon for Gold.<br/><br/> "…Four…Five..."<br/><br/> My eyes count the zeros and my mouth drops. 'What am I supposed to do with all this??'<br/><br/> I can't even lift this… Was it supposed to just stay there?"<br/><br/> "Do you need some help?" <br/><br/> The green-haired man makes his way over to the cube, picking it up easily. My eyes bulge. That cube had a Strength requirement of at least 20, and he lifted it like it was nothing.<br/><br/> "You really can't fight?"<br/><br/> "I don't even own a weapon."<br/><br/> I sigh. Even if I had him carry it somewhere, where would I put it? I woke up in the forest, and a certain dickhead made my party leader homeless, so she had nowhere to keep it either.<br/><br/> Remembering his words from a few days ago, my head whips up excitedly. "Hey, what were you owed?"<br/><br/> Leaning down, he whispers into my ear. I grin devilishly. With this much coin, Lillock was underpaying the hell out of this brute.<br/><br/> "I'll pay you that in full and another half's worth if you become our pack mule."<br/><br/> "Okay!" He's instantly down on his knees, praising me happily as he acts as if I was one of the Gods. A smirk grows on my face, but it's cut off by a smack to the back of my head. "Hey!"<br/><br/> Eniyala points to the man, staring me down. "You sure?"<br/><br/> I know what she's asking, but I frown. I kind of took him for the type to be too prideful about how much he had to hide it, but…<br/><br/> "Hey, is this it? I thought you were actually rich. If you can't even match half of what I have, you're pretty pathetic."<br/><br/> He turns beet red, removing and throwing a cube at me. I catch it and look in it to find an extra million. "How's that for pathetic?" He huffs angrily, turning his head in triumph. <br/><br/> "Meh, still not even close."<br/><br/> "Aaargh!"<br/><br/> I continued to give the man trouble until he was nearly purple in the face, but I didn't receive any more Gold. I twirl one in my hand casually; they're flat, rectangular pieces of the metal, yet they seem incredibly durable. They have six engravings on them, three on either side.<br/><br/> "Thanks," I say teasingly, and I get up and leave without saying another word. Eniyala follows, and our new hire gives Lillock a long glance before doing the same, leaving the man to sit silently suffering, alone.</p>