
Critical Hit: The World’s Clumsiest Sword Saint

[Target in sight.] [Skill Critical Eye has been activated.] Being clumsy is quite common. But Luke Hunter’s clumsiness is on a different level. As the young man quite literally stumbles through life, he wonders if there’s something more he could be doing in the world. His dreams may come to be realized, as a freak accident causes Luke to wake up as Klum, in a completely different setting than his day-to-day life. His Dexterity, a skill that measures things such as flexibility and how well one holds themself, sits at the level it was in his past life; 1. And yet, he finds his skills to be suited for an extremely coordinated individual, especially after he meets the only other Sword Saint to have ever existed, an individual who is the strongest Swordsman among those both alive and passed on. It’s up to him to find his way in his new life, and strive to reach the path of the highest Swordsman — the Sword Saint. Will he be able to transform his 1 Dexterity into a 1000? Or will he be dragged into something much deeper — much darker? Credits to valeri_mirley on fiverr for the new cover! Updating 5-10 chapters a week, and now posting on RoyalRoad!

kyci · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Chapter 34 - A Second Wind

<p>I wasn't sure how or why, but I was standing on my feet. My vision was somehow clear, and it was tunneling on the man in front of me. I had called it a second wind, but I was still exhausted. I needed to end this fight soon, or my life would be forfeit. Lillock was clearly enraged, but he hesitated. After all, I shouldn't be able to just casually stand. This gave me a moment to kick my brain into overdrive, and I charge at him.<br/><br/> Loud clangs rang out of the silence as the crowd sat speechless, spectating the entire scene. As the blades clashed, I focused on my style. It felt like I was really close to a breakthrough for a minute. Maybe…<br/><br/> Instead of swinging wildly, I tighten the movements of my arms. The blade still turns and cuts around unpredictably, but the movements were cleaner. It was more of a drain, but it felt like it was using more than just my Agility and Strength now. After having fought with a man who used explicitly one stat for this long, I was starting to understand.<br/><br/> If I incorporated my Instinct and Dexterity into my sword style instead of using it separately, the effectiveness of my attacks and defense could skyrocket.<br/><br/> Ding!<br/><br/> Sure enough, I had my breakthrough.<br/><br/>[Evolution Requirements met.]<br/>[Erratic Movements was upgraded to Erratic Swordsmanship.]<br/><br/> It was the first time I had seen a Skill's name change instead of gaining a plus, but I didn't have time to check it.<br/><br/> Lillock was slowly becoming overwhelmed by my constantly refining technique, which only increased his anger. When he saw the slight moment of distraction due to my Skill upgrade, he capitalized on it.<br/><br/> "Gale Thrust!"<br/><br/> Green Mana spread out, pulling wind currents around his blade as he backs off for a moment. I had no time to react as he thrusts it forward, and razor-sharp green winds cut towards me in a spinning motion. <br/><br/> "I can't escape things trying to skewer me, can I?" I sigh, activating Sprint+ and running to Lillock's left to avoid the blow. He's not done, though. He fires off three more, panting heavier with each thrust. Meanwhile, I push my speed to the max to avoid each blow. My overall movement speed is still faster than him, but it feels… lacking. <br/><br/> Ignoring it, I dash in to the sweat coated man, jumping up and bringing the blade down suddenly after delaying a moment, throwing off his sense of timing. Still, he manages to dodge, receiving only a graze on his leg. He's now redder than the tomato in a child's show about vegetables, but he's breathing too heavily to retaliate with words. <br/><br/> And yet, I can't land another blow on him. We're clashing blades furiously, our feet locked in place, but neither of us give ground. Finally, I jump back, giving both of us a moment to breathe. <br/><br/> "You… fucking… bastard," he says slowly. He's taking quick, ragged breaths. I force myself to take slow ones, regaining my Stamina much more efficiently. 'Amatuer.'<br/><br/> Pointing my blade at him, I grin. "Well, this was fun."<br/><br/> "Shut the… fuck up."<br/><br/> Ignoring him, I look for an opening, but he still doesn't have one I can exploit. "If only I had some way to reach that big-ass target…"<br/><br/> Twisting my mouth to the side in thought and pursing my lips, I open Critical Eye+.<br/><br/>[Critical Eye+ (Super Rare Active Skill): When activated, the user may choose an area upon the target. The Critical Mark will be placed within this area. Upon hitting a Critical Mark, attack will do 350% Dmg. (Max targets: 2 — Max Critical Mark per target: 1)<br/>Cost: None — Cooldown: 2 seconds<br/> Evolution Requirements:<br/>- 4/10 times Critical Marks were hit<br/>- 25 ACC]<br/><br/> "Upon the target," I ponder. "The target… the target?"<br/><br/> Curiosity takes over, and I activate Critical Eye+ again.<br/><br/>[Select target area.]<br/><br/> To my surprise, it worked. I grin evilly as my eye glows brighter.<br/><br/>['Blade' was selected.]<br/>[ Due to the user's increased understanding of the Skill, Evolution Requirements have been adjusted.<br/>- 20 ACC]<br/><br/><br/> "Ha!" I cried, causing Lillock to look at me in confusion. He was mostly recovered, and preparing to attack. I spin my sword in a circle within my hand, gesturing with the tatters of my other one. "Come at me, shithead."<br/><br/> He shrieks. "Insolent little fuck!" <br/><br/> I grin. "Don't worry, you aren't the first person to call me that, and you probably won't be the last."<br/><br/> Raising my sword up into the same thrusting position, I ready myself as the tomato — I mean, the man, charges angrily at me. <br/><br/>[Lillock Prospect has activated the Skill Heavy Thrust+.]<br/>[Skill Slash+ was activated.]<br/><br/> The wannabe noble thrusts forward with heavy force, planning to meet ends again, and I sidestep easily to his left, swinging my blade back behind me before bringing it up. It was a practiced motion, and with the added boost of honing my style, the crescent shape my blade draws seems sharper than before.<br/><br/> "Predictable, aren'tcha?" I tease as my blade slams into his.<br/><br/>[Critical Mark has been hit. Dmg was adjusted to 350%.]<br/><br/> CRACK!<br/><br/> The rapier shatters in his hand as my blade doesn't stop, throwing small shards of metal everywhere. His eyes widen in surprise. "But… that was a Super Rare grade item…"<br/><br/> "And that's the move I'm dubbing 'Reverse Crescent Slash. You like it?" Although I was still on the fence about the name Stormy Night, I had no qualms about this move being named in similar fashion.<br/><br/> "You… you must have cheated! This wasn't a fair fight!"<br/><br/> "Mmmmhm. Well, you were the one that said it, but duels go to the death, so…" I raise up my blade, and fear fills his eyes quickly. "Wait! I forf— gaah!"<br/><br/> Lillock Prospect isn't allowed to finish his sentence as I swing the flat part of my blade into his side.<br/><br/>[Critical Mark has been hit. Dmg was adjusted to 350%.]<br/><br/> WHAP!<br/><br/> The smack of the blade amplified through the Critical Hit, nearly masking the sickening crunch of his ribs as he went flying sideways, comically sliding on his face a few meters before flopping facedown.<br/><br/>[Lillock Health: 2/45]<br/><br/> "Uh… I think he kind of forfeited? We'll just say he did! So… Winner, Luke!"<br/><br/> In the heat of the fight, I forgot that I had momentarily lost myself, answering with that name, but having him say Luke felt like it was definitely better than Klum.<br/><br/> As my adrenaline wears off, my body suddenly gains 100 pounds, and my knees nearly buckle from the weight. I force myself to stand, waving up towards an azure-haired lady up high in the stands as the belated cheers deafen my ears. 'I told you,' I mouth to her, and she just shakes her head with a small smile. In excitement, the buff man next to her grabs both sides of her, pinning her arms to her body, as he lifts her up, spins, and then hugs her in excitement, wiping the grin from my face and replacing it with a small frown. I turn to leave, basically dragging my feet towards the exit door slowly as a few healers ran past me to tend to the face down, ass up man on the brink of death. I thought they would ignore me, but a few stop me, laying me down on a soft blanket one of them had unrolled for me. As they begin treating the broken remains of my hand, a previously invisible dome over the arena shifts, turning black on the outside to give us privacy. <br/><br/> I can still see out, though, as the crowd slowly begins to empty out of the stadium. I watch the two in the box leave, making their way down the steps towards us. They disappear from my sight, and thinking they've left, I turn my head to the bright purple sky. It was beautiful, but…<br/><br/> "The night sky is so much prettier."<br/><br/> "Mins, I think this one has head trauma. He's talking to himself," one of the healers says to a man standing behind them all. He comes over, placing a hand over my forehead, and a reassuring warmth spreads over my face. It cuts off abruptly as he draws his hand back sharply. "I can't deal with those types of head problems."<br/><br/> I blink. "The fuck does that mean?" I ask, and he just gives me a disapproving gaze before walking off.<br/><br/> "Ah… asshole," I mutter, resting to allow the healers to work.<br/><br/> I could check my rewards soon, when I claimed what was promised from the rapier-ist himself.<br/><br/>* * *<br/><br/>[Name: Klum]<br/>[Age: 18]<br/>[Lv: 9]<br/>[EXP: 2160/6400]<br/>[Health: 12/45]<br/>[Mana: 33/52]<br/>[Stamina: 29/45]<br/><br/>STR: 10 MAG: 6<br/>AGI: 19 DEX: 12<br/>VIT: 7 INT: 13<br/><br/>ACC: 15<br/>DEF: 8<br/>POW: 9<br/><br/>[Skills: Klum's Reincarnation (Unfound), Sword Saint's Sigil (Unfound), Critical Eye+ (Super Rare), Underdog (Super Rare), Analyze+ (Super Rare), Erratic Swordsmanship (Super Rare), Heavy Thrust (Rare), Skill Hermit (Rare), Slash+ (Uncommon), Sprint+ (Uncommon)]</p>