

Laurel-Rose Madison is a young woman who was impregnated at a young age by a billionaire's son, David Edward. He had participated in a bet with his friends that dared him to sleep with Rose (as she was called then) before she graduates from high school. Rose who was innocently in love with David fell into the trap and had herself mocked after the sex. Weeks later she finds out she was pregnant. She went through thick and thin to take care of herself and child after her family deserted her. Now, years later, the same person that ruined her life is back to destroy the calm life she'd built for herself and her daughter. But this time, she's determined not to let go without a fight.

Lovely_Tatiana · Urban
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50 Chs


The music was playing loudly and everyone was grooving in the party except Laurel. Not like she didn't like Silicon Club, she did. It was one of the biggest clubs in the city and can only be entered if you're have a member card. But trust Ava to always find a way.

She just sat by the bar sipping her drink and watching the party unfold. Ava was at the dancefloor dancing with a guy she'd just met a few minutes ago and they were dancing like they've known each other for years. Laurel couldn't help but waving her head at the absurdity.