

Laurel-Rose Madison is a young woman who was impregnated at a young age by a billionaire's son, David Edward. He had participated in a bet with his friends that dared him to sleep with Rose (as she was called then) before she graduates from high school. Rose who was innocently in love with David fell into the trap and had herself mocked after the sex. Weeks later she finds out she was pregnant. She went through thick and thin to take care of herself and child after her family deserted her. Now, years later, the same person that ruined her life is back to destroy the calm life she'd built for herself and her daughter. But this time, she's determined not to let go without a fight.

Lovely_Tatiana · Urban
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50 Chs


Laurel sat in her room with a signed contract between her and Alpha Jewelries, rocking it to her bosom and smiling to herself, happy that she'd made use of the opportunity that showed up very well.

The contract enclosed that she had absolute credit for her works even though the company owned any designs she made in and around the company. She was now a contracted designer, the company requested she still works with them, hence she earns salary with them as an employee. But she also gets a 10% share of the profits made for all designs she makes.

The contract also notes that she's allowed some level of freedom regarding the fact that she's a single mother, which David chose to ignore even though his lawyers were against it. His lawyers, whom Laurel had thought would include his sister as the head, was consisting instead of two younger lawyers whom she guessed might be new to the business.