
CRIPPLE -A Hidden king

A world that you will be scared of, a nightmare that you never want to see. This story of the earth that turned into hell, when those creatures come to reality. But now after so many years, and yes after so many death of humans, of course, humans .. I guess are born to die Lol. My bad It begins from Unnatural Academy, which was created by witches to reconciles those dogs and cats or I say those blood enemy werewolves and vampires. But no one expected, that this time it will just bring another bloody war, even more, worst than before. Even more, blood will be shed in this war, more humans will be terrorized. And the whole world would be his enemy.

StrangePeace · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Moon Young

Moon was sitting reading her comic book when suddenly she saw a vampire entering inside her dorm, she got startled looking at the vampire. But still, she gets up to greet her, she won't want to piss her off, she was sick that's why she didn't even go to class.

She quickly gets up to say 'hi' but she felt a bit disappointed when she saw her just passed away from her, she pouted "Maybe she didn't see me"

She saw her completely lost entering the washroom.

"Whatever, let's go back to the comic book" Moon laid down as she starts reading her comic book again.

But then after a while, she heard her voice, "Excuse me? Are you there?"

She jumps out of her bed as she thought 'Did she just call for me?'

Before she could think about it more she hears the voice again,

"Can you pass me the towel?"

She hurriedly walks to check for towels but there were no towels, 'Fuck! Now what?'

She bang his head softly on the wall 'Think! Think! Moon'

"Can you please pass me the towel?" She heard her voice again,

'Fuck!.... Yes,' She ran back to her bag and take out her towel that she specially brought for herself,

She hugged that towel, bid a goodbye to her precious towel and ran towards the door, and knock softly, after that the door slightly open and she passed the towel.

After completing the task she dances crazily as if she won a race and gets back to her bed.

After wrapping her body, Selene realizes that she couldn't sense anything, was she a vampire or werewolf?

Selene walks out just to find two pair of legs kicking in the air, she steps ahead and saw her laying upside down on the bed while holding a comic book on her face.

Moon quickly get up when she saw Selene, the only thought that came in her mind was 'How gorgeous she was looking?' But she didn't say it out loud.

Selene observe her for a moment as she thought 'Why can't I sense anything?'

"Who are you?" Selene said she was sure that she was a human, but she didn't know there were more humans. She personally checks all human's profiles and only found one boy left in that list, the rest all had run away.

Moon smiled as she replied "I am Moon Young"

Selene countered "Are you human?"

Moon just nod, while she said in mind 'Yes, a Human but definitely not your tonight meal'

"Okay! I am Selene Nielsen"

Moon's eyes got bigger as she covers her face "Selene?" She pointed towards her "You mean that Original vampire"

Selene nod as she found her reaction a bit confusing.

"OMG! I am staying with an original" Moon jolted in amazement, as she looked at Selene's gorgeous face.

Selene smiled awkwardly as she asked, "Aren't you scared?"

Moon look at her and answered honestly "Why would I? I have heard you are a good vampire and you didn't even turn off your humanity"

Selene smiled and nod, she then walked towards her bag and took out her clothes, and went back in the bathroom.

While wearing those clothes, She thought 'It's a good that I have a human dormmate, now I can use her to get to know about other humans as well'

While reading her comic book, Moon gave off a sinister smile as she thought 'It's good that I have an Original vampire as a dormmate, Now I can use her to hunt down other as well'

Selene came out from the washroom wearing a night suit and looked at Moon.

Moon turned her gaze away from her book as she heard the door of the washroom open.

Both of them smiled looking at each other sweetly.

'It will be fun' Both of them simultaneously thought the same thing.