

He stands up and raised his hair by using his hands.

" What's your name? " Just who is this guy? He managed to dispel the karma like it was a child's place.

There's something telling me that I don't want this man to be my enemy.

" Haenami. " I responded and shake hands with him.

" I would like to thank you on the behalf of the council, I'm Yoi. " The council he says?

One more info I read from those papers was the council.

Six individuals with strong intellect that's chosen in this Academia to lead through and govern the students.

So he's one of them.

Yoi Sakaguchi is a mysterious transfer who doesn't have a background.

But one thing's for sure.

This generation has a lot of strong ones!

He then walked away while waving his goodbye at me.

Alice ran towards me with a smile on her face.

" That was sick, I knew you could do it. " Nari looked at her after hearing that.

" But you're the one who insisted on going back because he might lose. " Nari looked at her in disbelief.

The three of them left the cafeteria leaving Ian and his group.

No one talked about that incident afterward.

" So you're saying that Nari asked you to help me? " I nodded at her and looked at Nari.

" Nari, thank you! " She then hugged Nari tightly.

" Say, do you want to come to our house after school? " Alice looked at her with curiosity but Nari suddenly shakes her head.

" I want to but I have to help mom at home, maybe next time? " She then ran off leaving us behind.

When I looked at Nari, she seems to carry a lot of burdens in her family.

She must've gone through a lot.

I'm Nari, a friend of a famous student named Alice. I recently got into a dispute with her rival Cheon-si because I caught them in their secrets.

Ian's much worse than I thought.

That's when I met him, Haenami.

He's unlike Ian, he's much more of a gentleman.

Despite knowing that she's Alice's boyfriend, I couldn't hide it well.

It was probably love at first sight, he was magical.

Powerful and brave enough to fight for someone, how I wish I'll have someone like that too.

It's not bad if I can share at least once of his love too, no? Right.

I wasn't allowed to have emotion after all.

" You can never date someone! We're poor, and no one will take you in. "

" Who even gave birth to you? Jeez, all you give is a misfortune! "

That's right, I'm just a tool.

But Alice became the light that I looked up to every day, she was my first friend.

That's why I can never show you this side because that's the last thing I want.

For us, to not be friends.

I got home to only meet a corpse at the front door, it sent shivers down my spine as I look at it with fear.

Who could've done such a thing? I then feel breathing on my back, I quickly turned around but only get knocked out by whoever it was.

Am I-dead?

But I still haven't confessed yet, he never acknowledges me yet. Please, just this once.

I slowly open my eyes to see a man in his tears, but who could it be? Haenami?

I smile at him while crying as well, I held on to his hands feeling weak.

I'm so weak and ugly.

" Hey, wake up. "

" Alice would be sad! "

Ah, right. Alice, you're for her and not for me. How stupid of me to even ask for the love of someone.

I'm sorry, Alice.

One hour before this, Alice and Haenami go home.

But to only see a terrifying sight.

Corpse on the floor, everyone.

None of them were no longer breathing.

Raven was at the door with a sword on his chest.

I rushed at him to check, he already lost too much blood at this point.

As I tried to pull the sword, he stopped me and looked at me between the eyes.

He then handed me a paper that contain a location.

But why does it matter? I have to help you! Everyone too, I can't let you guys die.

I looked at Alice who was throwing up.

Calm down, me. This is not true.

That's right, this is an illusion.

It's all a dream, this sudden roller coaster of emotions.

I have a hunch.

Raven then spoke out faintly.

" Please, save-them. " my heart were slowly getting crushed as I look at them, this is the path I should be taking?

When did I get so naive once again? This isn't the time to get lost and drown in emotions.

So why?

Am I crying?

I enter the manor and grabbed one of the masks.

As the emotions engulfed me with hatred I left them with a sword in my hands.

I know to myself, that I have to end this.

But a more frightening sight will meet me in the end.

I arrived at the pointed location which is an abandoned camp, I found more guards lying on the ground.

I checked each pulse to see if they no longer breathing.

Dad, mom, and Yeon. Please be safe.

I rushed in to check the camps to find nothing but corpses.

I was out of leads that's when a fire started in the south direction, there seem to be other sites.

Whoever caused this is terribly strong.

Abducting the Maxwell family along with Cleo.

It's pretty clear who did this, but I still have to make sure.

With the mask on, I started to find it to breathe harder and so my vision starts to get blurry.

A sudden explosion hits me from the side and sends me rolling onto the ground.

A path suddenly opened and the fire welcomed me through this way.

The path has led me into a cave where there's a foul stench, this must be the main base of the culprit.

I dwell deeper into the cave hoping to find someone, that's when I found her.

Nari, who's on the verge of dying.

Her face was busted and I could hear her painful cries.

I rushed onto her and grabbed her tightly.

" Nari, snap out of it! I'm here, I'll get you out of here alive. " once she heard my voice, she suddenly stops and looked at me.

While she open her eyes, she smiled at me.

What's going on? Why is she happy? It doesn't make any sense at all.

" Answer me! Who did this to you? Where is everybody? " I shouted at her but she was so focused on me.

She slowly reached for my face and touched my cheeks.

" I like you. " Whilst looking at her, she then let go and her eyes turn pale.


" Hey, Nari. Wake up! "

" Alice is gonna be sad! "

" Don't go! I'll get you out of here alive! "

" Nari! " But it's no use, she's not moving anymore.

I slowly put her down and closed her eyes.

How did this happen? I searched around her to see a necklace fixed on her neck.

It's coated in blood and shines in the darkness.

But wait, there's no way.

This is not possible.

I killed it a long time ago, did it come to take what's mine?

That's impossible, someone must've tried to revive it.

I removed the necklace on her neck and goes deeper into this cave, the further I go the more awful the smell becomes.

Up until I reached a room where it was slightly opened, I could feel it.

This is where I can get an answer to everything that has happened by now.

I barged in to see.

A true terror.

There was once a tale of a wicker ghost that slaughter thousands of monsters and humans to create a perfect body.

She was truly hated by everyone and cursed her without her doing anything bad.

She was driven into madness and started a killing spree until she met the cult that taught her a spell that exchanged the blood she accumulated.

She obliged and obtained the perfect body she desired.

The only part she overlook was, it was not like the other thing.

The spell turns her into a witch that caused havoc through many cities killing everyone that tries to get in her way.

She's no other than Momoka, the vengeful spirit.

The requirement for this is to slaughter hundreds of men and one woman.

Presumably, Nari, once the requirements were met.

The ghost will choose a host and link their spiritual form into one.

It's a parasitic type unit that increases every aspect of your body with the cons of a lifespan.

It was sealed before by someone powerful, and that's me.

But seeing it now in front of me, it looks like this bastard has completed the assignment.

" Kyojuro Hyaki. " I just spouted that word when I saw Momoka.

She then faced me and said.

" Oh? Do you know who I am? "

F for Nari everyone.

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