
Momoka - 2

Momoka? Did she become stronger with this new host? But the real question was who is this guy.

Before I let my curiosity ask more questions, I rescued Cleo by cutting Momoko's hand.

I dropped Cleo down and gave him a key.

" I don't know where are the others but free them first and we'll regroup once I'm done here! "

Cleo looked at me in silence.

" Are you gonna kill my father? " He was surprisingly fast enough to understand what's about to happen.

But? He doesn't seem to care

" Please save him. " or he actually does.

What happened to him while I was, no.

What happened to everyone, when I was away.

Cleo was running in the dark cave while holding on to the key tightly.

Yet his lips were tightly sealed with an exhausted look in his eyes.

He then tripped and accidentally drop the key, face-first on the ground.

He desperately stands up while sobbing.

Twenty minutes ago, at the bandit's cavern.

" Who are you? " Those words pierce my heart as I looked into him with confusion.

Dad! It's me, what are you talking about? You didn't abandon me, right?

When I tried to hug him, he cast me away.

The way he looked at me with disgust, I couldn't help but cry.

Does he no longer see me as his son?

But what about mom?

Ah, that's right!

I just have to give this manor interior to dad and he'll love me!

That's what that guy told me, it has to be true!

I approached my father once again with a smile on my face.

Trying to hold back my tears to not look weak.

I handed the paper to him while lowering my head.

How's that father?

You're proud of me now, right?


A foot reached out on my face and hit me hard, I was blown away.

When I stand up, my nose was bleeding.

" I've found our target, proceed with the plan. Some kid snitched them. " He started to laugh and looked at me.

He then pressed his foot on my chest which made it harder for me to breathe.

I held onto his foot while begging for him to stop.

" Dad, stop. Please! " But he was still laughing.

What? What did I do?

Suddenly a group of bandits passed us carrying guns and the map I gave my dad.

" Hey, brat. Thanks to you we can easily attack that manor. Everyone there will be dead when you get home. " Huh? What does he mean by-wait?

Have I perhaps?

I started to wail louder while screaming the word please at him.

But he doesn't have any intention of removing his foot until I passed out.

" Captain, everyone. "

But that guy told me that it will help me find my father and everyone will be safe!

He lied, he lied to me!

I won't forgive him.

I continue to bang my head on the ground and stand up, struggling.

I tried to find the key and saw someone who grabs it first.

" Thank you, can you please give it bac-? "

Wait, you're?

Back at the cavern's den, Momoka was fighting with Haenami.

Haenami and Momoka already exchanged a couple of strikes, both of them were still yet to be exhausted.

While Haenami was holding his sword forward, a loud clang suddenly broke out from behind.

When he looked behind, two swords went passed through on his sides leaving a trail on the ground close enough to his foot.

When he looked at Momoka, he saw her wielding two swords.

" Oh for fuck sake, this is why I hate you. " Momoka lunged herself at me while she rest the two swords on her neck.

Up in the air, I could see the eyes that could kill as she descend fast enough and strike with her first sword.

I blocked her strike by pushing my sword upward to fight the momentum but it all broke out when she released the second one.

" Didn't expect this attack I bet? " she shouted as I was overpowered and crushed to the ground.

In that split second, I used my flash step to get the chance to go in her back.

When I did, she was already looking at me.

Menacingly in fact.

I tried to use her as a stepping stone to get away but she twisted her body just in time and faced me.

After that, she grabbed onto my foot and slammed me to the ground.

I lost my consciousness in a split second but I manage to get it back at the right time and grabbed the sword that was on the ground.

When she raised me once again, I used the sword to stab her forehead breaking away from her grip.

I then focused all of my strength on my fist and punched her in the stomach.

She was blown away and she was pinned into the wall due to the impact.

Before she open her eyes and grabbed the sword and threw it at her, completely missing her on purpose.

The sword stabs onto the wall, near her face.

It manages to graze her cheeks.

She looked at me and says.

" Looks like you got me? But are you sure that's me? "

When I looked from behind, there was only a cold wind that passed through.

And when I looked back, I was stabbing Momoka.

" Stupid, do you really think someone would fall for your tricks? " I then pushed her back and grabbed the sword while at it.

I slowly breathe as I rotate the sword.

I never really got a chance to try this but, this is probably the right time.

" What's that? A fan? " Momoka smirked at me while I rotate the sword while keeping an eye on her.

The longer I rotate the sword, the heavier it requires for it to spin.

That's when it reached the climax, the rotation starts to vibration strong enough to shake the ground.

Momoka who's cornered tried to crouch down as she observes the sword movement.

But it was too fast for her to see and that the sword stops rotating due to its incredible speed on her eyes.

She lunged herself once again without a second thought of losing her host.

" I'm sorry, Cleo. Looks like your father won't return in one piece. "

" Mugenjin: Hailing From the Abyss "

A certain technique that can be learned in the Ways.

It's highly effective against the parasitic types of monsters however this can only be performed when you have a sword that can produce an exact amount of spins.

Once you manage to stall your enemy and complete a hundred spins, it creates a cluster of sword strikes that can penetrate any form of life.

With one sweep of the sword, it caused a large number of blood marks on my hand, it also takes a lot of toll on its user and could be dangerous if you fail rotation at least once.

Because it's a sword that cuts everything in its path.

Once I felt the sword stabilize, I quickly withdraw it and returned it from the sheath once it reached the end I then pulled it upward and unleashed it on Momoka, the strike hits her hard enough.

There was a sudden pause after that slash, she then looked at her host body to check and was surprised to only see only a large slash on the chest.

Thinking that it was a failed attack, she then rushed at me.

But the sword movements aren't done just yet.

The sword created an after image behind me and continued to sword strikes multiple times at insane speed.

She couldn't even move her body as she was paralyzed by the heavy blows for the end of the sword.

The sword movements end with a downward slash, ending the streak.

She dare to wonder what happen where there were no injuries or scars after that attack.

Hence, she tried to attack once again but that's when the sword finally sinks in and left a hundred marks all over her host, completely eradicating the existence of her host.

" This can't be! No! " She screamed in pain as the final sword movements come to an end.

Finally, I manage to stop it from spreading, Was it worth it? I don't even know.

In the end my strength is still not enough, it's always short-end.

The effect of using such a high-grade sword movement starts to show when I started to throw up blood as I kneeled.

I also started to feel immense pain as it slowly destroys my dantian from within, fortunately, it only managed to crack and not ended up being destroyed.

The sword I was holding suddenly crumbles into pieces leaving the handle in my hands.

Suddenly, a woman whose clothes were painted with blood entered.

She then approached me, whether I'm crazy or not.

I thought I was meeting the grim reaper himself, because when she smiled at me.

It gave me a fright.

How could she be standing despite her condition?

I eliminated those doubts in my head and spout her name.

" Nari? "