


07:00 a.m...

My mind is empty. My head is spinning. I feel funny. That's usually a bad thing in my vocabulary. I open my eyes and immediately come in contact with the sunlight making my eyesight blurry. I look down on myself, realizing that I'm on a bed with a white cover and sheet. My eyes begin to scan the room and objects that surrounded me. Where am I? How did I get here? I get off and stand up only to fall down again. My mouth feels dry and I seemed to have a headache. It's pounding heavily and furiously making me dizzy. I walked towards a mirror and looked at myself. Whose shirt was I wearing? No wonder my legs suddenly felt cold. I stared down on my bare feet and looked upon myself in the mirror again. My hair was a bit messy, I was wearing an oversized T-shirt, my dress and shoes were scattered on the floor. I took a look at the shirt, checking to see if my bra and panties were still on my me and thankfully yes, they still were.

The room door began to open and I was soon greeted by a manly voice. "Hey, are you feeling better now?" He asked but I was not paying attention to his words. My eyes widely scanned his face and whole body. Shit! I'm never drinking for the rest of my life.