
Judge the Dystopia XII (The World of Fate)

Standing alone atop what once were verdant hills flowing with lush green vibrancy now deadened by the lifeless atmosphere was a lone observant soldier. As his emerald eyes gazed out over the horizon, his vision settled upon a city that was once surrounded by walls around its perimeter. Encapsulated in what seemed to be some form of translucent blue energy, the proud stone capital that represented the mighty empire became a terraformed metropolis. Looming above the lower structures leaving a grim shadow was the tower belonging to its new ruler.

The soldier continued to stare at the barricaded fortress observing its structure for analysis. He wore a dark brown and yellow patterned blazer with silver-sleeved metal plates over a black t-shirt. Black pants secured by a red belt with silver plating on the upper right leg and red and black shoes were his bottom attire. Completing his outfit were black gloves with dark crimson plates, and a mysterious key-like crystal blade strapped to his back. The male with brown hair was a young man with a medium build and at least 18 years in age was once a famous member of Night Raid, now a commander in the Revolutionary Army. His name was Tatsumi.

"No way are we getting through that thing easily…" he admitted with a heavy sigh.

Knowing that there was nothing else for him to do here, the youth had little choice but to retreat from the hilltop and journey down south. As he descended to the base of the hill, he came across a large gathering of soldiers mobilizing outside of a campsite. Around 300 to 500 men armored in black, silver and red samurai-styled knight armor were armed to the teeth ready for a full-throttle assault. At the heart of this small legion of soldiers, a single person made her way towards the front.

She was dressed from head to toe in a hybrid armor that mimicked what the soldiers had on in combination with the style of a shrine maiden's outfit. Her elongated combat armor held a mixture of black and silver with violet stripes patterned along the plates. At the base of it was a large, violet circular mass with a crimson three-spoked wheel blade in the center. Her torso wear was a soft, sleeveless fabric that was dyed with a hybrid of gray and purple. Along her forearms were black sleeves armored with purple and gold gauntlets and dark crimson gloves. At her hip, she carried a solitary katana that held a golden lotus guard with a dark brown hilt contained within a white and amethyst sheath. With long, flowing white hair that held a crimson ribbon tied like a bow on the back of her head and rose-colored eyes, she was the leader of this unit. She was one who joined Team AKARA after the crisis of Pandora, the Godspeed—Vesta Ikazuchi.

Seeing her appear, Tatsumi immediately rushed over towards her before dropping down on one knee.

"Commander Tatsumi requesting permission to speak, Captain," he said.

"Granted, you may speak freely," the woman responded.

"Thank you, Ves—uh I mean, thank you ma'am."

"No need for the formalities. How does it look out there?"

"The area surrounding the dome is under some sort of effect that nullifies and drains the vitality and strength of whoever or whatever approaches. Even here outside of the effective range I can feel my connection with Incursio weakening," he explained while standing back up.

"A direct assault through the front gates would be suicide then…" Vesta remarked placing a finger against her chin; "It's also likely they would send one of the top dogs out onto the battlefield—we'd go down in a matter of hours."

"So…you're saying it's hopeless?" the boy inquired hanging his head down a bit with a defeated tone.

"Not quite—who the hell do you think you're talking to? I never fail at my job," boasted the female with reassuring enthusiasm, "Besides there's no turning back now. We either break Adena out of that prison or we die trying."

Vesta turned her attention towards one of the tents nearby.

"Inari, it's your time to shine!" the female Stormbringer shouted out over the noise of the soldiers falling in line.

Silence wafted over the surrounding vicinity only for it to be broken by the voice of a daring individual.

"And here I thought this visit would be another bore fest. Well say not more, Captain!"

A flash of light darted from within the tent instantly before taking the shape of a young woman. She had on a white kosode that was cut-off like skirt thus showcasing her curvy hips and bare thighs. She had mid-thigh high, leather boots matched by black sleeves worn on her forearms protected by dark leather gauntlets. The female wore a frost blue haori with a silvery-white zig-zag pattern along the cuffs of the sleeves and the bottom trim with a black scarf wrapped around her neck. At her hip, she had a katana with a white hilt and silver lotus guard sheathed inside a black scabbard. Her pinkish blond hair flowed freely down to just above the nape of her neck with a small knot tied up in the back by a black ribbon. With vanilla skin and a youthful expression on her face, her cold, topaz colored eyes were brimming with a thirst for excitement. The Princess of the Mercury Kingdom, Inari Akane was her name.

"Man oh man, it's like every single time I break away from being around this place, they pull me right back in. Sometimes I wonder if I should've had my people invade the land back when Onest and his sack-o'shit squad were in charge. I mean come on, you can smell the shit from here," the blunt woman sighed whilst cracking her neck.

"Eh well, what can you do? A certain dysfunctional woman wanted to rule this place instead of grinding it into dust when she had the chance. Hell, I personally would've nuked the joint if it weren't for the refugees still trapped," Vesta replied with a shrug.

"Hey, sometimes life's a bitch. No sacrifice, no victory. Sometimes ya gotta make the hard decisions for the good of everyone else. Or some sentimental shit like that. Hell if I know."

"I suppose, but there's no point in debating over such affairs. After all, politics…"

"Don't get me started about that garbage. The Council in my homeland annoy me as it is…especially with talks about marriage and junk."

"Oh? Is it that time for you?"

"They're trying to force it. The old bastards fail to understand that I'm more than capable. But they are just trying to force bullshit agendas and shit. I told 'em I refuse to marry someone who can't meet my standards."

"Amen to that girl," Vesta nodded approvingly.

"Tch, I should've snatched Adena when I had the chance…but her heart was elsewhere," Inari sighed once more.

"Oh? Trying to steal my girl from me?"

"Heh, so she got over that kid with the weird hair?"

"Oh no…he's mine too."

"Now that's kinky…but I approve."

"U-Um…Captain, Princess…th-the mission…" Tatsumi nervously chimed in from behind.

"Hey soldier, never interrupt girl talk. That's rude. Do I have to cut it off?" Inari raised an eyebrow putting a hand on her sword to which the boy quickly shook his head.

"Now, now, Chelsea would be sad if that were to happen," Vesta chuckled.

"Pssh, kid looks like he's still wet behind the ears anyway. Oi, you know what a G-spot is right?"

"E-Eh? O-Of course I do!" the boy professed with a blush on his face.

"Anyways, let's not keep our favorite redhead waiting any longer," the Godspeed cut in to get the conversation back on track.

"Can you use your powers to get us through that dome, Inari?" inquired the Rose-Eyed Stormbringer.

"Indeed I can, Captain," the Princess of Mercury nodded with a determined grin.

"Very well, you have my permission to lead this operation."

"Aite then, Vesta-tan. Let's call it—Operation: Queen's Glave."


The forces of the conquered Empire gathered in front of the massive skull-like steel gate leading inside the grounds of the fortress. Around 10,000 soldiers were in formation armed with a wide variety of steel weapons and artillery guarding the vast perimeter of the entrance. Floating above them was their leader and one of the closest advisors to the Queen.

The man had messy midnight, blackish blue hair. He wore an open fur-collared jacket with a white t-shirt underneath and long, black trousers like a delinquent in high school. He had pale skin; however, there was something disturbing about the appearance of the flesh on his body. Around his eyes, mouth, nose, and neck area, the skin was scorched and burned away thus branding him with a skull-like visage. In addition, his formerly soulless eyes were now illuminated by a cerulean blue hue. This frightening look was born after the deity within fully synchronized with him.

Horns blared as loud as they could in that moment interrupting the male's dream-like daze. Within walking distance of the gates, a small batch of troops had appeared being led by Vesta, Inari and Tatsumi. As the enlightened male descended, he hovered to the front of his formation with a wicked grin upon his face knowing the enemy would make their appearance at this point.

"I must say. You all are a ballsy lot charging headlong into what very well may be your deaths. I wonder, is martyrdom the true calling of all 'heroes'? Because it seems that fool-hardy self-sacrifice is the only thing you dumbasses seem to know," criticized the sociopathic man.

"Oh please Orion, you should have known this day was coming," Vesta called out.

"It's Shiva, little girl. The man you knew as Orion Nebulous is no longer in this world…or rather; he and I came to a mutual understanding and have merged as one. To think that a child would willingly choose to surrender himself for the sake of ascending to divinity!"

"For the love of the All-Mother, this fucking guy really loves to hear himself talk. Why is it that the bad guys gotta have an ostentatious monologue before a big battle goes down?" groaned the swordswoman with an irritated expression.

"That's just the way things go. That and he's just that type of individual," Vesta shrugged her shoulders.

"Tch…this bastard is still as cocky as the first day we met all those months ago," Tatsumi clenched his fists tightly whilst staring down the individual. The memories of that fateful day in Old West Town when Night Raid battled against the old Sapphire Phoenix burned in his mind. However, that paled in comparison when the day of Raizo's disappearance came to him. The day when Earth was nearly devoured inside a giant wormhole was all this man's doing.

It was here that the battle began. As a large number of troops charged at each other from both sides, it was the imperial soldiers who found themselves at an immediate disadvantage. The sound of steel crashing against steel and gunshots resonated throughout the atmosphere; however the 10,000-strong army found their formations buckling before the might of Vesta's small contingency force. Every soldier had been encapsulated in a strange light blue miasma which enhanced their abilities tenfold. As a result, the strike team penetrated through the ranks of the overwhelming number troops thus rending the soil soaked in the blood of the Capital's defenders.

Shiva witnessed the slaughter taking place during his ascent while overlooking the battlefield. His glowing eyes noticed the Princess of Mercury's eyes had shifted to a bright blue that was similar to the miasma surrounding the rebels.

"Inari Akane…I suppose that explains how all of you are unaffected by the dome!" he called out, "It must be nice to have the external power of your entire bloodline at your beck and call."

"You're about to find out," the female spoke with a smug grin.

Unsheathing her katana in a half-moon motion, her aura swelled around her like a ghastly phantasm before glass-like apparitions manifested. These spiritual objects molded themselves into 13 different weapons with a bluish-tint around them spinning around the wielder like a crusade. Vesta and Tatsumi step close to the female and take hold of a single weapon respectively while leaving the other 11 to be freely wielded by the caster.

For the Godspeed, she took hold of a long polearm weapon. It had a three-pronged spear at the head like a fork with illustrious platinum-silver blades that seemed to glisten in the light. A crescent moon shape connected the three blades together where the head met the neck of the staff whilst the two outer blades curved downwards. Aquamarine bolts of lightning zig-zagged down the navy blue shaft that was its body. The base of the pole at the end had a spear-like pommel of a similar color design as the head with a bladed bell configuration to it. Once wielded by a king known for his swiftness, this weapon was called the Trident of the Speedster.

Tatsumi grabbed a two-handed blade of intense power. It was at least 5 feet in length going from the pommel of the hilt to the tip of the blade. The width of it was at least 6 inches across. It was a black and gold weapon that had a complex 8-pointed start for the cross-guard with a skull wearing a knight's helmet in the middle. The king who wielded this blade in the past was said to be a man built like the mountains. As such, it was given the name—the Greatsword of the Summit.

The trio of warriors dashed in different directions in the following instant. Vesta took the left, Tatsumi took the right, and Inari went straight up the middle. As they attacked their enemies, the bodies of their foes began to drop like flies. They effortlessly cleaved through their targets advancing closer and closer to the gate.

The trident allowed Vesta to duplicate herself as she traversed the battlefield with her superior speed. Her afterimages began to attack the enemies in tandem with her original body as if she had a small squadron of herself wreaking havoc on the frontlines. Meanwhile, Tatsumi was batting down his foes with relative ease. The blade cleaved through his enemies like butter. Each slash felt like there was nothing to cut through for the blade bypassed the armor of all its victims no matter what enchantments they had on their gear. In addition, the strength he gained from training with Vesta, Adena, and Genesis was beginning to pay off.

Inari was in a league of her own passing through the battlefield like an untouchable phantom. She let her blades do most of the talking as she seemingly glided through without moving her arms to swing the blade in her hand. Her 11 arms whipped through the air ripping, gouging, slashing, gutting, disemboweling, and bifurcating any and all targets in her path. A brilliant spray of blood showered around her yet not a single drop of blood ever touched her. Limbs and entrails dropped on the ground like offerings of sacrifices to a goddess as the lone princess waded her way towards her destination.

The God of Destruction observes the situation unfolded beneath him with a stern, yet judgmental gaze. He felt nothing over the insurmountable amount of soldiers being slain before his eyes. They were all replaceable pawns. However, he had to give credit where it was due.

"Most impressive, Inari Akane," he spoke softly.

Wave after wave of his army were decimated to the point where he could tell that this was only a taste of what the girl was capable of. To that end, he knew that it would not be wise to attempt to take her on especially with her comrades supporting her from the crowd. As a result, the male figure floated away into the dome. A small portal was left open behind him on the ground in which masses of soldiers under his command arrived as reinforcements to keep his enemies occupied.

Vesta continued maneuvering through the seemingly endless horde of foes. She dashed through with her clone army behind her attacking anything that moved that didn't boast the glow of the soldiers under her command. She spun the trident around her body wildly thus hacking apart anything that dared to make a move on her. As the enemies tried to close in and attack her from every angle, sparks of blue electricity welled up around her.

"Rain Unyielding!"

Blades of electricity began to pour down from the darkened skies towards her location as if she just summoned an orbital strike. In that moment, scores of soldiers were dissolved into dust in the rainstorm of blinding light. However, more of them began pouring in without any further delay.

"Dammit, you've got to be kidding me…"

Vesta spun the trident around her body before dashing forward. Her afterimages then formed up around her in an arrowhead formation. From there, the Godspeed charged up her aura before her clones did the same. It was here that a tidal wave of blue electricity washed over the battlefield cleansing the immediate area for the moment as scores upon scores of imperials were batted aside. Eventually, Vesta founder herself running into one of her allies.

Inari was busy swatting down the flies of enemies with little to no delay. She merely coasted along listlessly without struggling too much thanks to her dome of blades. However, she was hoping that something would pique her excitement sooner or later. After all, boredom on the battlefield is the worst kind of boredom a girl like her could feel.

"Having fun?" called out Vesta as the speedster popped up standing back to back with the girl.

"Not really, I'm getting kinda bored from how predictable this battle is getting," Inari responded.

"Even with all the reinforcements rallying in like a colony of ants?"

"Yep, thinkin' of getting creative with how I take these guys out. Oi, where's the numbnuts kid at?"

"Looks like he's just handling his fair share while rallying the troops, he should be fine."

"Good to know. Anyways, that weapon in your hand should allow you phase right through that dome. I suppose I can ease my boredom by taking over your fair share of the onslaught."

"Gotcha, go wild then Princess."

"Damn right, Captain."

The former Crimson Annihilation blasts off with her super speed using the added effects of the trident to break through the ability-nullifying barrier and into the city. As Inari shook her 11 blades off of blood, she peered up to see a crimson flash pass by in an instant.

"Oho? Looks like the cavalry is here."


Deep underground of the central tower in the futuristic city was the containment area for special prisoners that required special cells and bonds to prevent any thought of escape. One particular cell was about 15-feet long and 10-feet wide contained within reinforced concrete and steel. A singular beam of light illuminated the space painted with the glow of a white energy field. Within its light was a single female.

She was wearing a set of tattered brown rags that barely covered her body around her ample chest and curved hips. Her bruised mid-region, battered legs and scratched up arms were left exposed to indicate the tortured state she was in. Binding her arms together at the wrists were titanium cuffs infused with an enchantment that suppressed her immense power. With long, dark brown hair and smoky blue eyes, the female had a partially dazed expression on her face.

"Adena…you know you brought this on yourself, do you not? This could have been avoided if you never left my side to begin with. You thought that you could have escaped me by running off with your little 'Team AKARA', yet here you are in my grasp once more. What happened to the strong, fiercely independent Jade Dragon Princess that took anything she wanted because she had the power to do so? Since when did you become a pet?

My foolish son was lost, but you had the power to bring him over to us. You were like my daughter, yet like my ignorant child…you ran off trying to drown yourself in a delusion. How pathetic, don't you think? It is rather laughable if one were to think on it hard enough," a voice echoed from the shadows of the prison in a familiar tone of voice.

"Hestia…since when did you become so winded? Did being turned into a loli by Momma Mercer wind up triggering some form of dementia? Ya gonna start with some 'Back in My Day' bullshit next? No? Then do me a favor and shut up. Having no powers and being beaten on is one thing, but listening to your old lady rambling is a different kind of torture altogether," the sassy brunette declared.

"That spirit of yours is admirable, but it will not be long until I break you," the woman stated in retort before her voice trailed off.

"Man…Mother really enjoys the sound of her voice," spoke a new voice before a silhouette phased through the wall like a ghost.

"Vesta, 'bout damn time ya showed up. I was getting tired counting how long it'd take you to break me out," Adena teased with a grin.

The speedster took the trident and threw it into the light fixture hanging overhead before running over to her companion. Freed from the confines of the pressure-filled barrier, the fire user was allowed to breathe freely. As she stumbled attempting to stand up, the speedster quickly stepped over to her to lend the girl a hand. Vesta lent Adena her shoulder to lean on while she steadied herself.

"Oh please babe, you know I can do this. I just needed an excuse," Adena smirked.

"Oh yeah, for what?" Vesta winked playfully.

Without any further delay, the two shared a passionate kiss for a few seconds reuniting for the first time in what felt like an eternity. Their tongues wrestled against one another during the exchange before they pulled away.

"There we go, that's all the healing I need," the prisoner smiled boldly.

"Goodness, you could've just asked you know," the Captain sighed briefly before reaching up to grasp her trident.

"Hey, I like being spicy and having flair you know."

"Oh…trust me; I know just how spicy you can be."

"You're lucky these cuffs are on."

"Hey now save that for later, we've got places to be."

"Yeah, yeah…"

"Only one acknowledgment will suffice."

"Oi, since when did you pick up on being an android?"

"Oh hush and bring your brunette ass on."

Vesta smashed the door to the cell thus creating a large opening for the pair. It was here that the two took off and headed upstairs to escape from the area. They navigated effortlessly through the winding corridors and hallways all the way up to the point where they reached an opening underneath the shadow of the tower. Standing in the empty space waiting for them were six figures, two of which were familiar faces.

"Yoooooo Big Bro, Aka-nee! Y'all part of the breakout party too?!" Adena called out happily.

"Er…no Addy, they aren't part of the plan. I wasn't expecting them to show up at all," Vesta commented off to the side; however, the girl was already running over to the group with gusto. Sighing in response, the Godspeed merely followed along.

"Hmm…so that's what my lil' sis looks like when she ain't a flamin' redhead eh?" Akaro chuckled whilst pressing a finger to his chin.

"She has a resemblance to someone, doesn't she?" Akame observed.

"I could see that."

"Eh? The hell are you guys on about?" Adena tilted her head to the side.

"Oh nothing, nothing. I see prison has ya roughed up, eh?" the Red Knight commented whilst spotting the injuries the girl sustained.

"Well, I was already institutionalized after what Aneki did to me when I first met her. So this shit is like basic bitch level of child's play. Speaking of…damn Big Bro, you been workin' out or somethin'? That look o' yours is somethin' beyond sick."

"Oh yeah? Well…ascension stuff happened after gathering enough materials and currency."

"HA, seems legit."

"Goodness…this group is lively as ever. It's good to see you again, Akaro-san and Akame-san," Vesta bowed with a small smile.

"Oi, didn't I tell ya to drop them formalities. What did I say for you to address me as?" Akaro raised an eyebrow.

"Y-You want me to call you that now?"

"Damn right, now say it. Come on, you got inducted into the squad already."


"Much better," the Envoy nodded approvingly as he reached out and patted the girl on the head.

"Getting caught up on honorifics at a time like this is hardly appropriate, dear husband of mine," Akame said while shaking her head.

"Hey, it's an important concept to get right."

"Ahem…Nii-san…aren't you gonna introduce us?" the voice of the Pirate Captain echoed out from behind the man as the Heroic Spirits stood by with perplexed expressions on their faces.

"Whoa…Big Bro, you got a harem now? Holy shit man…" Adena gasped.

"Hey what can I say? I still got it," Akaro smirked.

"Mah man."

Reaching down, the two shared a small fist bump that shook the ground they stood upon.

"But in all seriousness, Adena, Vesta…meet my allies from another universe. The pirate is Francis Drake, the one in the Goth armor is Jalter, then the quiet one is Fran, and finally we have Shuten-douji," Akaro introduced.

"Yo, I'm Adena Zao-Long."

"And I'm Vesta Ikazuchi."

The Heroic Spirits all nodded in unison upon formal introductions. It was here that the prisoner raised an eyebrow over the crimson-pink haired female before her.

"Damn…that one has quite the rack on her. Like…they're bigger than mine, Big Bro," Adena called out.

"Oya, oya, Akame-neesan, that's the girl you were referring to that I reminded you of right?" Drake pointed out to which the assassin silently nodded.

"Eh? Aka-nee, you made that comparison? Hmm…."

The two then walked towards each other before standing about little more than a foot apart. As their eyes made contact with one another, the slightly taller fire-user tilted her head to the side to which Drake did at the same time. They looked at each other up and down studying one another's 'assets' ever-so casually.

"So I see you're equipped with some firepower of your own," the pirate commented.

"Yeah well I guess it matches my bombshell personality, but your cannons are dangerous. Did ya use them to sway my bro over there?" the one known as Benihime winked.

"Nah I got my forward charge kinda personality ta thank on that one."

"Oho…so I take it you're a rider, eh?"

"In more ways than one."

"Yep, I dig it. She's cool y'all."

"This is definitely one I could drink with."

"I'm down for this and whatever happens after."

"Duly noted, but uh…Adena right?"

"You can call me Addy for short, Cap'n."

"Then you can call me Drake if you don't mind, but I have one question…"


"I was under the assumption ya had red hair. What gives?"

"Well if you two are done getting acquainted, I can take care of that," Akaro spoke strolling up to the pair and grabbing Adena's wrists. In one swift hand chop, the cuffs break off and shatter on the ground.

"Ahh, thanks Big Bro. Feels much better already," the girl nodded.

Meanwhile off to the side, Vesta merely slid over to Akame.

"So…if Akaro-niichan and Addy are alike, but that Drake person is like Adena…then…doesn't that mean there are three alpha-like personalities around?"

"That's…actually a very valid point."


Overhearing that, Jalter and Fran merely sighed as Shuten just silently observed.

"Welp, the prison break ain't over till the prisoner makes her escape right? So let's blow this joint and go home, yeah?" Adena declared.

From there, the group of people made their way towards the exit to escape the prison grounds; however, an onslaught of guards came rushing in to prevent their escape numbering about 100 in all.

"Well, of course it wasn't gonna be that easy," Akaro sighed with a dismissive tone.

"True, Nii-chan, but it's nothing we cannot handle," Vesta concurred.

"Alright Heroic Spirits conserve the mana you have. We'll take care of this with ease," Akame decided.

"Roger that," nodded Drake.

"So I guess I cannot burn them with purgatorial flames after all," Jalter sighed.

"And I can't feast on their essences or their bones…" Shuten added.

"Uahh…" Fran groaned whilst holding her large mace.

"Well, well, well, didn't think I'd get to have some payback so soon. Why don't all of you guys relax? I got this. Besides, I need to get dressed for the occasion anyways," Adena said as she stepped forward.

Suddenly, the air within the area began to heat up. Pedals of crimson and vermillion embers spiraled around the body of the battered prisoner in that next instant. Her injuries miraculously glossed over as her skin had healed over without further delay. The length of her dark brown hair became dyed with a vibrant and bold shade of red whilst highlights of yellow and while seemingly trailed off as undertones. Her smoky blue eyes brightened up to a cobalt blue that deepened like the body of the sea. Her tattered clothing glazed over into a new outfit as well. She was now wearing a black, high collared vest that was buttoned up like a vest up to her bust which was open thus exposing her cleavage. She had on a matched set of black, denim pants that had a massive crimson and gold belt wrapped around her waist in an X-shape. Lastly, she had on a long, white trench coat that had red straps along the sides and red trim along the bottom of the train. Along the jacket was the pattern of claws and feathers. Completing her outfit was a set of black gloves and combat boots.

As the firestorm around her engulfed the area, all of the soldiers were completely devoured and reduced to ash while the other heroes were left unscathed. Materializing in Benihime's hand was a longsword whose blade was pitch black with a dark crimson trim along the edge and smoldering vermillion flames spinning around it with a red, gold and white hilt. As the girl stabbed this weapon into the ground, the flames disappeared instantly. However, the intense display of power triggered the alarms thus drawing swarms of solders to the location. Just as the reinforcements came into the area, Adena and the others had disappeared without a trace.

Back outside the gates, the seemingly infinite number of troops had Inari surrounded. She stood on guard waiting for the soldiers to move towards her; however, as her circumference became contaminated with countless numbers of bodies, her foes were hesitant to approach. This was good, yet bad at the same time because she wound up losing track of the movements of her allies—the young commander included.

In that moment, the members of Team AKARA and the Heroic Spirits appeared from an orb of crimson light. Upon seeing the faces of these individuals, the army had to come to terms with a retreat. Thus, they began to scatter like ants as a result.

"Now that the gang is all assembled, there's no time to waste," Akaro declares once affirming Inari's position amongst the group.

"Oi Big Bro, what's going on? You suddenly seem tense," Adena pondered with concern.

"Yes, making such a sudden entrance then saying we have to leave? What's going on, Nii-chan?" Vesta asked.

"Grateful for the save, but I'd like to know too," Inari added.

"Civilization is about to be incinerated and there's a war across the multiverse that we need to win in order to save it. Everyone else is waiting for us to return," Akaro briefly explained.

"Akaro, it's happening," Akame pointed out as the great halo of light approached the Earth.

In that moment, the Red Knight quickly gathered everyone within a protective shell of his aura. As they were about to teleport, Vesta, Adena, and Inari was able to catch a glimpse of the destruction of the world they knew as everything seemed to peel away and dissolve into dust like wind blowing away the sands of time.

"Everyone is…" the redhead started to say.

"Existence has been destroyed…" the Rose-Eyed Stormbringer spoke with horror in voice.

The kingdoms of man were reduced to dust. The armies were slapped away as if they never mattered. The lands were scattered into nothingness as if they never existed. Everything they ever knew was washed away before their eyes. That was the last thing the dwellers of the Gamma Universe saw before teleporting away.