
Crimson Genesis: Vengeance of Genetic Evolution

In a dystopian alternate reality where genetic experimentation has gone wrong, and cybernetic ascension is the new focus, Alex, a high schooler, awakens in a clandestine laboratory only to discover he's been reincarnated as a clone of an ancient, shape-shifting humanoid. Alex attempts to escape captivity, only to be thwarted by his classmates, now cybernetic puppets of the world government organisation “Ascension”, who cruelly shoot Alex in the head despite recognising him. Mysteriously surviving the killing blow, Alex awakens in a wasteyard of the Genesis District, where all failed genetic experiments, derogatorily referred to as the “Flawed”, live in misery and oppression. Enraged by the betrayal of his classmates and the inhumane treatment of the Flawed, Alex sets on a path of vengeance and revolution, unearthing dark secrets about a lost and forgotten past, opposing Ascension, and discovering his evolutionary potential…which may turn out to be more powerful than he could ever imagine… --- Upload Schedule --- Guaranteed Upload: Mon, Wed, Fri *Release timings are not fixed, will vary due to author's real life schedule, might change in the future, depending on reader comments / reviews.

Loki_Magikill · Sci-fi
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43 Chs

An Appeal to A Conscience

Three weeks after formulating his plan, an opportunity presented itself. Alex had just been transported back to the lab when one of the two scientists in the room excused himself for the restroom, leaving Alex alone with Dr. Shun. Alex recognised this as his moment.

Dr. Shun had become a familiar face, his presence a small comfort in Alex's otherwise nightmarish existence. Over the past few weeks, Alex had observed him closely. Unlike the other scientists, Dr. Shun's discomfort was palpable during the more painful experiments. His eyes would often betray a flicker of sympathy, and his hands, though steady, always seemed reluctant when inflicting harm.

If anyone was willing to help Alex escape, it was Dr. Shun. Alex just needed to convince him.

"Morning, Alex," Dr. Shun said, smiling half-heartedly. "How are you holding up?"

Alex shrugged, the restraints clinking slightly. "As well as I can be, given the circumstances. How about you, Doc? Enjoying the glamorous life of a mad scientist?"

Dr. Shun chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Not quite the dream job I envisioned. When I signed up for this, I thought I'd be making breakthroughs in medical science, curing diseases, improving lives."

"Instead, you're here, cutting up kids and zapping them with electricity," Alex said dryly, raising an eyebrow. "Quite the career pivot."

Dr. Shun winced, his eyes reflecting the weight of Alex's words. "I know. Believe me, it's not easy. But I believed in Dr. Caesar's vision. I thought we were on the brink of something incredible. Now... I'm not so sure."

"Then why stay?" Alex asked, his tone more curious than accusatory. "Why keep doing this if you know it's wrong?"

Dr. Shun sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's complicated. Part of me still hopes that something good can come out of this. That maybe, just maybe, all this suffering will lead to something meaningful."

"You're a good man, Dr. Shun," Alex said, his voice softening. "But sometimes, the only way to do good is to stop doing harm."

Dr. Shun looked at Alex, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and determination. "You're right, Alex. More than you know."

Alex took a deep breath, steeling himself for what he was about to say. "Dr. Shun, I need your help."

Dr. Shun looked up, startled. His eyes met Alex's, and for a moment, the cold, clinical atmosphere of the lab seemed to soften. "What is it, Alex?" he asked, his voice low and cautious.

"I need to get out of here," Alex said, his voice steady but urgent. "And you're the only one who can help me." Alex tugged on Dr. Shun's sleeves like a child begging, with intense fear and desperation as he spoke.

"I know you're different from the others. I see it in the way you look at me, the way you hesitate," Alex continued, his tone pleading. "You don't agree with what's happening here. Please, help me escape. I don't belong in this place, and neither do you."

Dr. Shun hesitated, glancing at the door to ensure they were still alone. "Alex, it's not that simple. If they catch me helping you, the consequences will be severe."

"I understand the risk," Alex replied urgently. "But you're my only chance. We both know this isn't right. You can make a difference, not just for me, but for yourself too."

The room fell silent as Dr. Shun struggled with his conscience. His hands trembled slightly as he spoke. "I've been part of this from the beginning. I joined Dr. Caesar because I believed in the potential of our work, but I never anticipated it would turn into... this."

"Then help me escape," Alex urged. "You can still make things right. We can expose the truth together."

Dr. Shun fell silent again for a while, and then he took a deep breath before moving to the control panel, fingers flying over the buttons. The cameras in the room flickered and went dark.

"Alright, that should buy you some time to leave this area. As far as I know, cameras do not monitor the corridors or the other rooms leading up to the exit. It might be surprising, but trust me. But there will be guards patrolling the area. Just avoid them or turn invisible when they pass you by."

Dr. Shun paused momentarily as if trying to recall any other useful details before looking up with a wry smile. "That's all I can do to help you. Good luck to you. Make it out and…"

Alex's heart pounded with a mix of hope and fear. "Come with me, Dr. Shun. You don't have to stay here."

Dr. Shun's eyes filled with a mixture of regret and determination. "…I can't go with you, Alex. My place is here. I need to face the consequences of my actions. But you helped me realise that I can make a difference. A good one."

"Please," Alex pleaded, desperation creeping into his voice. "You don't have to do this."

But Dr. Shun remained resolute. "No, Alex. This is my choice. Now, knock me out. It will disconnect your escape from my involvement. It'll muddle the investigation, should they even conduct one."

Reluctantly, Alex nodded. "Thank you, Dr. Shun," he said softly. He paused, looking deeply into Dr. Shun's eyes, seeing the conflict and pain. "I won't forget this. I'll come back for you."

Dr. Shun gave a small, sad smile. "You don't have to, Alex. And I'm sorry for everything done to you here. Good luck out there. You'll need it."

With a final glance at Dr. Shun, Alex steeled himself. He delivered a swift, controlled blow that rendered the scientist unconscious, but not before seeing the glimmer of hope in Dr. Shun's eyes.

Before leaving the room, Alex turned to the unconscious Dr. Shun, his voice filled with genuine gratitude. "Thank you, Dr. Shun. I won't forget you."

With that, Alex quickly and stealthily slipped out of the room, his heart pounding in his chest. He scanned his surroundings, hyper-aware of every sound and movement. The sterile corridors were dimly lit, the harsh fluorescent lights casting long shadows that danced eerily along the walls.

He moved with practised caution, his enhanced senses on high alert. Every footstep was a calculated risk, every turn a potential danger. He could hear the distant hum of machinery, the faint murmur of voices from other rooms, and the occasional clink of metal against metal.

As he rounded a corner, he paused, pressing himself against the wall. Two guards stood at the far end of the hallway, their backs to him. He took a deep breath, his body tensing as he prepared to move. Timing was crucial.

He waited until they were distracted by a conversation, then slipped past them, his movements swift and silent. The facility's layout was becoming familiar, and each turn, corridor and stairway was imprinted in his mind from weeks of observation.

He continued to navigate the labyrinthine hallways, his thoughts racing. The escape route he had meticulously planned over the past three weeks played out in his mind like a rehearsed performance.

As he approached another junction, he heard footsteps approaching from around the corner. He quickly ducked into a nearby room, closing the door just enough to remain hidden while peering through the crack. A group of scientists walked by, engrossed in a discussion, oblivious to his presence.

Once they were gone, Alex slipped back into the hallway and continued toward his goal. The closer he got to the exit, the more his heart raced. Freedom was within reach, but he couldn't afford to let his guard down. One mistake, one moment of carelessness, could cost him everything.

Finally, he saw the final door before an area he'd never been beyond, and he saw many scientists enter and exit that door, often greeting or saying goodbye to each other before going through.

It was unguarded, just as he had hoped. He took a deep breath, gathering his courage for the unknown. With a last glance around to ensure the coast was clear, he dashed forward, pushing the door open and…