
Crimson Eye

Kamikazuki_Kazuki · Fantasy
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2 Chs


"You want to die huh"

Sylvon tried to make a distance between him and the man but the man sprinted towards him following his movements. The dagger flew through his shoulder leaving a scratch of sharp blade on it.

Sylvon tried his best to dodge the upcoming attack from the man but he saw no blindspot to be targeted.

'Fuck am I going to die?!' he screamed internally.

"Don't do it!" A voice came from the cliff behind the man.

"What? He just disrespected me Alicia! You want me to spare him?" The man covered in full cloak explain.

The figure wearing an iron armor with blue cape jump from the cliff

"Is that all your reasoning for killing someone?" Alicia argues.


"That's enough! Say one more word your head will fly off for disrespecting your highness" Another figure showed. The man wearing chest plate and long black cloak his hair is blue and his eyes were like pairs of ember.

"It's ok Evan" Alicia commanded Evan thats about to reach his sword.

The moment later Alicia invited Sylvon in their little camp the two of them talk about what's is his name where did he came from and such but all the answer is the same so that Sylvon had his personal information tightly hidden.

"I am a princess in this kingdom I'm amazed that there are people who doesn't know me in my father's territory" Alicia said while putting branches of woods into fire.

"Oh I'm sorry your highness I didn't recognized you.. I actually not from here so.. I didn't know what or who the rulers are" Sylvon explain.

"No need to be formal.. I understand that when you didn't recognize me foreigner" Alicia included.

"I am, but deeply embarrassed for what I did" Sylvon then gaze at Alicia. Alicia is a beauty her silky brown hair paired with hazelnut eyes, her smile imitate the suns warmness. But Sylvon can't fall easily, he had encounter such beuaty's in the past but all of them are nothing more than a gold digger an a betrayer.

'Such beautiful roses had thorns so sharp' Sylvon thought.

After a long interrogation like conversation that Sylvon take with princess Alicia, Slyvon finally had time alone in the cliff not far away from the camp the princess and his guards are.

'The guy in the full cloak. His one of the famous mercenary on this land, according to the princess the mercenaries don't pledge to anyone except the mercenary guild. That's why he could say whatever he wants in front of the princess huh?' he thought.

That night moon in it's brightest phase, a cold breeze that could enough to make anyone be relaxed.

Sylvon had felt sleepiness, so he find a conformable spot under the tree and sleep. It's dark, the consciousness is dark, Sylvon had dreamed something terrible.

The blood that spilled when a sword struck in his crest from his back the unfare betrayal that he didn't suspect at all. His friend.. his enemy.. the one he loathe the most.. that one he aims to kill.. unfortunately his not in this world..


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