
Crimson Eye

Kamikazuki_Kazuki · Fantasy
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2 Chs


The dawn of the day a man full of blood sit in the corner of the street. His cold eyes stare at a man in front of him. The man in tuxedo approach the dieing man.

"Look at you, pity one. How long does it seem to you that you could do something?" The man look at him with disdain after he spit at front of him.

The man laugh and then cough blood he look up and said "How foolish of me, I followed the wrong person all along".

'Ah... How foolish.. I didn't even think of it at all, I followed him with everything I can and then now.. Laurence Piltimon.. you will someday...' Brian thought as his last breath approached and send him to death.

Time passed by unnoticeably, the flow of the space doesn't affect his body the darkness filled his eyes he saw nothing, it was empty. Suddenly a breeze of cold wind passed, and once he reopen his eyes he saw the blue bright sky.

He find himself under a tree his eyes stretch out into horizon filled with dense amount of trees. He look at his hand and slap himself to insure his not dreaming.

"Ha.. HAHAHAHA!" He laugh monstrously "You damn Laurence! I will find you!" He shouts.

Brian had noticed that his body became more thinner and fragile, he noticed that somewhere in the forest there is a lake so he head there.

He encounter nothing while going deep into forest. Once he approach the lake he then mirror himself in the water to see a different face, he is shocked but rather than being sad he is happy that it wasn't the same face.

"Hm... Crimson red eyes.. and black hair guy, huh? Well it does look more handsome than the past one" he said while being captivated by his new body.

"In fully grown? But why... I don't have this body past memories?" He wonder. Throughout his past life he encounter many disasters monsters, dungeon, and ancient civilization.

"I wonder how big and exciting this world can be" he say while looking above the blue skies.

He suddenly felt something different in the air. He had felt it before it's a bloodlust he suddenly get his guard up.

'Fuck! What monster will I face in the very first day?!' he thought as he reach something on his back. But there's nothing in it.

'I forgot that I didn't have any weapon'

"Don't move or you'll head will separate on your body" a deep voice came from his back.

'His in my back? I didn't even felt someone approach me. He must be someone strong' he thought as he freeze.

"What's you name?" The man ask.

'My name.. Ha.. HAHAHAHA.. thats it I have to get a new name'

"My name is Sylvon"

"Sylvon? Where did you came from?" The man ask again.

'Why do he keep on interrogating me?' 

"Why do you want to know?" Sylvon said but he felt a slight coldness in his neck and more bloodlust has been released.

"You want to die huh?"